Why aren't you watching the greatest anime of all time right now?
>I've already seen it
Why aren't you rewatching your favorite episodes?

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because i read the vn you fag

>watching the subpar and dumbed down anime adaption instead of the original

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It was insanely fucking boring and I'm saying that as someone who likes slow-paced atmospheric anime.

So I literally just finished episode 1, and, you all fucking lied to me, this is just plain bad, Kyouma is not endearing or smart, he's just a generic chuuni, nothing interesting happens, maybe i'm just too used to time travel stories but seriously, NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENS, plus the OP and ED are BAD, like, reaaaally bad, at least this means that episodes will go 3 minutes faster but I'm not really looking forward to watch the next episode, so far 1st episode have totally failed in calling my attention, I guess that for people not used to time travel shit it might be interesting, oh yes, Mayuri was cute.

I hope it's bait, or else nu/a/ is doomed.

Keep watching

So this is how is to talk about S;G in Yas Forums? I really wasn't missing anything then.

The second season was so shit I can't revisit the first

The only thing you are missing is an extra dildo up your ass, tranny.

steins gate is shit


hi mike

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But I just finished the VN and now I'm playing Steins;Gate 0.

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Watch 4 episodes and dropped it immediately.
Idk why people praise SH so much
Generic story
Generic characters
>But muh time travel microwave
So fucking bad

>Inb4 pleb filter
You cannot use that as a defense for shit shows.


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I've heard playing the vidya game is better apparently but I've watched most of the animation.

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Why do see so little Sci:Adv stuff? If you take the core idea "a group of ingenuous teenagers accidentally stumbled upon/developed amazing technology/phenomena and is hunted down by global conspiracy of world elites" you can write practically any story starting with Higurashi and ending with Magic;Ascension: the Anime.

So I just finished episode 2, and I think that's enough for today, still nothing interesting happens, all the concepts presented are just copypasted from YU-NO, an anime I watched some months ago, and not even that, they are just basic concepts anyone that know anything about time travel shouldn't be amazed at, now I realize the guy name is Okabe and the one thing I learned this episode is that he's fucking gay on top of chuuni, I have the feeling I shouldn't look for doujins of this, Mayuri still cute and I TRIED to like the OP and ED but nope.

I finished it, steins;gay faggot

>Watched 4 episodes then dropped it
Kek, you retard

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You need to watch the whole thing

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>plebs being filtered SO HARD
Thanks god it works

I will, at some point, but the 2 first episodes have completely failed at everything, a really interesting story would had made me go and watch the entire thing in a single go, I will continue some other day when I feel the call again.

>pleb filter
Back to whatever shit hole subreddit you came from

Could you elaborate? For a show supposedly called "the best anime of all time" it should had something more to offer than babies first time travel story, I have the feeling that not a single person that liked this have ever seen Donnie Darko.

Steins Gate was so powerful it changed my life, not gonna lie.

Please don't ever finish it, we don't want to see faggots like you and again here

Trying too hard to fit in newfag

>please PLEASE give me a reason to watch it I really don't want to
Then you don't watch it. If you want to see why it's considered good then don't ask it around like a faggot you are and see it. If you don't, then fuck off. I'm not going to explain you the entire fucking plot here.

I can see the kind of people that like this, sorry if it offends you so much but I will finish it all.

But I didn't said that.

>I can see the kind of people that like this
Based high IQ Anons like it

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Steins;Gate. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Okarin's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Steins;Gate truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Okarin's existential catchphrase "Bwahahahaha," which itself is a cryptic reference to Dreamworks’ Megamind. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hiroshi Hamasaki’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

S;G is my favourite anime and even I dropped it after 4 ep the first time I watched it. I heard it gets better so I kept watching.
And it does get better, around the 10 ep mark. I don't exactly remember which episode, but when the series takes a darker turn, you'll know you've reached the good part. So watch 1 or 2 more episodes after that and then you can drop it.
Believe me, I hated the start too, but imo it more than makes up for it with the latter half. I know 10 boring episodes is a big commitment, but please please please believe me bros I can't stand the fact that there may be a potential S:G fan here.

Which ending is the best and why is it Faris?

>he doesn't understand how important it is to set up everything in lighthearted tone to make the dark stuff really have an impact on the viewer

True ending because it's the most thematically consistent and satisfying

The light hearted first half of the show was kino and great character building. I don't understand people who think it's boring

Why would anyone watch it when they can just read the VN? The anime loses too much in adaptation.

Madoka did this in just 2 episodes.

it's boring and i want to continue my search for good anime not rewatch the boring ones

Why mixed feelings about SG0? It's literally Death&Rebirth: the Anime. You can't do wrong with this classic formula.

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I don't get the hate it receives honestly it's not bad at all

I didn't watch it but I've heard people say the same exact line about other terrible sequels

When I say you can'd do wrong with Death and Rebirth I mean it. Name me one movie/anime/book/game that fails to execute this plot.

Watch it, retarded nigger faggot.
0 works in a way how it explains what beta timeline Okabe had to do to record that message that leads to the true ending. It's nothing really great, but it has it's place in the story.

What's with all these S;G threads lately

same guy

Someone spam same threads of same anime for unknown reason. You can notice Oshii spam for example.

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> 0 works in a way how it explains what beta timeline Okabe had to do to record that message that leads to the true ending.
It's the premise but no exactly the heart of the plot. The idea was to show how Okabe was able to overcome crushing despair without the message from the future that says "it's possible to save Kurisu". Death and Rebirth of Houhin Kyoma.

ChäOS;HEAd NoAH never ever

>ywn have a Kurisu gf

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No anime as good as this is?

it's no use
steins gate isn't suited for people with adhd

Falseflag cringe. Stop having a show rent free in your head

You clearly have no idea what a pleb filter is if you think S;G has one.


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Shit taste

God I fucking hate newfaggots

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