Ishuzoku Reviewers
Is this what sex feels like?
Just wanna say the Mr. Bones wild ride reference made me pause the episode a solid minute to get over laughing.
Pics or didn't happen.
wait what?
The witch at the end of the episode said
>Nebulae EX-PLO-SI-ON
or something like that
no fuck off that did not happen
I hope I'm not the only one who finds the catboy to be cute.
Would you?
That's a generic joke, breh
The translator probably saw the opportunity and took it. It's not particularly far fetched.
I would take the ghost, lay down outside near the brothel looking at the stars and ask her to whisper sweet nothings into my ear
The tavern boys are popular, so you're probably not alone.
Given the chance to live in IR world, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Even as an EOP I could tell she was doing Magical Girl parody shit rather than the Harry Potter parody shit the subs listed.
>hyena on piltia
>expecting any genuine Yas Forumsnon to know
>Hyena Girl 4th
>Beast Guy 5th
The fuck?
>doesn't even give you a bonejob as compensation for not having a pussy
How do I get my own Piltia?
i beat my dick raw to this episode today
elza topping piltia was 10/10 and that wasn't even in the manga
Yeah I'm really impressed with the quality of the anime only scenes. That was some premium shit.
I'm starting to fear that Truck-kun might be the only way.
Based #1 and #2 are the same as me except swapped
I will never get the #3 appeal
I guess it's because it's old baba dubbing her
>lizard wizard in 8th
Don't do it, the Truck-kun gacha is bullshit and might send you to the shittiest isekai worlds instead.
Every anime should get these kinds of upgrades.
>both futa's made top 5
the age of mainstream futa is here!
That was just the translator having fun, Brooz only says he's still recovering from the undead place. I don't think the skeleton's name is even Ms. Bones.
And they got repaid by being taken off online services. Hopefully the extra press that got them helps their sales.
Cute vampiress!
To me was the girl touching herself while watching them. Pretty good work with the adaptation
Amen. I'm thrilled with it
Save those parts for BDs if necessary.
Funi was as shit as everyone expected of them (imagine what would be their reaction to Piltia getting dicked this episode), but even though 2 TV stations dropped the show in nipland 3 ones picked it up later so I doubt they lost all that much.
Did anyone stitch the pan of their faces after sex
She's looking at (You).
As I jack off to (Her).
Did you expect any less from furries?
Brooz is a bro, dude. It's even in his name.
I'm pretty sure that's not why he ranked so well either but he's a cool guy nonetheless
You need to look into using something that can blend the frames together like Microsoft ICE or Photoshop. All your stitches have ugly seams.
To be fair any possible votes were also split between the lad's genderbent forms as well
Gonna work on that.
Thanks, senpai.
Is this a kerbal?
This week's episode was pretty shit to be honest. Didn't care for Crim going to a brothel to get his boyhole devastated and definitely didn't like the futa hyena girl getting another scene.
What are you, gay?
While I'm here. This is mainly to the user who did the early batch of stitches for the previous episode.
You need to set your stitching program to only reposition/rotate the images, don't use auto mode. Otherwise it will distort your images.
kinda late to ask but can someone stitch Tiaplate getting penetrated by the 2 sausages?
I like the 80s aesthetic eyes
It's kind of sad that Kanchal still has less votes with both forms combined.
Brooz had more lines than usual this time so I guess his fans will be satisfied. Ice the polar bear hybrid is a cutie.
What are the brothel themes we can expect from the next episodes?
Will we ever get a pregnant one?
I fell ashamed from myself to say that i cant jerk off to this anime because it aint no hentai
Is the AV director a demon like death abyss?
This is honestly my biggest gripe with adaptations. An anime adaptation is a second chance for the story to be told. Not only can you fix some mistakes and errors, but you can also add foreshadowing, extra scenes and overall make it better. But they don't do it, because of the silly mentality they have. They think manga is the holy bible, and they have no right to chance anything there. Just color in the panels, that's all. Hell, I have even seen adaptations that leave damn plotholes in. This is not being respectful to the source material, this is autism.
Keep it up guys!
I liked vento aureo's way of adding extra scenes and stuff.
>you'll never be either of these
Why must life be so full of pain
I wish that were me.
>Ratings were lightning strikes on tombstones
Shit was great this time around. Best ratings yet.
Is it just me, or does it seem like everyone from the seiyuu's, to the staff, seem to have so much fun making this show. I have no idea why, for some reason I feel some sort of positive energy coming off of this project. Like everyone is giving it their all. Also, japanese culture is all about censoring the good stuff and shaming sex. Meanwhile this show is doing everything against that. So I wonder, will this show go down in Japanese history, as a counter culture classic?
I can't name a single flaw with this show, but I'm not sure if it's truly a 10/10 experience.
>average saturday night
>ishuzoku threads hit the bump limit in under 3 hours
>this week's episode drops
>mostly about crim being gay and the furry tranny again
>thread moves slower than molasses and
really gets the noggin joggin
Anons, I'm serious here. This isn't a joke or some attention whoring post. I don't care if anyone replies to it or not. You are listening to my truest thoughts, my truest feelings. I'm in my bed, crying and contemplating suicide because of this show. Why? Because I know this will never be real. Not only the monster girls part, but just the overall friendly, comfy and nice world they are in. I have no friends, no bros, all the girls I know are mean bitches. Not only that, but I also look outside, only to see a run down neighbourhood, pollution, violence, selfishness, fear, anxiety and hate. This show made me realize that this world is worthless. There is nothing good in this world, just polished turds all around. There is no reason to keep on living, because nothing will change, nothing will get better. Existence is pointless. Reviewers made me realize that this world is not comfy, nice, sexy and warm. And thus I see no reason to go on. There is nothing in this world, that is worth living for, no goal that is worth it. Reviewers presented an utopia so bright, that it took the meaning out of reality. Please tell me I'm not the only one who went into deep depression, after realising that it will never be real?
I can name one major flaw right away.
It's going to end.
People are too busy fapping, come back once everyone's having their post-nut afterglow
I don't think it can be judged like that. It's not some big show with an ongoing plot and deep characterization. But, it is doing what it set out to do, extremely well. I think it's flawless in its own weight class.
Another great episode.