Whats the moral of this story

whats the moral of this story

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Good looking gay people die if they are killed.

political words but a space guy

It tells a tale of how life is a neverending loop

rape can be handled tastefully off screen and still have a psychological impact on the viewer

That history keeps marching on

Bittenfield is best boy

radical centrism is the way to go

What matters are the people not the system, but people will keep making the same mistakes over and over again

War is a thankless machine, any civizations that is sustained soley by conquest and colonialism would rather go to war against its own people that just use its infrastructure and production capabilities to improve the standard of living for people in need as hegemonies rely on brainwashing its decision makers from birth that everyone is nothing but a resource to be used up and destroyed once they got nothing left to provide to those who have everything

Based. Fuck the retards masses.

Did this strike you as some simplistic childrens' story?

This fucking shit happens just to piss me off and I won't miss a second of this 3Dshit world.

Aim for the leg

Leggu wo Nerae!

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History repeats itself.

The moral of the story is that politic systems all have pros and cons and it's the quality of the people and leaders that determine the final outcome of a nation and society.

Doesn't matter what kind of car you got if you are a bad driver it's gonna flip.

is shorter version of
They both win,

Too soon man

>whats the moral of this story
The writer can’t into military tactics

Jesus christ finally someone who gets it.
Fuckin /thread

Space Prussia is pretty cool

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That Oberstein did nothing wrong

>autocracy is easy to fuck dynasty but also easy to unfuck
>democracy is hard to fuck but also hard to unfuck

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In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.

>In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.

All political systems are inherently flawed and will collapse over time. Change is inevitable and leads to unavoidable sacrifices. Still, the achievements it brings about can justify the cost.

There are many ways to structure a society and war has a high human cost

Democracy is always bad though. It's simply a matter of statistics.

Autocracy is always bad. You're just young and naive enough to delude yourself into believing that you'd be wearing the boot if you lived in an autocracy, instead of being crushed beneath it.

Which is why constitutional monarchy is the system for the truly enlightened

it's the opposite

Democratic republics are the ideal form of government, but constitutional monarchies can be sorta alright

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Statistically, democracy has provided the best quality of life for people. Statistically, autocracies have done the opposite. You're a brainlet

imperfect beings cannot create a perfect society/state

Absolutely BASED understander

Dont trust jews
Women are evil

I am getting crushed by ignorat masses though.

Simply not true. Just look at lybia.


>just look at one newly formed democratic government as proof
You are seriously retarded

Enlightened monarchy>military republic>(((phezzani))) ancaps>military junta>degenerate monarchy>>>degenerate democracy>>>>>>>>weird theocratic death cult

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Japan might have a democracy now because we lost the war and america forced this defective regime on us but some day a competent autocratic ruler will come, destroy democaracy, make everything better, restore glory to the Japanese empire and last but not least, speed to the administration.
tl;fr it's the wet fantasy of a japanese boomer.

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I mean 1>0.

>muh typo
Bravo. You won!

you think gaddafi was anything short of a brutal tyrant? you really want to use him as an example?

Ordinarily, a typo is meaningless. But fumbling your post while you're calling other people "ignorant" is just your brain's way of telling you that it knows you're shitposting without just cause. And deep down, in the very core of your being, your brain disapproves of your behavior and it's disappointed in you.

The real moral of the story is that humanity is imperfect and flawed and only ### IQ people realize this.

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No the real moral of the story is Reinhardt is hot and if you don't want this man as your god and emperor you're so fucking gay holy shit

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Yes. And you are yet to provide a counter example.

>Not wanting a hot man be humanity's emperor.
>Be called a homosexual for not wanting that.

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That might be the POV intended, but as all good things, fiction eventually forms its own spirals of life.
And as life ensues, so do change.

FPA is incapable of winning a interstellar war because of backroom political bickering and no actual ambitions outside of ruling.
The end result is that despite having entire organizations where merit will get you ahead, the political backstabbing eventually kills Yang for no gain.

Space Prussia has stagnated hard since Rudolphs reign, which allows a upstart general to take over the entire Empire in a decade, since the decadent elite of Space Prussia isn't good enough at warfare and logistics to keep up with the tech advancements of the FPA.
Because of the structure, Reinhard ends up risking no backstabbing after forcing 2 bouts of civil war. Which allows his board of Admirals to dismantle and occupy the FPA without any real resistance.
As Reinhard wins the galactic war of the 3600s, his rule will eventually stagnate, and corrupt nobility will eventually try to have their cake and eat it.

The core take away is that all systems fuck themselves horribly by existing for a long enough time for corruption and stagnation to take place.
They might even evolve over structure where there was previous corruption, meaning deeply seeded issues corrupt the growth of a new strong tree.

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Who is this, blonde Kylo Ren or live action Reinhardt?


also a counterexample for what? libya? literally look at every single western style democratic republic on the planet. compare those to every autocracy and pseudo-democracy that have ever existed.


Sorry, user, but I don't trust conspiracy theorists that distrust vaccines.

i see you too have made the mistake of replying to that retard

>compare XXth century USA to some BC nomad tribe and you will see that democracy is more advanced

>muh warcrimes
>every single middle eastern country just happen to commit some atrocity so the us can topple them and set up puppets

What does that have to with anything?

>Because of the structure,
More like because all his officers were fucking gay for him (it's called loyalty in hetfag speak I hear), even the one guy who betrayed him, and he didn't really want to. If this series was realistic, there would have been more a lot more backstabbing in the empire.
>As Reinhard wins the galactic war of the 3600s, his rule will eventually stagnate, and corrupt nobility will eventually try to have their cake and eat it.
>The core take away is that all systems fuck themselves horribly by existing for a long enough time for corruption and stagnation to take place
This was never highlighted though. Reinhardt's regime is considered uncorruptible by the end of the series because
- nobility and priviledge were eradicated
- it's a meritocratic system, supposedly
- it is implied it will have a constitution in time
- if worst comes to worst another benevolent autocrat can just waltz in and take over
It's a naive conclusion if anything really.

Hot guys are justice. I think.


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>What does that have to with anything?
The source that you are choosing to post is not reliable due to their untreated mental illness.

It's almost like Reinhard picked people that he knew personally and trusted.

>If this series was realistic, there would have been more a lot more backstabbing in the empire.
Thats why he has 2 civil wars on his side, and quite a few attempts at coups.
Thats also why the series ends on a failed coup.

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