ITT: The moment your waifu became your waifu

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Love sounds nice

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It was love at first sight but she won me with this.

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the moment she needed me.

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I'm glad she and Simon became happily married at the end.

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Since first time i saw her

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>You're a louse Mr. Rodger.
Killed me.

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>the moment when your [weekly infatuation] became your [Nth waifu]

some people only ever had one waifu and that for years

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I think I'm doomed to never finding a waifu. Every character that I grow an attachment to I view them as someone to protect, like as an older sibling / parent.

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These things are just disposable pleasure shots you get when looking at them, consumable graphics for relief, don't think too much about "attachment"

The happiness I get from looking at them is what I considered love. It give me the will to continue living. In the end the one I love the most is myself.

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imagine being that much taller
you couldn't even kiss during sex

it's hard to pin point an exact moment when you fall in love with someone. from the moment i first saw her in a /c/ thread three years ago i knew there was something different about her, but i didn't realize my feelings were more than her just being my favorite character until after i already finished her show. however, the exact moment i realized she was my favorite character was when i saw her half mechanical broom in episode 3.

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How can you call her your waifu if you don't even take a good screenshot

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It's exceedingly difficult to pinpoint the exact time, everything she did just made me love her more and more. I don't really remember when it crossed the threshold.

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The dance.

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"You come with us, too !"

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the first time I played her game

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It just happened after I finished watching her show, couldn't stop thinking about her.

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It went from "I love her" to "I'm actually in love with her"

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I found her cute at first sight, and then I felt sorry for her after she explained why she is the way she is, but this is where I began to truly respect and love her, since it showed she wasn't just someone to pity, but an admirable person who's brave on the inside.

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How the fuck would you pinpoint this, did you guys go ドキドキ or some shit?

>episode 2. wow what a bitch
>episode 3. well at least she has nice legs
>episode 4. heh, she's actually pretty fun
>episode 5 onwards. my wife.

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how is she so perfect bros?

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This episode ruined my life. Worth it though.

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She is dead, bro.

She is alive in their hearts.

while that may be the case, she is still the best

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>dead bodies are game for anything, and I do mean anything
including starting a family

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Her eclipse scene in HA

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aside from the first meeting scene with Korbo, every drunk scene of hers made me fall even harder

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I wish real boys were like kaworu...

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Whose child is this?

Same. It's very odd. I can't lewd her and only want to protect her and bring her happiness

She didn't become your waifu

You've never met a gay twink before?
I love this smug and cool bitch

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sauce please

I don't know the exact moment but it had certainly been for months when I first realised it.

There isn't a character I can't lewd, I just don't bother to most of the time.

She's so cool and wild and foul-mouthed and smug and cute. Gotta love Chris.

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Out of all the great bear panels you managed to pick the exact same one I had in mind. Bless you user.

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She has a lot of great panels, but that was the most memorable one, for sure. Made her go from a well-developed sadist to a REAL HUMAN BEAN.

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This moment.

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Senpai's delicious knee pits.

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