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Why do adult men watch this stuff?

Because real men love cute girls

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After a long day as a salary man at a soul crushing job you just wanna enjoy some cute girls with the half hour you have to yourself. If moe didn't exist Japan's suicide rate would be even higher.

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Based and checked

and now without memes, why do adult men watch this stuff? i honestly can't think of any reason.

the music is nice desu

i knew none of the people they were talking about

For the same reason anyone else watches it? Not sure what kind of answer it is you're looking for here.

You don't even know Jimi Hendrix?

Abe hates anime though.

>For the same reason anyone else watches it?
Kids watch anything with colors. I mean actual adults that come home from work.
What part of this show appeals to them?

Because it's literally made for them

That's probably because you're not an adult man.

why does this dumbass thread always get so many replies

Both the posts you quoted are 100% not memes though. If men didn't like or appreciate cute things then the human race would not exist today.

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Mio is too charming to resist.

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Because it warms our souls.

dude. Meme exist to show you reality in a funny way. Memes are real and it's not because we're posting with it that we're trolling or even humouring you.

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there's a difference in getting aroused to procreate and watching ugu kawaii animu shit produced for teenage japanese girls.

Frank Zappa is the greatest guitarist of all time.

How do people enjoy being a troglodyte?
Is this purposeful ignorance some kind of secret way to pump out some dopamine?

As a salary man I can tell you that 2 episodes of CGDCT every night before sleep will help you keep your sanity if you are long term single. Not because you want to fuck said little girls, mind you.

Abe sama never jokes

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You don't have to spam K-on threads just because you watched it for the first time newfag.

K-On is aimed at men though. And not necessarily "adult" men, but its manga was in a seinen magazine and the anime aired late at night like most anime these days.

Shame so much of what he made is lol so randumb meme music.

You don't have a soul or you try too hard not to if you can't understand the appeal of moe sol.

There are a lot of boring ones but when it's done right it's actively relaxing and heartwarming. Liking those feelings is a universal human trait, and pretending that men are somehow to be an exception is exactly why I need feminism.

I wasn't implying procreation or arousal though. I was implying that if Men didn't like cute things and creatures, then they wouldn't want to protect cute things, like babies and young children, then humanity would not exist. Humans are naturally attracted to cute and adorable things, it has nothing to do with sex or age.
Adult men, like myself, enjoy moe anime for the same reasons. It ticks that box in our brains that says "must protect". Also for me, a cute and cozy SOL like K-On can take my mind off my daily troubles.
What's so crazy about escaping into a cute world filled with cute characters having drama-free fun?

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despite being sound like shitposting, i was just curious. thanks for answering and have a good thread.

Hes a genius. The man had a massive catalogue and made some very avant garde stuff. But he still made probably the best and most.important music of the last 50+ years.

Why does Mio's hairstyle in S2 look like she's going bald? It looked so much cuter in S1.

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>ywn marry Mio
Why even live?

To marry my wife, Ritsu.

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I have never met a K-ON! poster who wasn't an abhorrent person.

Because I'm super gay and you're totally superior for watching your shonenshit. That's the answer you wanted, right? Faggot

I've never been mean in my life

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I dunno Why don't adults that work just shut off until they have to go to work again

exposure to ritsu

It's ok if you are gay user.

>unironic boomer believes gender roles are still a thing

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Fun things are fun



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K-on is life

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K-on doesn't deserve to get this type of threads.

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mugi is a big girl


Because it's enjoyable and takes my mind of the many horrors of life

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That's a big forehead

>t. incel

Is K-On even that good?

I still havent watched it, and I'm not sure I want to.

Yeah... moe.. I get it... but how's the plot? Is it going to drag me in or leave me disappointed?

It's a slice of life. There's no plot outside of the characters going through school so there's some sort of progression there but it's mostly still just episodic hijinks. The music is pretty good though, but it's also not a music anime really.

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You just have to start watching season 1. After 2-3 episodes you will know if you want to watch the rest or move on. The entire show and movie are absolutely worth it.

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Consider that many people are still fond of this show and talking about it over 10 years later. That should indicate it is good if not great.

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Yeah I wish there was more music in it because it's really good when they do play. It's a solid show no need to burn through it too fast. It's best when watched little bits at a time.