Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

So they're just a family of cold dorks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

2nd best girl.

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Spring 2021

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Aw hell yeah

Great, now all they need is less narrator speaking shit that is obvious and more Irumi


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The fuck is this? Yami Iruma or somethin?

Chadruma. Evil phase that demons go through. Iruma got it through his ring.

So guys, the last episode is soon, what do we do when chapters stop getting translated again
How the hell did they manage that, is it being funded by some Iruka loving philanthropist??

Damn thats based

Looking good.

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It's a NHK show user.

I guess they don't want to change the timeslot like Radiant S2. The timeslot will be used for Major 2nd S2 until Fall and presumably replaced by new Log Horizon after that until Spring.

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>there will be anons who will die before they can see it

>S2 already confirmed
Hell yes, Another reason to keep living.

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two cours, and we are getting another season, we can't stop winning irumabros

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Best boi will coming

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>last episode

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This is why I love the NHK.

Tsurune and Tsukumogami Kashimasu still haven't got S2 announcement though.

Kyoani has other priorities they need to handle right now, and there's no way they'd give their property to another studio.

>confirmed S2.
A reason to living one more year

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But user Iruma is already best boy.

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Fuck yes this is great.

>The text is removed on the stream
Why though.

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I want to die

It also gives them over a year to work on it, which is good if it's a 2cour that covers up to the end of Walter Park.

I love the broadcaster qt.

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Now is a good time to read the manga.
What chapter should i start and which group should i trust?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - 23 [720p]01.webm (1280x720, 1.01M)

Chapter 44 is where you want to start. Unfortunately, Wicked House is rough as hell but they're the only ones who TL'd from 44 to 54. Yas Forums picked it up from 54 to 70, and since then it's been a hodge-podge of other groups until the last few chapters.
This series has had a rough history with translations that seems to be FINALLY stabilizing, but TLs are still 60ish chapters off the raws. There are also a few chapters done out of order by a troll group.
If you don't want to stomach bad TLs, I would honestly recommend waiting until the second season is done. Hopefully by that point SENDIRI + Yas Forums have caught up to the raws.

Chapter 139.

what about SSSS who reached 100+ chapters?

That soon?
I guess it was pretty great. Some scenes definitely had some crap animation but they definitely focused on the important part, like the festival climax

>S2 confirmed
I've been a little depressed lately because I thought this would be the end of the Iruma-kun anime but this is great news. WE SHALL DEBBIE-Q ONCE AGAIN

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That's the troll group who skipped ahead. They only did 2 or 3 chapters, scattered around.

Clara would be a perfect housewife.

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This height difference.

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When's the earth invasion arc where they start brutally murdering humans?

>group should i trust?
honestly, raw. manga translations are a hotpotch and a lot of chapters aren't translated. Its shounen so ruby characters are included.

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>mfw S2

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Mamas mamas

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Where is the fucking porn?

Please understand, we've only made around 1000 FGO and other gachashit doujins this year. We're way behind quota.

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how is she so perfect?

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>mfw spring 2021

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Apply Iruma directly under boobage.

>mfw it's a pure musical

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Im not even gay but i would like to see Him getting rapped.

>ANOTHER clara musical
This series started off so well but ended so badly.

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Imagine hating fun this much

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I just wanted to see prez cumming buckets while she smiles uncontrollably from hand holding, is that too much to ask?


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>One of the books in her forbidden texts collection is hentai
>She innocently has Iruma read it
>He gets hard
>Curiosity followed by sex ensues