Erwin stands with Hange.
Shingeki no Kyojin
Floch needs to just eat a bullet already
Embarrassing alliancetard
This will be Floch soon, on his knees begging CHADmin to spare him
Cringe Paradis nationalist
I, and most likely you, currently don't give a single shit about Syrians being bombed, kids in Africa dying from starvation, Muslims in China and India being rounded up, and people in SA getting murdered.
All of Africa, China, and India could die tonight and I'd be disturbed by it for like 30 minutes before continuing to shitpost on here as per usual.
You severely underestimate how little a lot of people care about anyone who isn't their friend, family, or compatriot.
Once genocide ending is confirmed, is it safe to say that this manga is masterpiece? Automatic 10/10?
8-10 depending on how good it's done
>Historia fucked THIS
Chapters without Eren/Zeke unironically suck. Same fucking structure:
>Isayama finishes a chapter
>reads internet
>voice those complaints through a character (Yelena and Jean) while conveniently ignoring Magath's falseflag. If someone has to pay just use Reiner
>women can't be blamed
>Use Gabi crying to stop the conflict
>Use Erwin to shill the alliance
>Floch is bad
And all of this just to make Armong the hero to save humanity, but even Isayama k ows that's bullshit but he will still spend MONTHS trying to convince us in vain
when? she only fucked farmer
You're right that MOST people don't give a fuck, they are cattle.
Heroes who put their lives on the line for freedom and humanity ... they have the courage and conviction to enact real change.
Why doesn't Eren love Mikasa? It just teaches the readers that no matter what you do for someone, they'll never love you. Isayama is setting a bad example to his readers.
this doesn't even make sense
what a poorly thought out attempt at humor
It looks like Eren has poisoned the mindsets of Yas Forums snkshitters here. genocidekeks
No, because Isayama fucked up his characters.
pretty much as long as the shitty writing and cringe moments to do with the alliance don't get any worse.
It already feels like he's spoiled the characters quite a bit though and hte last 4 chapters will leave a lasting negative impression that will prevent it being a 10/10
regardless once the rumbling happens I'm buying every volume and every season of the anime
if she truly was able to experience the pleasure and glory of fucking your beloved Eren and carrying his seed, would she be moping around with permanent dead eyes/sadface?
I would appreciate these Filler chapters more if we didn't get them from month to month. Come on Isayama 4 months and we still don't have any new information on anything Eren is truly doing.
>Would genocide the world for
Cuck simp
erehisu nigger fuck off
>Really makes you think
Because the man she loves and the father of her child is worse than Hitler and is condemning billions of innocents to their death.
>bestiality is good
wtf user
She deserves to be tortured to death
It would be a bad example if he makes them canon. Teaches people that having no self-respect and dignity is worth if you get smashed by someone who treats you like crap in the end.
Me too papa!
What did Eren mean by this?
She knew about the Rumbling months ahead of time so yeah
Imagine if Hisu got Frieda's Height,Big Tits and Fat ass. She got the cuck genes
That was fucking Louise, user
Would this have happened the same way if we replaced Hisu with Mikasa?
Don't ever post that image again
Erwin is not a cuck and would never jeopardize paradise for a bunch of outsiders that want to genocide them.
To be fair, Hitler is a pretty high bar to set. You can't always get what you want.
No he's not. Loving someone doesn't entitle you to them to feeling the same. I am wholeheartedly a Mikasafag, and I'm okay with Eren's cold cruelty her. At the same time, I do think she'll die before killing him. Maybe her death will have more meaning to him than her life.
>All of Africa, China, and India could die tonight and I'd be disturbed by it for like 30 minutes
Frankly I'd be celebrating. They're the world's worst sources of pollution.
ok psychopath
The fuck is wrong with SC? They already have talked to Eren with no reasonable and acceptable alternative plan and it didn't work. Why do they think it will be different now?
No because in every scene you would have Mikasa there treating Eren like a child.
No, BasedEren is the work of an absolutely stacy.
She's a fictional character not a real person
Do SC take a bath? Where does Mikasa take a bath?
And? your opinion is psychopathic if you were being unironic
in the apartment she shared with Sasha and Armin. She most recently took a bath right before leaving the scouts headquarters.
The talknojustsu is gonna work very, very well... KEK
>He is the work of hisu
Don't ever say that again you stupid piece of shit
Why is only Armin with the girls apartment?
Armim is a chick magnet
You never liked the truth, Mikasa...
>Eren: What? You and Marley, together?
>Armin: That right, Eren. We've learn to put aside our differences and not fight and hurt each other, Reiner excepted, of course.
>Eren: Wow, I didn't think it was possible. Maybe this isn't necessary after all. Armin, you truly have saved the world by the hope that you give.
Once Hisu and Mikasa gets along and becomes BFF, will the fags get along as well?
Gross, just don't ever say that stupid shit again you fucking tranny
Kek these mentally ill losers still at it? Eren left the island 10 months ago.
He would see it for the desperate Marley ploy that it is. Only now that he has them cornered do they try and buy some time to kill them all later.
Soneone out there in the world irl will kill themselves once the "bombshell surprise twist of the century" is revealed to all the speedreaders. Dont be that person.
Cause Armin is the gay bestfriend they don't see the guy jerking off to rocks. Jean and Connie live together and Eren lives by himself.
Annie x me is canon
Have sex virgin
Have sex virgin
Well Eren did and now look at him.
Before I hated Gabi in the past 10 chapters, but now. I've got a change of heart. I've liked her this chapter since she knows how to apologize
he never had sex. he's a virgin too. cucked by a fucking dirty farmhand