Today was historic. Glad you shitters could make it.
Today was historic. Glad you shitters could make it
>relevant after Moot's departure and every single non-Reddit/Discord tranny Yas Forums staff
Is this your first month using Yas Forums?
chainsaw man is based so it was a good get
It's shit, right?
oh wow hooray i'm speechless and shaking euphorically
Honestly I'm just happy it wasn't a script kiddy or off topic
>wasted get
What was even being talked about there. Usually, historic gets are like "Kirino is best girl" or "Trump will win." You just don't record numbers, you need to also make an "epik" statement to go along with it.
Alright yes or no, do you think Yas Forums will still be around for the 300000000 "get", any any guess what it'll be about?
>Yas Forumsstyle screencap
At least the Vegeta whiff made up for the actual GET being fucking nothing.
It was a shit get just like the manga general it was posted in.
let's just pretend none of this every happened
Ha ha user got special number
Nobody cares about GETs anymore.
should be included as well
Surprised no one has made a collage combining the two
Never change Yas Forums
but its right there in the OP
You say that like your life has any depth. It doesn'r.
Looks like I hit a nerve there.
Oh I'm retarded. It should be at the top though for impact and chronological consistency
How would that hit a nerve? I don't reply to get posts.
oops I made a mistake I meant
It was funny as well
Stay mad kiddo.
We did it fellow redditor
Your life doesn't have depth because if it did then you wouldn't waste your time complaining about a lack of depth in Yas Forums of all places. That's like complaining about there being piss in an ocean of piss. You have the mentality of someones who argues against a wall to make yourself feel superior. You are addicted to feeling better than other people without anything to show for it because you indeed have nothing to show for it. Your lack of self-esteem doesn't mean that others have lost emotional control and are just reacting with a coping mechanism, that's you.
ew, imagine caring about childish nonsense like this in 2020. What's really sad is you can tell it's 30 plus year olds celebrating something so unimportant
Yup, you mad. tl;dr
nice trips
So, can we stop pretending that most of chainsawfags aren't coming from reddit. I'm ready to take off the mask, i'm even seeing several posts here reposted on reddit and vice versa. Alot more ever since mangastream cancellation.
Ok that Vegeta one is pretty good.
Is this your first month using Yas Forums?
>i'm even seeing several posts here reposted on reddit
Why are you calling others redditors as if you're not one?
>complains about lack of depth
>keeps answering with u mad
I feel retarded for taking you seriously for a moment.
Because when everyone's redditor
No one will be
> as if you're not one
> i'm ready to take off the mask
Then what is even the point
Hope you're ready for the extreme pain
I've noticed there's now a thread up 24/7 when they didn't even have daily threads a week ago.
You talking about reddit or here? We've had daily threads here for definitely more than a week.
>please take me seriously senpai
Lmao kiddo.
>not even 300 replies
Not even the spics cared for their get.
The 200M get was so lame. At least the Vegeta get is good for shitposting and flamewars.
Both threads were autosaged
So you can ban chainsawman on Yas Forums
Just like Naruto amirite
But redditors like moe and it's allowed
>get compilation
opchads got close
Except shonenshitters acted even worse.
Good fucking riddance.
literally seething about a thread on 4channel
Cancer GET, cancer screencap. Yas Forums would unequivocally improve if shounen got banned.
go back
last one was better
Mods shouldn't have autosaged the new one
I wonder how many replies it would have gotten