Post your face when Bokuben was actually the kino and Gotoubun was the hack.
Post your face when Bokuben was actually the kino and Gotoubun was the hack
>multiple endings
Lol. Your mangaka is the definition of hack.
They both suck.
At least Bokuben acknowledges that anyone could have won. Instead we have 4 winning literally out of nowhere and 5toubun apologists doing mental gymnastics to justify her victory.
I honestly think 5/5 is better than I WAS ALL A DREAM
>He doesn't get 5 ends
LMAOing at your cope.
it wasn't a dream tho. learn how to read
Multiple endings but it’s pointless if all of them will be executed like Uruka’s ending.
Shallow, and given a very short lead time to establish the ‘romance’ and end-game instead of a meaningful progression that addresses all character feelings and the main romance in a meaningful way.
Author probably got death threats
At least Bokuben had an on screen kiss.
What's Negi's excuse?
>Route: 1/5
VNs do multiple routes all the time, what's the big deal
Not a bad way to end a manga like this.
I expect to see a fuckton of 'canon' shitflinging though.
Everyone is a winner
And the last one is always the true end, meaning sensei actually won.
there's probably a bad reason why nobody does this in manga format, but he went and did it anyway.
If Tsutsui wasn't a hack he would have added Uruka at all.
Because Uruka was a mistake
The problem here compared to VNs are that VNs will lock you into a route earlier, focus on one girl and give her development. Here it’s just all over the place so you get five shallow endings instead of proper build up.
Still better than 5toubun having one shallow ending I guess.
manga's not even close to being over yet
It is over, the other routes(not canon) get an extra chapter and thats it.
Because it's never been done before in a popular work like Bokuben. Why? Because the authors are lazy and don't want to think of good ending routes. 22i is fucking based for doing this. Much better than 5toubuns dream harem ending.
cope 1/5
seethe 2/5
dilate 3/5
Dilate 3/5
Cringe 4/5
have sex 5/5
1/5 Uruka
2/5 Fumino
3/5 Rizu
4/5 Senpai
5/5 Sensei
6/5 SekijouxRizu
5/5 fags are falseflagging cancer
Go fuck yourselves.
>not being a 0/5chad
>Making 5 shit routes instead of only one
Woah user he's actually innovative
Pretty sure he did this because it's literally the only way of doing a sensei end without any backlash
What is the BEST picture of Sawako you have saved in your computer?
It's not pointless, because they can just save Mafuyu's for last to keep people reading. Even if it's trash, it'll keep readership up until it happens.
Uruka fans be like :
You shitters need to be reminded that Negi is a hack and has abandoned you.
Imagine being worse than this holy shit
>it wasn't a dream
Is this the new cope?
both are babbies first romcom manga.
>be immensely popular but keep on lying in interviews
>botch the writing of the second half
>rush through important plot points of the series
>art gets garbage as the ending comes showing wavering passion and love for series
>Not even immensely popular
>set up all heroines to be romantically involved
>tease it all
>reply to twitter despair and give them hope
>Give the worst win first and reveal that it's one of the possible outcomes
>All girls win
>Up to the readers to decide which one's the best
>Yes even the legendary subversion win of Sensei
>Actually loves his series and wants to write more thus the 5/5 route ends
>Actually set the bar for future romcoms
The choice is clear lads. Yakuzaman is based and Negi is a lying bitch pussy
Well, good time to like genki girls and tomboys I guess.
>butthurt for FOURTEEN YEARS about Ichigo 100% which resulted to killing your magnum opus
>Butthurt about Onodera's loss in Nisekoi but actually learning from it AND considering the other girls too and give them happiness
Fucking Negi couldn't even commit to the Yotsuba ending, fucking pussy ass bitch.
Where are people getting the angry about Ichigo 100% thing from?
What's a good romcom?
Who cares you dumb chink go make your own thread.
Aya lost.
I'm still mad
Yes but why do people think Negi is angry over it?
It was a shit ending but it wasn't a dream
>at last we have finally become We Never Learn™ a Weekly Shonen Jump manga, story and art by Tsutsui Taishi.
>first ending=headcanon
>sensei ending=last and real canon
But if everyone is a winner, then nobody is.
Well except his sister.
Fuck you Yas Forums shut the fuck up hothead
Maison Ikkoku, Seto no Hanayome, School Rumble if you ignore the ending. Arakawa, Jitsu wa.
Anons say that Negi's favorite romcom was Ichigo 100% and that he was a butthurt Ayafag, and that's why he made 5toubun to take vengeance on Nishino/Ichicute, shit that doesn't make sense because Eatsuki should have been the winner being the one that's close to Aya's character instead of Yotsubest who is not close no any character on said manga.
We did it Mafuyuchads.
Honestly 5/5 ending is fucking based. Much better than what Negi offered on the final volume of toubun.
2nd post best post
>in one fell swoop BokuBen reversed the tables and now 5Toubun is the laughingstock of romcoms
How did 22i do it? Is this Yakuza-magic?
>Because it's never been done before in a popular work like Bokuben.
Oregairu had ANOTHER.
Saekano had the Utaha spin-off where she wins
>worst and rushed
No, let's be realistic: if Uruka, who at least had the tiniest bit of build up had a rushed route, the others will be worse.
> those tou/v/undtards plotfags, ""oldfags"" and elitists seething
this puts a smile on my face
>the other routes(not canon)
Seething Urukek
Go back to Animesuki
I'm a 5toubun bro, wanted the Nino ending and I love Bokuben's route ending.
>rumiko shit
Stopped reading there.
>Butthurt about Onodera's loss in Nisekoi
Citation needed
Just because he did the Kosaki spinoff doesn't mean he cared about Kosaki losing
Kodomo no Omocha
Hug uruka
See these are LNs.
This is being done in a Jump manga.
Now will you finally apologize?