Ranma 1/2 thread

Ranma chan > Shampoo > Akane >>> Ukyo.

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Ranma > Shampoo > Nabiki = Kasumi > All

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you have a shit taste user

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Nabiki >Ukyo > Kasumi > Shampoo > Kodachi > Akane

Kasumi > Ukyo > Akane > Nabiki > shit (You) shampoo & kodachi

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>Nabiki >


Did the anime had a final episode?I II never saw it on tv as a kid

Yeah, Ranma’s mom visited.

Nabiki > Shampoo > Kasumi > Ukyo > Ranko > Kodachi >>>>> Akane

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Sexiest Rumiko Takahashi girl

Still waiting for magedon to finally draw a pic focused on Nabiki

Kikyo >>>>>>>>>>>>> ALL

Too sad, cant get a boner

That would never happen.

This 100%.
Nabiki is the hottest anime girl of the 80s and 90s

Why is Yas Forums obsessed with ranma lately? did boomers find this place again?

I can agree with this statement

its been like this since i can remember

>implying it hasn't always been like this
>implying zoomers don't like ranma

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Herb >>>>>>>>> all

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99% of zoomer weebs haven't even seen TTGL, none of them know about ranma.

the majority of the current users in Yas Forums are zoomers and still most people here like ranma

>the majority of the current users in Yas Forums are zoomers

On pol and vg maybe

No love for Hinako-sensei.

on the majority of the boards tho, specially Yas Forums



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full mast

Tsubasa > Kodachi > Nabiki > Ukyo > Akane > Shampoo > Kasumi

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into the trash she goes

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The episodes with the corset had me hard the entire time.
>putting Nabiki or Kodachi first
Great taste
>Ukyo or Kasumi
>Shampoo or Akane
Free space

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>Why is Yas Forums obsessed with ranma lately?
Why not?

adult Hinako is a top-tier cake

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>Ranma chan > Shampoo
Debatable. I would say Shampoo is better
>Akane > Ukyo

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For me it's the leotard episodes. Also
Ranma > Nabiki > Ukyo > Kodachi > Kasumi > Shampoo > Akane

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reminder that akane did nothing wrong and ranma was always an absolute cunt


Something that you see more as you grow older that it's fun how they push each others' buttons. It really is as their fathers said in the first episode how they bicker is like how a couple truely is. You know that Ranma's going to split that non-swimming, terrible cooking tsun-tomboy in two after one too many slaps to the face or bonks to the head.

Attached: Ranma TV - 136 [BD-rip 1440x1080 x264 FLAC].mkv_snapshot_07.05_[2020.02.02_21.06.34].png (1212x913, 1.91M)

no good anime allowed on Yas Forums, only seasonshit

Akane's just an undercover dyke

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Akane is a filthy tomboy and deserves all the shit Ranma gives her.

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Akane is totally sex, though

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That is an insult to tomboys

Oh Nabiki, you're so mean!

God I love her!

Why is Ranma surging everywhere recently? It's not like there's been new ovas or any new material at all.

I have honestly never fallen in love with a fictional character until i saw Ukyo. How does she do it?

And all across latin america there's been a surge as well, airing on public tv there.

Even in Spain they are releasing the series in BD and i think France had a new version of the manga recently with extra stuff like Q&As where Shampoo was declared as the strongest of the girls (which is bullshit since Ukyo is the best and the strongest).

It's a curious phenomenon but obviously I'm not complaining.

I figure it's probably because Nabiki's been posted around a lot and that that's either garnered new interest in the series or advertised that there are threads happening to the people who were previously unaware.
Also, probably something to do with this

>perfect housewife
>perfect cook
>has her own business
>nice body
>beautiful eyes
>adorable hairbow
>absolutely cute
>literally the most mature and rational character in this series
she is perfect

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oh and I forget
>hiromi tsuru

God i love Ranma, that's my favorite episode.

I was about to correct the fuck out of this thread’s shitty rankings, but I see you have already done so with flawless precision.

Thank you for making the world a better place, user-kun