Which idea is dumber, Girls und Panzer or Cancolle?
Which idea is dumber, Girls und Panzer or Cancolle?
this thread
Kancolle because the ships are girls too
What is she eating?
Gup is not dumb but I am
A tank
Likes crocodiles
Check out her YAMATOs
Yukari tricked into false intel..
Taiyaki War!
What would sexy with Marie feels like?
Strike witches
Objects becoming/having sentient spirits/kami is actually a thing in Shinto.
Don't know if it's still done today, but there was a ritual to bury beloved toys of your childhood because of the believe they got something like a soul and just throwing them away would be disrespectful.
Also, there are pics of shipgirls from before/during WW2, the concept isn't new.
Marie is cake-sexual
Like sex with a fresh, warm sponge cake.
Oshida is cute
Oshida likes being spanked
Andou is the cutest
So now we wait for news about Das Finale 3?
Where is countdown user when we need him?
Tanks = obsolete shit
Botes = still useful
Therefore, KC > GuP
Yes, along with Oshida and Marie.
GuP, because Kancolle has a fantasy setting while GuP is trying to play it straight.
>passed out while streaming last night
Sorry anons, I got so close
What's that?
Andou singing is the best
If services like this exist, it certainly still is.
>trying to play it straight
Excuse me, what?
GuP has better waifus so...
both, also SW
GuP worked great though
She is best girl tho
While i'm more of a GuP fan, i wouldn't say that KC hasn't them.
D-do american girls really dress like this?
They're nothing like each other, in GuP the girls control the machines and in Kancolle the girls are the machines. Arpeggio of Blue Steel, where the girls are the boats and they control them, is way closer to GuP
The gup stream was great yesterday, its been while since I had that much fun in an anime
Kay is not American
I hope so
I know right. I gave up when the stream started lagging a ton halfway through das Finale 2 and it was almost 5am, but man it was fun. I'm totally looking forward to watching the whole thing with you fags again when das Finale 3 comes out.
Mmmm... marie pirouette and flipping ontop a tank
Yeah the wgole thing went until 4:30am my time, but it was worth it. Just gotta wait now ;_;
I got up around 9am my time and started watching and was half way thru das finale 1. Kinda sad I didn't get to see the Anzio episodes but watching finale 02 was fun.
Translate it weeb
Cheers for the stream yesterday, I had fun even if my danmaku got fucked half-way through and I missed most of the memeing
I hope you saw at least one DVCE wall
During the other thread, some user mentioned that Countdown user died after Das Finale 2 came out in Japan, was that a meme or did he actually die?
All we know the OG countdown user stopped doing it. Others picked up the torch tho
I saw one of the early ones in the Anzio episodes
For the glory of the DVCE
absolutely based and duce pilled
That's one sensual duce.
>in Kancolle the girls are the machines
They aren't exactly machines, more the spirits of machines in human bodies.
The ships they once were still exists (as wrecks).
Cancolle is trash
t. Increasingly nervous helicopter pilot for the last 60 years
your parents for giving birth to you
Those are the lyrics of "Maréchal, nous voilà !" ("Marshal, here we are!"), an ode to Maréchal Philippe Pétain, head of the collaborationist Vichy government during the german occupation of France. It's often associated with nostalgic far right leaning people who wished the good guys won WW2, saving us from modern degeneracy, hence the filename.
not him but thanks for the info user
>Botes = still useful
only as glorified runways for the superior planes, and escorts for said runway
Marie love
God I want to fuck Marie.