
Its freckles girl's birthday. Say something nice about her.

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She looks like a slut. Happy birthday.

She looks like she enjoys anal but won't admit it

I like her glasses

Hope she gets to rape that one guy today.

She's the reason I'm reading the manga, because I saw this panel and think she looks cool.

Happy Birthday, freckles girl.
Your design is pure sex.

Akira should take responsibility.

Reminder Nanao is a Disneyfag

She has

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happy birthday!

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Classic disneykino should be not confused with the megacorp disney of today.

Happy Birthday, Nanao! Sadly she will lose the Akirabowl to kei.

Is Lion King classic Disneykino?

>even Akira himself is a "who?" poster

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If you mean the 1994 original then yes, the 2019 "live action"remake is soulless trash.

>t. Disneytard
Lion king was completely copied from Kimba the white lion.

how's your party, little princess?


Anime and manga would not exist without Walt Disney's original animations. You owe this board's entire existence to Disney. Bow to Disney.

>latest chapter
Is it just me or does this panel seriously evoke classical Japanese art? It's absolute kino.

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She looks like she has her paypal linked in her twitter bio

user, damage control won't work when two movies have exact same story even to the shots.

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Nice, the 1994 version was my jam.

A lot of Japanese love Disney

...I actually wasn't aware of that.

Tezuka copied Disney first.

Here you go

Attached: Disney definitely didn't plagarise anything.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Best girl, singlehandedly made me pick up the series.

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i love ikuhana niiro

And? Doesn't mean creatively bankrupt faggots who copied another work to the bone and sold it as their own should be praised. The only reason they didn't get sued is because of their political influence. Also manga sells far more in the west than any capeshit comic from DC or marvel.

Well, that being said, I think a lot of Disney stuff, especially Beauty and the Beast or The Little Mermaid, are fantastic. Just because one movie was "plagerized" doesn't invalidate all of the quality of their filmography beforehand.

Good artists borrow, great ones steal.

There are mixed versions of that story. Some say that Disney copied the old TV series and whatever while some people say that that old TV series is nothing like the Lion King. Regardless, the Lion King is just Hamlet without everyone dying at the end.

...which is what I said initially.

It's not that I am saying one shouldn't copy, it's how they copy but still have their own original input in it to stand out as it's own like Oshii said. Lion King is anything but that.

Lion King does have its own input though.

>w-well they plagiarized b-b-b-but who cares

Sad to nobody but you, who's getting butthurt on behalf of creatives who are long dead.

This whole arc has been drenched in traditonal japanese theater aesthetics, from the sets to the compositions of the panels.

Come on user, there is nothing original in a story that copies everything even to the shots.

projecting much user?

I disagree

>unironically defending furfag tezuka

Look in a mirror, you'll see the projector.

I want to kiss her freckled cheeks. all four of them

So you're either trolling or you have no real way to defend your shitty point. Okay. Keep replying with stupid one liners that'll show you're right!

She is kinda ugly but for some reason I find her so fucking hot

You seem upset.

She’s a whore

It's the eyes.

>n-no u

You love me dont you?

I love Kei so much

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Exceptionally cute design. The bigger the glasses are the better and smarter the girl is, It's a fact.

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why do you keep projecting? It's not healthy

Dont steal Nanao's spotlight. GET OUT KEI!

Get a room.

Why is Kei so cute?
