Jojo 6 Stone Ocean

>first chapters
>just another jojo
>oh hey, i actually like Jolyne
>wacky wacky jojo things but i guess it's fine because it's jojo after all
>father Pucci seems fine because he isn't physically ovepowered
>oh hey Jotaro as a father, cool
>last two chapters

Why, why would you kill them like that, why would you do dirty like that to father and daughter, at least just kill Jotaro, fucking Emporio took literally eons to realize tha he had the key to defeat Pucci for fucks sakes, why couldn't it be that Made in Heaven stored time so you kill it and we have just Jolyne back or something, or was Araki just desperate to finish it so he could make Steel Ball Run? if so he could have made so that the world is fucked up to a stone age like state because of Pucci or something but why, why would you make Jolyne so useless, the good guys literally lost.

S-so, this is what tragedies or bad writting are... i literally can't tell if i'm mad, sad or both. Also, now i see why people think that this is the worst part, i mean it could just another average Jojo, but not with that end.

What do you think of Stone Ocean? Should i read Steel Ball Run? I'm binge reading Jojo right one so i will probably do, but i need some time at least.

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Stone Ocean is unironically my favorite arc in JoJo. So far at least, as I'm still reading Steel Ball Run.

I enjoyed part 6 a lot. Pucci was a great villain to finish off the rivalry between the Joestars and Dio.

I'm guessing araki was tired of sequel baggage.

Steel ball run is ok. It doesn't reach the craziness of Part 6. It's pretty mundane.

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Emporio needed Pucci to push the disc in because it wasn't fated to happen. But Pucci was outside of fate and could defy it. Also the good guys didn't lose. Pucci didn't accomplish his goal and everyone is alive again, just in somewhat different forms.

What chapter you on bud?

Honestly i felt the same way but after thinking a while
The new universe thing was fucking awesome
Stone Ocean was the first thing I've ever read where the good guys have a just as shitty ending as the bad guys
It was terrible for both of them and I fucking love it

>first chapters
>just another jojo
>oh hey, i actually like Jolyne
>wacky wacky jojo things but i guess it's fine because it's jojo after all
>father Pucci seems fine because he isn't physically ovepowered
>oh hey Jotaro as a father, cool
>last two chapters

What the fuck are you even mumbling about?

they play dirty to my girl, she deserved better

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>too stupid to comprehend ending

After putting off the manga for a while I finally completed part 6 from colored adventure. I liked it just fine but I do rank it pretty low compared to others (4 > 5 > 2 > 3 > 6 > 1).

The reasons are:
1.) It has the worst stand fights on average compared to parts 3, 4 and 5. There are some good fights ofc but many them are rehashes of stuff we've already seen, kinda lame and/or have stands that are too ridiculous even for Jojo standards lol. This is the main one for me, the other reasons are a bit nitpicky but Jojo is in part a succession of fights so if I don't find the fighting or stands that interesting it brings the part down for me.

2.) I didn't like Pucci's plan. I liked the result and objective but the way we got there was weird. DIO's bone turns into trees, then into a baby, then Pucci fuses with the baby, then he has to go to a very specific location on a specific day and the stand evolves twice to a totally unrelated stand with the exact power he wants. Like, how the hell did DIO figure out all that would happen? Just felt off to me.

3.) The DIO from the flashbacks doesn't feel like the same dude from parts 1 and 3 to me. I've heard the theory that the flashbacks are Pucci's idealized version of him but I still don't buy it.

4.) The crew were all somewhere between fine and great (well, Emporio is kinda meh) to me but it never truly felt like a group (except for a short part when it was just Jolyne/Hermes/F.F.). This would be fine, but the story was pretending like they were a tight group and it wasn't presented that way. The highlight of this is when Hermes cries over Weather Report's death even though they never interacted on panel (and if you pay attention to the timeline, there's not a lot of room for them to even interact off panel). I can't buy those moments if I don't buy their relationship.

Can't wait for the animeonlies reactions

DIO is the same as usual retard. He's always sweet talking people to get them to his side. Did you even read part 1?

Part 6 was great. Even if you're too stupid to appreciate the ending, the rest of the part is great

This. Gonna be crazy

Everyone is going to die from Coronavirus, user.

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ABSOLUTELY read Steel Ball Run, it's usually regarded by the western audience as the best part (part 5 seems to be the favourite in Japan), and it's certainly my favourite
everything feels a bit more grounded, which makes the stakes feel higher, and it's got one of the best finale's in the franchise, comprised of several varied and unique fights combined with a great antagonist and a unique ending

I won't be more specific for spoiler reasons, but by the time you finish it, you will be really happy that you did

I don't see the problem, why does Jolyne losing ruin it for you if you enjoyed everything before that? It's a decent conclusion to everything that's happened up to that point. Did you get this mad at the end of Phantom Blood too?

Why would he? Phantom Blood's ending was great.

Jolyne's husband is cute

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Jolyne's husband is anyone with a cock.

*hits pipe*

But that's not Giorno

>Stone Ocean was the first thing I've ever read where the good guys have a just as shitty ending as the bad guys
Good guys: Forget everything in exchange for better lives.
Bad guy: Erased from existence.

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Crazy Diamond is put in a smithing table with netherite. What new powers does he gain and how strong is he?

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>I know Araki’s work better than Araki himself!

That was pretty much every scene with Shadow DIO especially when he was talking to Enyaba.

same powers but now it has its abilities extended onto the molecular level. Meaning he can punch people and rearrange their atoms and change them into a clump of iron if he wanted. JoJos full metal adventure

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That's her great-great-great-uncle, you sick fuck!

Based hairposter.


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Dragon's Dream is the only bad portion of Part 6.

She is married only to Anasui
Shut up incestfag

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Reckon they'll give Anasui a completely different colour scheme so people won't confuse him with Diavolo?

Hopefully not.

they literally aren't the same people tho

because Jolyne didn't won, i wanted her to defeat Pucci i guess, dying to him not even as a sacrifice to actually defeating him makes me feel kind of sad

>not even as a sacrifice to actually defeating him
It was.

Hopefully, he looks better blue.


but too indirectly
come on, i'm mad okay, probably tomorrow i will be less retarded about this

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Nobody would say that Zepelli beat Tarkus or that Kakyoin beat DIO.

Why is Jolyne so obsessed with sex?

Nobody would say that Josuke beat Kira.

I would.

Kira would've succeeded if not for Jotaro and Koichi saving the day after Josuke became too injured to stop him from reactivating BTD.

I was rereading bites the dust and kira is literally an alien
Who the fuck talks like this to their parent

Kira was only able to try to reactivate BTD because the paramedics got involved. Remove the outside interference from both sides and Josuke was winning.

Araki cannot write natural dialogue to save his life and this flaw sticks out like a sore thumb in the most """down to earth""" part.

But that's not Jotaro



Cringe but based

user, you don't get. they died, but that action was undone at the end. when pucci dies, he's deleted from history, which means DIO never left any legacy to keep haunting the joestars, which means jotaro could live a normal life and raise his daughter, now called irene (which means she's not "cursed" with the jojo vs DIO feud). the story is the same, and the irene at the end is just a happy jolyne

in that way, part 6 is more of a bad dream, and in some way it was all a bad dream only emporio remembers. the "ireneverse" is not a new universe, is the same one. same events, just a happy and free jotaro/irene

>which means DIO never left any legacy to keep haunting the joestars
What about his other minions?

>girl with daddy issues is obsessed with sex
put two and two together, user

what other minions?

Johngalli A

without pucci he never does anything

That doesn't sound like anything Araki stated. I think you just made it up.

you almost got me, but sorry, no more (You)s until you do better

Fine by me. Stopping your replies mean you've ran out of arguments, which means I won.

>stated. I think you just made it up.
> Anonymous 03/07/20(Sat)21:54:15 No.200054043▶
>you almost got me, but sorry, no more (You)s until you do better

What is going on?