Have retarded chess boards become some kind of inside joke in the anime industry? It happens every fucking time

Have retarded chess boards become some kind of inside joke in the anime industry? It happens every fucking time.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.50_[2020.03.07_11.52.06].jpg (1280x720, 83.94K)

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nah, they're just playing chess 960

>Pawns in the backline.
They should just make them play Shogi

>Super smart character is chess master
>Character's moves are never shown
Every fucking time

Checkmate happened more in anime than in real life

>bottom right corner is black

Attached: u5.png (276x318, 105.24K)

Somebody shop a king next to a pawn and Code Geass subs on this.

Tbf one or two moves are not enough to show a brilliant strategy.

What kind of gambit is this for both kings to be exposed so much

>knowing the rules of chess
fuck off nerds

you gotta keep your king in the center during the endgame, user

Why are there three white bishops?

>I know rules of chess
>still suck at it because I have neither the strategy nor patience

Attached: sumi cry.jpg (1115x1600, 459.77K)

>Chess master
>Goes for scholar's mate


One of the white pawns got promoted?

Can a pawn stay as a pawn if it reaches the end of the board?

it actually can, but there isn't any reason to do so because a pawn can only move forward.

this position would be possible if they were playing crazyhouse, which is like normal chess but when you capture a piece you gain it and you can place it anywhere on the table whenever it's your turn

Attached: fnm1wr0t1x411.png (1686x1040, 203.22K)

This is what happens when you learn the rules from a neural network trained on shitposts.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Magia Record - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.24_[2020.02.29_18.40.23].jpg (1280x720, 80.1K)


Is there a good reason to promote a pawn to anything other than a queen?

Are there 3 white bishops? Or is the moure rounded head of the piece in the middle supposed to be the queen?

Maybe only to handicap yourself.

Maybe a knight because of their irregular movement.

yea, for example there are positions where you can only checkmate with a knight. I also saw a blitz game once were a guy was promoting all of his pawns into bishops to avoid stalemate. if he turned his pawns into queens he would have had to make more calculations to mate his opponent and there was very little time.

Attached: 8_5P1k_8_3B3K_3B4_8_8_8.gif (284x284, 4.21K)

So it'd go, rook d6, queen d6, and then white would put a knight in f5 on his next turn?

If they just copied some grandmaster's game would that be acceptable?

They did this in Guilty Crown where they grabbed a position from a Fischer v. Petrosian match

Attached: [Commie] Guilty Crown - 15 [E526E28E].mkv_snapshot_09.28_[2012.02.04_16.05.09].jpg (1280x720, 79.15K)

No it can't. It has to promote. It's true that Law XIII used to allow it (along with promotion to a piece of a different colour) but that was from the 19th century and is no longer the case.

Underpromotion to knight is mainly done with check to the opposing king, sometimes with mate, sometimes to stop the opponent from making a move that would disadvantage you (e.g. Lasker trap). Rarely would it be done without check; in the case of Zurakhov–Koblencs it was to prevent the opposing knight from capturing the promoted piece with a fork. Underpromotion to rook or bishop has so far been only to avoid stalemate (e.g. Saavedra position). It's theoretically possible to use it to induce stalemate in an otherwise losing position but no such examples are known so far.

t. patzer

It was done for Go in Hikaru no Go so I don't see why not.

well you can't place a piece on a square that's occupied, but yeah you could do something like that. you can on the top right that black has a lot of piece that he can put on the table. if it's black's turn he could put a bishop on f3, white king has to go to g2, and then black can put a rook on h1 and it's mate (unless i'm missing something). but if it's white's turn he could place a queen on f2, black king to e4, then white rook to h4, black has to take the rook with the pawn, then queen to f4 mate.

>along with promotion to a piece of a different colour
Does this have any practical use other than to try forcing a stalemate?

This one?

No idea, but it showed how Law XIII could be interpreted in ridiculous ways. The king also used to be able to castle with a newly promoted rook on the e-file before a later law specified that both pieces have to be on the same rank.

yeah this one, I think I saw it when he was streaming it.

is gungi more complex than chess?

Attached: uGP1C3Ut3gpYJPPH-Pv_6_MHT-ewKrh6xE7DVYYxVxE.jpg (1500x785, 67.32K)

This is like the DQ:Your Story threads were people are like "They clearly don't know how fictional VR technology is suppose to work. My suspension of disbelieve is ruined because I am the expert and write all the rules"

But here's it's like "They're playing chess because I say so, even though I'm not the author. "

Chess games will often get dealt with and broken down in the papers once a week in the sports section. Beyond that if you're just looking for the ascetics you can run two bots against one another and get somewhat normal positions to reference for anime.

Though using chess as a metaphor or visual shorthand for intelligence is silly when chess is mostly pattern recognition and computers are functionally unbeatable at this point.

An example of a useful underpromotion, and the only known example with check.
1.a8R+! wins for White whereas 1.a8Q+ results in stalemate after Kb4 2.Qb7+ Kc3 3.Qxb1.

Attached: minor06.gif (180x180, 4.76K)

Clarification: underpromotion to rook (or bishop, but those are rarer).

>But here's it's like "They're playing chess because I say so, even though I'm not the author. "
Are you implying the game in OP's pic isn't chess?

Even had to have Rybka capture one of his bishops to avoid being done in by the 50 move rule, too.

Attached: 79A34FCC-9F8D-4E2E-9D9A-E0432985B25C.jpg (800x450, 118.2K)

I thought that was weird, I was thinking he just misclicked, I forgot about the 50 move rule. my chess skills are getting rusty, I haven't played in a while.

It means like wisdom and shit.

fite me

im a real fucking man im gonna blitz you with the greatest strategy ever

thats right you didnt think id just straight up move your king to my king and slay you myself you little bitch did you

Reminds me of the guy who offered a draw twice and got turned down both times only to later declare a draw by the 50 move rule.

Sure, far better than having random boards with impossible games.

>tfw you are too stupid to play chess or shogi

hurts everyday,bros

Attached: 88IFdxR.jpg (1280x720, 154.17K)

In a queenless endgame, the king becomes an attacking piece.

>be me
>want to learn Mahjong
>watch Akagi
>learn the basics
>everything went better than expected

>some time later
>want to learn shogi
>watch Ryuuou
>it's not actually about shogi
>learn nothing
I am still mad.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Ryuuou no Oshigoto! - 04 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_13.43_[2019.08.03_01.14.20].jpg (1920x1080, 247.75K)

Actual chess anime when?

It can't be, because that position could only result from two illegal moves (and the board being show upside-down from the way you'd expect to see it).

Chess does not permit the board to be in a state that can only be reached by two illegal moves, as when you play an illegal move you are not permitted to pass play to your opponent and you have to play a legal move before the game can continue.

shogi is fairy chess

after this failure, never
I wanted to like this so bad but the writer was just garbage

Attached: banjou-no-polaris-22915.jpg (350x523, 92.55K)

I want an actual competitive TCG anime. Just the pure antithesis of Yugioh. I want to see characters struggling over card resources, with decks that get streamlined as they play, and with devastating plays that aren't outright bad/meme plays for the sake of theatrics combined with retard players who can't just stamp them out. Literally 100% of TCG anime and like 99% of TCG manga/LN are just showy or advertisements, I want one series that's just like, full-on Autism with something like Force of Will, where someone'll note the potency of Baha Blast and how certain builds will invariably require you slot in cards to counter them.

Does this one count?

Attached: 1462272255193.jpg (951x4550, 1.86M)

That definitely is a step in the right direction, comical as it may seem. What series is this?

Disregard this post, Yandex pulled through. No need to spoonfeed this peasant today.

There's Ryuuou no Oshigoto... It's shogi but, close enough... Was pretty good and had cute lolis to boot.

just show some common opening or a normal position to at least pretend some knowledge

With that many pawns in play putting your king anywhere near the center is suicide.

This one is horrendous, the move order is wrong.

If it's whites move he can just take the Queen with the knight and basically win the game.