Fuck DBS
Why are those the only threads above all the rules?
Fuck DBS
Ah bloo bloo
>why is discussing anime in the anime board allowed!?
Okay, which one are you. MHAfag?
Fuck DBShit and its Yas Forumsermin.
Cope moeshitter, trying to start shit makes you look like a toddler.
[Spoiler] BOOM [/Spoiler]
You DBZtards have become absolute irreconcilable shit and belong on Yas Forums less than fucking Naruto.
Does /snk/ have GETs though?
>Waah I don't like you so instead of ignoring you like an adult imma cry for attention waah
You moetrash get more pathetic by the day.
>anything i dont liek is moe
You retarded shit need a bullet.
>You retarded shit need a bullet
ESL-kun please. Leave the actual conversations to the adults.
COPE jobgekifag
Kneel, cope and seethe.
>DBZtards calling anyone underage or newfags
>implying most Ztards aren't nostalgic boomers
lmao remove yourself
>no u
Brilliant retort kiddo. But we need you to go back to the children's table while the rest of us are busy.
DB fags are all black or underaged. You can’t reason with these apes.
>literal deviantart shit
You're nothing.
>Y-Y-You're a nigger...
Really? That's the best you can come up with? Some Yas Forums teir insult that stopped being offensive years ago. Don't you moetoddlers have any originality?
I am mexican. Retard
Shonenshitters deserve nothing more.
Shall I remind them again?
Even worst.
>shit he caught on. I know, let's pretend to be retarded that'll get him.
Pathetic. Come back when you're out of grade school.
About what? How retarded dbs kids are?
There's nothing remotely "Chad" about you shallow retards with no arguments or evidence for anything, just annoying nonstop shitposting.
>Tfw I was the Chadku user who got that last post in
Im so fucking handsome
I-I never knew how to use spoilers...
You sure are.
>Even worst.
what a terrible thread
DBchads, nay, DBSCHOLARS run Yas Forums, retard. Cope harder.
Fucking kino. Look at the absolute butthurt in this thread.
>childish ad hominem
I cackle at the inordinately jejune drivel that pours from your mongrelous snout.
M-Moebros????? Shitgekibros?????? W-What the fuck is this?!
We can't stop winning DBSCHOLARS!
Fuck Jannies
You said it brother
Even the post number kneels to DBProfessors. The 4 signifying SS4 is just the icing on the cake. We just can't stop winning, bros.
Because were the chads of Yas Forums
What did he mean by this?
Man, you DBfags really need to calm down a bit. You're not even funny, just annoying
I school you just this once moefaggot. Incomprehensible English Second Language Babble, now begone with you.
What's going on in this thread
Holy FUCKING based, fellow GAGler
So what are the chances Toriyama canonizes Cooler next?