Fuck you

All right then I was browsing this shit last night and found some faggot was calling Chariot a "Mary Sue".

Nigga, your bitch ass wouldn't know what a Mary Sue would be even if you were sucking her dick.

If you want to see someone who's the closet thing to a Mary Sue, look no further than Diana Cavendish. Blame fucking Otsuka for being a waifufag or Yoshinari for not throwing her more into tge mud, I ain't here for bullshit.

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diana is evil

She hot tho

diana is a tree


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Like an educated prostitute.

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I miss this autist

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Shut up commie

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>works hard to get her powers back
>mary sue

I miss the user who translated that fan doujin of post series Croix and their little adventure, showed some character development we'll probably never see because Trigger does not do sequels and Croix is in prison

Chariot/Ursula was made for throatfucking.

Did she actually do anything wrong though?

yes fuck me

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>It takes her a few months to recover her powers and become even stronger.
You know, mary sues"hardships" are easily overcome and only make them look even better.

Literally in the future

>Elite millenarial background
>Privileged status despite economical crisis
>Had all the adequate implements and was surrounded by people that allowed her to regain her powers
>Loved and respected by the 98% of the school, including teachers

What Diana has is diligence. But you can't tell me she's an underdog. Her using the Shiny Rod at some point would have cemented her as a Mary Sure, so she basically dodged a bullet.

Yes? She almost started a world war by making people lose their minds.

Its not like she meant to do that

Goddammit, I miss Ursula.

Still mad this faggot never helped us campaign for a Chariot nendo.

But well, that's to be expected from a Dianafag.

You can't be serious.

She didn't meant to destroy the world, but she did use people as Guinea pigs and developed all that dangerous magitek in the first place.

Shouldnt chariot be in a prison too then? she helped her and blew up the moon.

Putting aside almost destroying Europe, she did attempt to kill Akko twice.

Being a salty BITCH and not being able to digest not being selected by the Rod, backstabbing who was probably the only actual friend she had and claiming that the government gives stuff "for free"

There's a reason why Chariot Du Nord became Ursula Callistis, user. Only Holbrooke knew her real identity until it was revealed to others.

to be fair that selection was bullshit

We don't know what happened shortly after the moon accident, assuming Croix tried to damage control by erasing some memories, she probably ended up running away anyway and leaving Chariot with all the blame (which is technically true, since she was the one who shot the nuke), and given she had to change to a new identity, things haven't been smooth during those 10 years.

It wasn't.

Both Akko and Chariot were better candidates because they lacked what Croix and Diana have.

And Diana and Croix never got selected because they lack what Akko and Chariot have.

As far as I'm concerned (and assuming), Chariot has been fugitive all these years. It's just simply something that hasn't been properly fleshed out because the show was about Akko and because Yoshinari wanted to keep that background for any future chance to properly tell it.

>because they lacked what Croix and Diana have.
So you have to be retarded to be accepted?

It's less about being retarded and more about self-discovery and on how their passion is being projected. Neither Chariot nor Akko had releasing the Triskelion as goals.

The Databook even started that Chariot was destined to have the rod.

so is it safe to assume there is never going to be anything else from this series ever again? No season 2 or movie from this point on?

Who knows? Maybe after BNA, in 3 years or so.

did anyone translate the guidebook that came out a few years ago?

I think sending Akko up the curse tree was nothing but pure spite and/or sending her to die.

Which country do you think the missile was flying to?

Nah, Chariot and Akko only wanted magic to help people and make life better.

Diana and Croix deep down were looking for making themselves more powerful. Woodward only wanted someone who would actually try to help humanity actually use the staff.

I think this is why the game was made. That is a shitty game but a good sim that shows off every character and all corners of the school. It was made to be a love letter to fans since the series was done.

What went so wrong?

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Cute and canon.

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The ministry of magic goons are only letting her be free because of Holbrooke.

Most likely but only to an extent. We are talking from the moment the Moon Event started and what developed from there. Chariot still had to change her identity. It could have been something only certain people of the magical ministry knew and allowed.

Reminder that no one in the school staff knee she was Chariot aside, of course, Holbrooke.

Also maybe no one else has any idea who shot the moon. They might know some witch somewhere did it, but no one discovered the truth and has no leads.

why didn't akko have amanda also turn her into a boy when they stuck into appleton academy instead of a mouse?

No asians allowed.

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The spell was Metamorphie Vestiesse, not Metamorphie Faciesse. What Amanda did was to cross dress, not literally turn into a boy.

That kind of magic probably is a type of Metamorphie that's way too advanced an complex to do.

Only the people present at the show (whose minds weren't erased by Croix) know.

My guess is that some functionaries that did manage to arrive to the place found out it was her, but everything got complicated.

Croix probably fucked off.

Because Akko thought she could cover more ground as something incognito when in reality the animators really love drawing Akko as different animals namely because of all the animal akko sketches Yoshimari has and has had since Akko's very conception all those years ago. Why you could even say Michiru the Protagonist of BNA is an Akko as animal sketch that took on a life of it's own and that's fantastic because Yoshimari has been wanting to do an animal people story for the longest

On that note, I'm still very disturbed that people drew porn of mouse Akko during the airing of the episode she appeared in, like what the hell?

Yoshinari and Trigger are busy with BNA user.

Because it was a clothing transformation. And Akko would just look like a tiny asian girl in a tux if she tried it

That's kinda cute,user.

I love Diana

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So does akko

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Dilate, all of you.

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