
Do you think Rebuild 4 will mark the return of cute and canon?

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It will have the actual cute and canon

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Yeah I’m sure it will.


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It’s clear Shinji doesn’t like asuka. When Asuka suggested kissing she wanted him to kiss her back. He didn’t because he knew rei was best girl.
I alternatively support this.


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>Caring what (((scholmo))) thinks about you and your mother
Good goy.

sounds like someone hasn't done enough cocaine

Reifaggot please.

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Freud is entirely pseudoscience. This isn’t even a debate. The only reason we care about him at all is because of pseudo-intellectuals who push his narrative despite literally ALL of his ideas having being debunked repeatedly. You’re the one on cocaine if you believe any of this hack’s bullshit.

He didn't understand kissing back was expected of him. He obeyed the exact permission Asuka gave him because he's afraid of being hated and doesn't know taking liberties is ambiguously okay sometimes.

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>doesn’t refute argument or evidence from NGE
>calls me faggot
>Insert smug anime girl here

I don't know anything else, but the one thing that I'm hoping and praying for is that Rebuild 4 will be the end of the Evangelion franchise. It's time to stop.

ewww, fuck off

>28th most profitable IP in the world
>stopping anytime soon
It's still basically a license to print money. Look forward to Eva gacha soon

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>Happy ending.
>In Evangelion.

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t. Dumb rat

End of Eva felt like a somewhat hopeful ending

I think they started up Anima again for promotion at about the same time they announced a date for the last movie, probably that won't reach a second good place to conclude until after Rebuild, and you'll still have to hear about English releases of it. Gainax would put out a game or an AU manga to coincide with movie releases, Khara might do that too now just because it's money on the table.

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>he didn't read the manga

>Everyone is dead
>Only two children alive in a fucked world
>Shinji tries to kill Asuka in disturbed moment
>Hopeful ending


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After the tremendous bitch Asuka has become between 2 and 3, and outright hates Shinji now? Unlikely.

bless this artist

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It's been said before but I'll say it again: They should go the Gundamn route
Make enough spin-offs and alternate takes of the setting under the direction of up-and-coming junior showrunners and even if they vary wildly in quality it'll get the bad taste of the Rebuilds being the one official follow-up to NGE out of peoples' mouths.

That's why I'm hoping. At least end their story respectfully. They already spat at in with the decision to make a Rebuild.

Shit's artistic. Look at that token Rei's discarded at the bottom, with the pitiful Rei on the ground and the Rei that Shinji actually got to know looking to him and ignored to cling to the blank slate Rei just out of storage.

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Hang on, isn't the REAL Shinji still in EVA-01 with Rei? Like, the one in Rebuild 3 was a clone, right?

I don't remember anything to indicate he was a clone. Where are you getting this from?

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Anno said he wants somebody else to continue Eva after Rebuild.

I'm thinking more went on between removing Cassius from EVA-01 and sending it to space in a guarded prison coffin, like Shinji was the only thing still left in there. Gendo has no interest in reclaiming the Eva and he stopped referring to it as Yui, he's talking to Lilith's severed head now, and Shinji's simulated to have 0% synch with EVA-01 after it had just awakened in space in response to Asuka calling to him and he can clearly still synchronize and awaken other Evas.

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>Return of of cute ShinAsuka
>When the End of Eva film made the point that Shinji and Asuka were incompatible

believe in cute & canon

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You lost, bro.

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>tumblr filename
As expected of Reitards

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>Being so insecure you have to change names you download from Google because you want to approval of 4channelers
Damn you really want to be like Asuka, huh?

>not already having an enormous cache of pictures to use for your Yas Forums posting

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No, TV version was their best chance and it didn't happen in the manga at all. Rebuild is so far into its own crazy that expecting any kind of "shipping" bullshit is a waste of time. On the plus side the Shinji VN is fully translated so you can have fun with that I guess.

Not sure if serious, but as a former reitard you need to relax.

If Anno misses out on the last movie, it's the end

Incest on Yas Forums is only an issue if it involves Eva or Oreimo. And in Eva's case you only barely have a case in the first place.

I accept your concession.

I'm not the user you were talking to.

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>implying either of these mean anything in any capacity

>Incest on Yas Forums is only an issue if it involves Eva or Oreimo
The countless amounts of Kirino dick sucking threads prove you wrong though. If there is one thing Yas Forums can be relied on is its nack for being contrarian.


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Oh yeah there's still plenty of Kirinofaggotry, but the whole "incest bad" thing is still a thing amongst Nekofags or anyone not rallying behind the siblings hooking up. Its guaranteed to get brought up no matter how you spin it.

Sure, but I thought the idea was no matter how bad things got there's hope because there's other people, which is why Shinji stopped strangling her

>He admits of being insecure
That's the first step, user. Now seek mental help.

Will 4.0 be a bigger mindfuck than EoE?

He probably has enough money to not give a shit about anything.

It will be just as poorly paced judging by the 20 minute action scene at the beginning.

Didn't Anno say he's read to leave Eva to a new generation so they could do interesting things with the brand?

Anno's become too cowardly to animate semen and horror pussy again or advertise it with just 30 seconds of screaming and strobing.

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The fuck?

I'm genuinely shocked there isn't one yet, especially now that the gacha adaptations broke water and began airing

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There was an article about the Hakone celebrations for Final on the official Android Upday news feed today. I've seen the buses and staircases and stuff before but they've coloured the water at the local waterpark red and dressed up the train station to look like the one in the show and everything

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There is, just not available in English without patching. And they do collab events with everybody else anyway.

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Anno hates you
He will not

Thematically, there's no way they'll match it, the original show + EoE was practically a fluke in terms of its message and stuff. But I'm at least hoping Anno can come up with enough of a mindfuck visually to create something as aesthetically iconic.