It's finally over. On a scale of 0-10, how do you rate Uruka route?
Cute and canon
Uruka is first among equals.
I rate it 1/5
How is it possible that he makes a tomboy the worst girl?
>Some Mexican weeb on YouTube predicted that there would be other ends before Uruka’s airport chapter
I guess not all spics are bad.
>1/5 complete
>Will be forgotten
>Won't even be considered the TRUE END because that's always the last one
>5/5 is the last one
>the worst girl
That"s fumino though.
a good 2/10
>sensei route is as notcanon as uruka's
OH NONONONONONO. We got too cocky senseibros.
5, purely because I was an Urukafag, second only to Sensei. The problem is that it relied way too much on flashbacks that make no sense in the context of the whole story. Too many contradictions. It was really unnecessary, too. He couldn't just like her because she's a cute brown tomboy with a nice bod?
I'm happy everybody will win in the end. Especially senpaifags, who never had hope to begin with.
I rate it 2/10
>Shimmering Ebony Mermaid Princess
based title but crappy final arc for her. Hope the other girls aren't as unlucky.
>The Japanese think we're Foomers
What did we do wrong, bros?
Of course. Barring some unexpected development, everyone is equal now, Uruka, Sensei or Senpai.
"The story has been completed. Please enjoy these pity routes"
>already in bargaining stage
That's fast
>1/5spic can’t read Japanese
>everyone is equal
Uruka's gotten 3 volumes of her route.
The rest would be lucky to get 3 chapters.
In the same manner we expect nips to have shit taste, they expect us to.
>Route: 1/5
>Route: 0.2
>Route: 20%
>Route: a fifth of a whole
who cares/10
I'm waiting for Asumi and Mafuyu
>I'm happy everybody will win in the end. Especially senpaifags, who never had hope to begin with.
The true winner is Asumi. She defied even larger odds than Mafuyu.
Go to plebbit sometime and you'll see why.
You can't escape the foom.
Needs more 5/5
what does [x] = supposed to mean?
>3 volumes
Not even the volume before her route was about her.
Everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others.
Fumino is cute.
Early preview of Mafuyu's route.
3/10 at best. Worst arc in the manga and an absolutely terrible arc all around. Uruka really did kill bokuben.
Are all the faggots who were mad at sudden Uruka push at the end happy with the route introduction? Now the mangaka is going to get richer. It's such a massive fucking cop-out. Have the balls to at least fucking end it if you're not going for an actual harem win. Now the writing's going to get a pass because "hurrr my waifu got to win in an alternate universe".
The only way to actually salvage this is after finishing all 5 routes, you continue the manga and treat all of them as the MC thinking about the possible futures he could have after reassessing the amount of girls that surrounds him.
Urucute a best forever and ever. One more day and I can bid farewell.
Based and foompilled
>most equal
>Uruka arc is considered bad because of retcon and flashback
>The other arcs will contain rewriting and flashback
>what does [x] = supposed to mean?
This ending is the output, [x] is the input. So if you input 'x' = Uruka, then this is what you get. Different answer for other girls; however, the equation is still the same one. All is true (canon) but it depends on which one you choose as the right answer.
Who's next?
The reveal
You think 22i panicked after that twitterfag said he would kill himself? And that might be why he wrote multiple routes?
Uruka is considered bad because her whole route and the basis for why Nariyuki loves her is based on flashbacks.
the world doesn't revolve around 1 attention seeking faggot, so no.
Ganbatte, ass-kun!
Are you seriously retarded enough to even entertain that possibility?
Yes. He normally doesn’t reply to gaijins
Fumino a best.
You retards, what I'm suggesting is he saw this as a problem. There are many people who read Bokuben, who are mentally fucked. Even if a single person kills himself due to the ending, the bad publicity will haunt 22i for ever.
Only if you don't read the manga or live in the bizarro dimension.
I told 22i on Twitter that if he didn’t fix the ending I would write him a strongly worded letter.
That’s probably what did it.
>the tweet and reply are both real
Fanatics like these are disgusting.
So you are a retard.
man I miss jb
This. But Anons here lack the empathy to understand
does 2/5 start next week?
>Even if a single person kills himself due to X, the bad publicity will haunt Y forever.
It sure is wonderful that a person can do a calculated suicide to manipulate others, whether of not they'll get to see the results after they're dead.
Shut the fuck up Rizufag. I can't wait for Rizu to happily get marry to Nariyuki in her route so I can get to see more Fumino after that!
It's called having common sense you moron, 22i was kind enough to take the time to answer him not to kill himself and that he'd regret it. The if routes were planned all along and it's not some pathetic drama queen on twitter that was going to make him draw 4 additional endings.
If you faggots missed out, the guy who tweeted it apologized and said he didn't really mean it after the mangaka replied to him.
Lack of empathy my ass. Okay, so if I end my story the way I want to but someone comes out of the woodwork and says they'll kill themselves, I'm obliged to continue it?
Fuck that, what does he owe the guy anyway? How about you live in the real world for a split and stop watching idealistic anime for a while.
There's no difference between uruka and fumino beyond surface level stuff.
And here I thought Sensei would end up an old lonely cat lady.
>calculated suicide to manipulate others, whether of not they'll get to see the results after they're dead.
I wasn't talking about just the Twitterfag. I'm saying that in general if a bokubenfag does kill himself live saying that he is doing it because his waifu didn't win. Media would be all over Bokuben. I'm not saying it'll happen. But, 22i seems like a normal guy, hears this might have worried him.
Both are cute. I know right?
>Okay, so if I end my story the way I want to but someone comes out of the woodwork and says they'll kill themselves, I'm obliged to continue it?
>Fuck that, what does he owe the guy anyway? How about you live in the real world for a split and stop watching idealistic anime for a while.
You aren't, but you feel that way before you're an user. 22i is just a regular guy trying to draw some manga.
>Uruka isn't a part of it
>Uruka is canon
>people are still lapping it up
22i fucking replied to him not to do it. He absolutely cannot be responsible in any way whatsoever. What is this? Fuminofag validation mentality where they need to pretend that Fumino is the most popular and is going to win all the polls just to give themselves the impression that 22i has no choice but to deliver a fumino end?
Okay user, can you tell me what a regular guy is supposed to be? You've watched too much anime now and you think stereotypes and tropes fit every cookie cutter human being. Say what's 22i's character design?
>Arguing about some tweet
Can we go back to laughing at 1/5fags?