For me, it's Steins Gate!

For me, it's Steins Gate!
Ingenious writing, it's masterfully done plot pacing, character building and the way it's uses world lines not only as a primary plot mechanic but a metaphorical device to illustrate it's core themes.
Personal agency and self determination triumph over fatalism and determinism, while "cheesy" to some it is still relevant.That's why it's an inspiration that resonates with so many. it's writting that goes into Okabes is so complex and nuanced I could ramble on about it for hours. brilliantly well written characters highlighted by it's superb vocal direction, what else can I say? it's objectively perfect In all categories.

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stop spamming this fucking trash

You seem a little tense user

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it's good if you ignore the otaku culture stuff

Keep sucking off Lain you obsessed faggot

It's consistent with it's established rules in time travel too

If I hadn't seen it yet this wouldn't change my mind

Babies first time travel anime, as long you are new and retarded it will impress you but that's it.
Is literally just copypasted from YUNO.

This, op has probably seen less than a hundred anime

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S;G is literally custom-made for the normalfags incapable of critical thinking to believe it's a masterpiece.
>Very good production values.
>Meme-ready humor designed to be mindlessly shouted out of context. I am mad scientisto, tuturu and other shit that is a guaranteed success with idiots.
>"Not set in high school" and gritty aesthetic that distracts retards from realizing it's a cliched as fuck otaku-pandering date-sim.
>Zero-dimensional wikipedia-description-of-an-anime-cliche “characters” that impress people who’ve never seen anime before.
>"le sci-fi" that only consists of a bunch of buzzwords and lets a normalfag pretend they are very smart for consuming such content. At the same time, completely devoid of any actual substance that will make retards' head hurt and scare them away.
>Soapy melodramatic bullshit that checks the "it has FEELS so it's a masterpiece" checkbox in the NPC's operating systems.

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Steins Gate is too popular at the highschool you attend?

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>Ingenious writing
>Everybody suddenly remembers the other worldlines so they can undo the text messages

Pick one and only one

Stop watching it at 1.5 speed

Explain how Faris remembered her text message, and how Rukako remembered she was a he, and aproved changing back

Didn't Okabe say that everyone has reading steiner? That's a good question

There was a cop out explanation in the movie that everybody around Okabe starts gaining reading steiner but in steins gate zero you have to g that's thrown outbthe window

Shit, I forgot that was the movie

I love this series, but please stop spamming the board with these repetitive ass threads


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That wasn’t exclusive to the movie, it’s in the anime and VN originally



RS you dumbass.

Time travel animes are way cool but theres literally no hentai equivalent..
If they are done well ...they can be the sort of show you watch over 3-4 the whole twelve episodes..
Yet theres no adult time travel based hentai its not yhe best ..its just leaving the last episode with so many unanswered questions

Making your audience feel that they are smart is better then whitewashing everything dumbing everything down to the lowest poorfag denominator..Sara n jon.who are totally against time because thats anti patriarchal..anti jesus and anti tested in laboratories
To stay on topic your comment was amusing and i must gain as much mileage from it...
CERN the scary folks with the trillion dollar machine( that writers are convinced are up to something hair-raising) are the bullies who wont give up till their science bot has proven something worthy to the investors and dunderheads waiting for portals to be opened

Speak English you fucking ESL goblin

I love Mayuri!

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Ching chong choww
Sukiyaki mishi mushy....

The problem with steins...
Gate is that it tries to do too much
Not understanding that the same reason why her murder keeps recurring is the same reason why hero boy has to keep reversing time to fix things which is literally the treadmill thats controlling them so that they become immersed in their little worldly corridor and waste all that time when their literally could have been an easier way to get the machine and stop girlfriend from being splattered all over the laboratory



ok shut up lintahlo and tell me where are the japanese shaman girls

This show was so overrated

No one ever talks about robotics;notes but I liked it a lot. Akiho was devastatingly cute.

Steins gate is great and the people who don't agree are just salty fags whose shitty shows don't get as much attention.

95% of the fans wouldn't give a shit if it didn't have 10/10 character designs and the cast didn't check all the standard otaku appeal boxes. It's just not that good.

Still falseflagging? Rent free

>Mentions a completely unrelated show out of nowhere
>Calls anyone obsessed

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I've seen this a couple of times recently, S;G fans acting like its popularity is a kind of personal success of theirs, and liking it is something to take pride in. Maybe it really is the Rick and Morty of anime, not just by its reddit association.

look at her

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No it isn't. It just made up bullshit rules to justify whatever the plot needed to happen. Bunny Girl Senpai tier.

OP is based, Yas Forums is seething because they can't find a valid criticism against such a highly rated popular show

Clearly you haven't see the previous threads. Time travel in Steins;Gate makes no sense.
>highly rated
By whom?

akiho is adorable

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ITT: S;G falseflag cringe vs Aqua discord cringe

Nobody has explained in the previous threads why the time travel doesn't make sense, they just say it doesn't. Maybe you didn't understand the show user?

It randomly switches between giving Okabe the ability to change the past and telling him to fuck off. Not that hard to understand, I'm fairly sure you yourself understand it but don't want to admit S;G is a dumb show. It's good but it's honestly pretty dumb. It's the BTTF of anime.

No one does that shitposter-kun.

Falseflags like OP do



You have to go back


Stop spamming this, retarded falseflagger.

tuturu~ would you look at the time

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Mayuri's seiyuu is even better when her character is not a childish moe. Check Prison School

Uh oh

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