
New episode coming up in an hour, the Blue Night arc has been pretty great so far. The anime really brought it to life with how vibrant it all looks.

Attached: dorohedoro3.png (544x737, 271.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Blue Night is so beautiful.

Attached: 1582413960599.jpg (1920x1080, 426.99K)
God-tier ED too

Attached: Pixiv.Id.1978658.full.1470408.jpg (1000x902, 597.09K)

Young, skinny Noi when?

Young, short haired En when?


Johnson ED when?

Attached: ESg98mkVAAUcmef.jpg (1920x1080, 888.57K)

>kikurage resting on Ebisu's tits

Attached: ESg9l9nUMAY5_ij.jpg (1920x1080, 704.54K)

>Young Noi

They’re actually rather disgusting desu

Attached: ESg9xgbU0AETXgC.jpg (1920x1080, 830.07K)

Attached: ESD9NBCWsAEZY3y.jpg (2048x1431, 259.67K)

Noi and Shin are so cute together

>being this jealous of Ebisu's superior bust
Fuck off Noi

i honestly did not expect the sorceress world to be this colorful.
i always thought it's more like nightmare before christmas-ish

the background artist went absolutely fucking ham on the sorcerer's world, it looks amazing

Nikaido Caiman ver when

Talk about mischaracterisation. Even if Noi is bigger she's totally obedient towards Shin. That's why En put her with him.

I like the painting of Kikurage in the background.

>western fanart

Quite soon we’re getting a rather gory scene of a bloodied burned alive noi with her arm ripped off. but she heals within seconds, so it’s fine.

The animeonly/tumblr fanbase for the series is stupid. Just because Noi is fall they make jokes about Shin being short when he’s also one of the biggest characters in the series.

He is actually acting as Ebisu's padding that she lost earlier

For fucks sake...

Attached: 6F777D14-E764-4865-9AE2-D5D72283DAC0.jpg (600x977, 112.14K)

Shin isn't M and Noi will never lay a hand on him even if she could easily heal his wounds.

Yeah this too.

>Phoneposter is retarded
How unusual

Is it any fucking wonder that we’re now getting Noikaido shippers, despite the fact that this was made a decade before the lgbt shit was expected (by the way, that’s why the birdfag exists)

you're also forgetting the series has a trans character
Turkey is CUTE

>Noikaido shippers
Let them get supremely disappointed when Noi is Shin-senpai all day long. Also Blue Night arc is here so you know what's coming.

>pathetic westernfag


sorry user, it be what it be.

Ummm sweetie Chota is clearly for the POC LGBTQ audience don’t miscategorize xim

Attached: D85B00A7-F28B-41D7-BEF7-F5AD15000912.jpg (1128x1206, 467.78K)

Oh god

dammm chota look like THAT??

magic pucci?

Turkey:Magic user who changed genders with magic for shits and giggles

Transfreaks: Deranged individuals who butcher their bodies only to deeply regret it seing how they now became freaks. They then neck themselves.

>Hur durr trans representation
By that logic the gender-swap episode of ishuzoku reviews is also about trannies.

but its a meme , do you want memes to be good and coherent?

turkey is a girl (female)

but stronk girls fighting and kissing make my pp tickle user :(

It is hot but too bad for them if they have any kind of exceptions for development between the actual characters.

it was a joke user, why are you flipping your lid this hard?

I've never seen people COPE harder at a single panel that reading the fan translation as "They genderswapped as an epic joke, that totally makes it better than the other reason!!"

Attached: file.png (774x602, 857.73K)

yes, she's a trans character by definition because she changed genders. there's no political push behind it, that's literally what she is though
why are you REEEing over this like an SJW being mislabelled?

As a grown man, it is my duty now to have a fit over a drawing changing genders.

Another flashback done in hand drawen animation

The 2nd and 3rd are better.

Just irony trans, move along fellas

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Yeah the wording on the first scanlation is laughable
>I just went on magical HRT for a laugh guys don't worry about it hahaha I wanted to be a girl for a joke hahaha

>In my manga
The fucking jews are everywhere arent they

You're right, user, because trans people don't "change" their genders. They were born like that.

Turkey is actually a non-binary representation because they can change their gender based on how they're feeling that day. Thank you for helping clear things up :)

All this awkward symmetry in this image

CGI anime always looks off


bros be honest
would you baste this turkey?

What? The background is entirely painted. This is not CGI issue. Unless you want to say the character composition is symmetrical which is just bullshit.

take your meds

I'm back to posting the JP raw .srt's, just in case anything goes wrong.

mega (dot) nz/#!1d1ADI4D!B6qbRGj0I3XE2qTkQmbBu4BmvvLWIuBnyb95L59YeNM


Attached: lolinoi.jpg (1105x531, 131.98K)

Damn Chota really looks good too

With some sauce and potatoes

Based. Good to be a step ahead.

Now we wait for raw user to wake up.

I would stuff that Turkey like a thanksgiving dinner

I like how you can really see their age difference in their teens


If you guys are SUPER impatient, i personally run the files through a site that googletranslates subtitles so i have a general idea of whats going in the RAWs. Only try this is you are familiar enough with the manga.

Based as hell user.

How was the episode, for those that watched it?


Attached: the real reason.jpg (1200x675, 98.26K)

Nigga what's the password? Let me start translating that

Image being into lolita teens when I was younger and now into buff thick women
This character was designed for my sexual neeeds

At what moment does the episode end ?


>those posters
We're gonna hear en singing his ramen shop theme song fuck yeah!


I would sooner just take my chances with the raws.

>Caiman dance ED inevitable
>En's ramen shop ED in the future

Nevermind, there was something weird when I copy pasted that

Episode pushes the first chapter of volume 6 forward, but ends with the mushroom En coming out of Nikaido, so it adapted 4 chapters (So chp31 was adapted, but 30 is next week)

They all have this weird symmetry in their models which is just awkward.

So does Chidaruma show up this episode?

I just got reminded that I have frozen vegan gyoza in my fridge. Why does this show makes me want to eat.

I don't see it at all mate.
How good was the ep?

>mega (dot) nz/#!1d1ADI4D!B6qbRGj0I3XE2qTkQmbBu4BmvvLWIuBnyb95L59YeNM
Thanks. Hopefully we'll get the RAW soon as well.

I guess I just prefer how hand drawn characters look. Straight up camera angles always exposes the CG look

>Caiman dance ED inevitable
Why do people keep asking for this it's the one thing fans have made 100 times already. Give MAPPA a chance to do something original instead.

That they do but honestly the CG does a very good job at looking 2D when paused most of the time.