Princess Principal fucking lied to us, this is delicious

Princess Principal fucking lied to us, this is delicious

Attached: English breakfast classic.jpg (1511x2005, 740.34K)

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How do you even eat this anyway

with fork and knife

say Aaah!

I don't see any green in there, savage

did you miss

This doesn’t look healthy.

food is also wrong. by the turn of the century, brits empire was pretty much half indian and eating curry everywhere.
you swallow.

I can only eat 1/3 of this before getting full. How do people do it?

you get 2 other people to eat breakfast with

if i was hungry enough i'd easily eat the whole thing. no, i'm not fat.


Says a lot about the "dish" when the most tasty looking thing are the chared tomatoes. I can already imagine the square pieces of fat come out of those sausages upon taking the smallest of bites.

Fuck off Karen

It had 19th century food, you live in the 21st showing off hipster food. All the commoner food was shit then, one reason why cholera, flu, and disease outbreaks was common in London.

what, you just pick and choose randomly?
no actual order/combinations in eating it?

Wrong, the bad food just outright poisoned people, the diseases came from different sources such as poor hygiene

What are you Belgian?

please tell me this isn't a breakfast

Manual labour burning a shit load of calories.
How fucking autistic are you that you need a set order in which to eat your food??

I think most cultures have an order in wich to eat different foods.

you telling me you can eat blood pudding first?

Well you stack all those shit first between pair of breads and then eat it with bare hands like ferocious beast.

t. amerifat


If you want. Why the fuck would it matter?

>I can already imagine the square pieces of fat come out of those sausages upon taking the smallest of bites.
Ohh baby

>everything is burned to charcoal
What the fuck?

because every food after that might taste weird?
doing the right food combos make for a better eating experience

As in modern english tradition you say
>rub a dub dub, allah thanks for the grub!
And then you eat it with your hands.

I remember in the manga yugami-kun the mc gets scolded because he doesn't eat "in the triangular form"

What's your breakfast of choice Yas Forums?

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i'm vegetarian and don't miss meat EXCEPT for black pudding

>i'm vegetarian
Haha faggot

have you ever had it? it just tastes like really sweet sausage


>eating breakfast
Cup of cawfee and i'm ready to go

Viennese breakfast with still warm semmeln


It's made with blood, not toothpaste.

Attached: 2013_Khao_man_kai_CM.jpg (3402x3402, 2.07M)

Bacon, sausage, sunny side up eggs, blueberry pancakes and a cup of coffee. But I’m a poorfag so I usually just have cold cereal

I always wake up fucking hungry so I inhale like 600 cals of carbs but this morning I had 3 slices of eggy bread made with 4 eggs

For me it's borscht with sour cream

Attached: borshch-moskovskij.jpg (600x398, 42.04K)

Attached: iu[1].png (602x401, 307.01K)

Oats with dried fruit. Warm but not cooked into porridge because I prefer the texture.


Müsli with lactose free milk everyday

Two eggs over easy and either bacon, sausage, or steak. Every single morning.

full brekkie is the only good thing from that country

>Princess Principal fucking lied to us
Impossible. Supais never lie


We weren't eating curry itself in England back then but near everything would be in some way "curried" to cover up the smell and taste of rancid meat in lower-class food. People forget that back then just eating two or three meals a day was a luxury.


>almost no one eat bread at breakfast
shit taste.

I'd barely be able to eat half of that. I mean, it looks delicious, but that's fucking excessive.

I'm tired of the FEB meme. That shit is gross and you know it.

No it wouldn't, that's nonsense. Butchers wouldn't leave a shit load of meat out to go rotten.

My dinner is my breakfast

The only semidecent britfood.