Who's ready for more suffering idols? Who's going to die next? How will that girl's hiatus affect the anime?
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Who's the focus of today's episode?
Who knows
The pure slut.
I can't wait.
Who went on hiatus?
Myako VA
I don't know about anime, but it's already affected to keisanchuu PV cuz Myako was the only one who didn't speak
stupid bitch
Season 2's confirmed already?
Keisanchuu, not the anime.
What's that?
Variety show
22/7's variety show.
>another ugly crying face
Meh Sakura sucks
Who is the guy petting her?
random one night stands guy
Might be her father
>Meh Sakura sucks
They're wasting her bilingual-ness
Bully and rape incoming
It's easy to talk about "hope" when you're an adult
But for me I often wonder
Where is it?
In this endless flux of passing traffic
I could never cross the beaten path
Somebody's voice, a face with an icy-cold gaze
As if their entire being had long withered away
"I used to have dreams"
Those words penetrate my soul whenever I'm in pain
I don't know where I am
I'm lost in a world where I cannot see
Where should we go now?
Nowhere. I'm tired of walking
So tell me, why should people keep on living?
Is there some purpose for this toil under the sun?
I'm not confident, how should I continue such a lonely existence?
Because life is just too long
It's brutal
Ayaka ED
Please no fatty past to sexy body story shit
It's brutal
Cute Ayaka
HS out
Sub now
WTF about Post-credits scene?
they arr rook the same
Fuck yeah, season 2!
Miu liked her santa story the best.
Idols instruct how to properly use hygienic face masks.
Every idol has been shown in their loli versions, and they were all fucking cute.
Wall no, why would you order that
Ew, time to fasforward.
Jun from "nani kana nani kana" to silent depress.
>japs eat this
>when user says something
>second best character ED after Miu's
Slut a good girl
Look at the defensive force of this loli.
You can't do shit, user.
What a twist
Imagine if they were all naked, and the game was about who can take the biggest dildo.
Is this normal?
In Japan, yes.
Not the first time I've seen this in anime
I hope it ends with mass suicide.
Give me edge!
Is she right?
How to be cute idol and mangaka like Ayaka?
Aside from Nicole and Sakura, Now Ayaka too.
Normal part of the idol group cycle.
Why is Nicorun so baka?
Kino shot
>no one dies
Nice to get a positive episode.
Well, fuck.
perfect, i love her!
this was such a great episode, and was a bit surprised by the end credits scene. i wonder what they'll do
Go back to america, it's already one year
wait, wrong pic
It tastes fucking great, you should try raw urchins at least once.
>Best Bitch
I assume this means we'll see what happens when they disobey the wall. Considering they're the only ones that have seen it they could just bin it and see if they can get to do the live show before anything bad happens.
They finally did it. They made an anti-bully ranger that can rival Akari.
It's okay, bullying makes you stronger
Or it's probably just a trial for them
Her backstory had no real thread going through it and none of it explains why she's apparently a massive slut like in the ED. This show continues to be nonsense all around.
Why tf did they skip Nicole character episode? She's the best idol in the group in term of talent.
the bullying doesn't stop even after becoming an idol
How did they turn this sweet looking girl into the massive cunt we're seeing in the anime?
Going for the unironic
>the real Nanabun no Niiyuuni were the friends we made all the way path
Don't know if based or retarded