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Not at all.

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why was this scene so out of place and bad?

Still looks better than 99% of Promare.

poor budget management

Oh fuck off, it's totally fine in context.


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even in context it does not look good. most of the cg stuff in klk looks really good; but this one definitely doesn't. it's by far the wrost looking part of it.

I enjoyed it. Fuck Yas Forums contrarianism.

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Ryuko should've fucked Satsuki in the ass

i like it too user!

It doesn't look amazing but it conveys what it wants to and transitions well between the scenes before and after. The fun thing about KLK is that there is something happening at all times, even if it's a compromise. It's one I gladly take for such an experience.

It's one of my favorites.

Trigger fanatics are mentally ill.


Trigger being too confident in CGI at the time and falling flat on their face.

This is the first fight with the antagonist, it was supposed to be the best animation with probably most of the budget investment. It's even worst in context.

the fucking best!

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And they're Yas Forumsermin filth.

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We had the same premise in P&S with them fighting vertically on the school building against the antagonists and the scene is executed much better.

>It doesn't look amazing
That's a huge understatement, Trigger-drone.

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>it was supposed to be the best animation with probably most of the budget investment
How dare a studio breaks the tradition for once of making everything besides one fight scene look bland. It was still a great fight overall too.

KLK is much more detailed than PSG. Or at least in more moments.

I thought this was meant to look comedic. It enhanced my experience atleast.

Anti spiral return when folks???

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>not only it was shit on purpose, it also broke new grounds!
Do I... really have to reply to this? I think I'm just gonna leave, there is no value to be gained by this discussion.

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Duh. It's the anime of the decade.

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>annos been foreshadowing trigger cinematic universe since DAY 1
>Promare takes place in klk universe
>Promare and life fibers are separate aliens.
lmao fuck trigger

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>>Promare takes place in klk universe
Does it?

Yeah keep watching your boring static shots with mouth flapping and maybe one better animated fight scene every few episodes. If it's worth for you.

>>Promare takes place in klk universe
>>Promare and life fibers are separate aliens.
Do you have brain damage?

>People still trying to call this a QUALITY moment.
It was conscious decision. Nobody watched the making of doc. Naka and co literally told the cg animators to make things look jankier for sake of style after the whole fight had been done properly already. And no it didn't save money because the technique used for most fights involved strategically deleting 1/2 the rendered frames after they had been rendered. They spent more money to make it look like that. Just like in comedy where not every joke lands there are choices in art that people just won't like.

No. Trigger have said for the game KLK will never have crossover because its "special" to them and they don't want to mix things into that show, and the committee that owns the rights is pretty controlling about it. There would need to be a big shift in opinions for that to happen.

It was great

>if they spent more money on it than it's not QUALITY
That's not how it works. knowing the thought process behind it doesn't change the result one bit. It sucks!

its the same anime.
>thee fyre ayys
cmon now

Have you seriously nothing better to argue about than 3 seconds of janky CGI?

If only people could agree it's bad without drones defending everything Trigger touches.

God I wish that were me

Oh shit its
promare 2019 :0
wow! sugoi! cool!
Yeah they should
make another OVA
These are the same guys that made
a "Turd Ghost," love interest mind you.

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It doesn't matter if it was a conscious decision, nor was anyone calling it QUALITY. The fact of the matter is KLK is constantly bad in every regard with the visuals being an endless assault upon your eyeballs.

Attached: Shit tier animation but it's stylized so you'll defend it to death also nice backgrounds.gif (540x305, 2.06M)

Anno has nothing to do with Trigger or "cinematic universes"
Promare doesn't take place in the KLK universe
The Luluco crossover has nothing to do with how I assume cinematic universe like Marvelshit are handled, it's his own separate thing and the show themselves have nothing to do with each others.
There aren't even aliens in Promare

So I ask you again, do you have brain damage?


>He can't recognize the stench of annos uncircumcised Cock

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I've seen more people complain that there are people complaining about this anime than actual people complain about this anime.

>オタク達さん: 頂きます、ご馳走さま!

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Absolutely. I also have severe crippling autism.

L I T!

Dropped after 4 terrible episodes

I loved it

The whole point of KLK is that it combines seriousness and non-seriousness. You're literally complaining about a cartoonish scene in a show that's about clothes being aliens. Oh, but it was in the middle of a supposedly serious fight right? is right, it's so out of place!
Clothes being aliens is in the middle of an existential exposition about human evolution, that latters tips into "the purpose of the universe" territory. The whole show is like this. It's both serious and not serious. That's what makes it so good.

No, and I'm glad its over so the board doesn't have 20+ KlK threads up all day


Yes I did.

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it's garbage

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oh yeah, needed to be more visually empathetic

it's the fucking best

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That's fucking retarded

t. dopamine addict

From top to bottom on the left column explain each point made.

definitely, who would actually enjoy what they watch?

I didn't think it looked out of place, I think it looked like shit.

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fucking crossboarders

he's right, you know