Rips invitation

>rips invitation
>dries her tears
>says he'll kill her
Has another anime MC ever made a girl wetter?

Attached: heero gundam wing.jpg (960x720, 56.26K)

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He'd have made me wetter if he'd actually gotten around to killing her.

>gundam wing STILL has the best female characters in the franchise

They took men and wrote them without any sense of responsibility

Is Heero a laughing murderous protagonist? That's all I'd watch him for.

I don't think he does it again after the first episode.

impact-wise, it would be THE most memorable series if he had killed her

Why could Heero pilot the Zero system? Because he was the MC? Plot armor?

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How high does Heero score on the edge-o-meter?

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Crawling tier

why is heero so hot

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He keeps saying he'll kill people, but quite quickly it becomes clear that anyone he says he'll kill will actually never die.

He couldn't at first. In order to pilot the ZERO System you need to have a long-term objective in mind, you need to have a clear idea of who your enemies are, and you need the conviction to follow your goals without doubting yourself or getting distracted by illusions. Heero, Quatre, Wufei, and Zechs were all able to use it once they got those down pat.

This. Did Heero actually kill anyone he'd threatened? I can't recall.


Just nameless, faceless mobile suit pilots.

But did they get "Omae wo korosu"s first?

No, he's a fag

If you actually go back and watch Wing, you'll find he actually scores pretty low on the edge.

>your sight
>my delight

>throws man from plane then shoots him
Gundam Wing was BASED

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Essentially a Jihad system

>goal oriented MC
>edgy scythefag
>edgy napoleon poser
>edgy clown
>le edgy mask man
>double edgy chink
>supergay sandpacker boy

Show is a 10/10

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>edgy MC gets an ojou-sama gf
>edgy scythefag gets a tomboy gf
>edgy clown gets a nee-san gf
>gayboy and mad chink end up alone
what did they mean by this

Wufei got Sally Po in the movie.

Wing has been overrated for so long that I actually think it's now looped back around to being underrated.

Did he? I haven't seen EW in a while but I don't remember getting that vibe.

I would still follow this man to hell and back.

I see Wing get shit on a fair amount on \m\.
Personally it's middle of the road, but there's definitely some goofy fun to be had.
Its at least better than Age and IBO (probably seeds too but I haven't finished that shit).

More like "Embrace Skynet in your brain"

Catherine is Trowa's biological sister, he discover that later when his memories return thanks to wing zero.

He got over his Waifu's death, and Got sally in the end.
Irony that Sally looks like a mix of his wife if she grew up and Cammy

But Wu Fei...

Wing gets shit on /m/ mostly because of UC fanboys who learned about the franchise yesterday and girls who hate the series because of how it ended. aka no gay for you, everyone got the ultimate waifu prize, including Quatre who got Dorothy of all people in the end due to the side stories being canon, minus blind target because sumizawa.

He killed her virginity.

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>Roger that
Is he the most alpha autist of all time?

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I really wish they adapt Frozen Teardrop so we can see Char-Relena.

There is no frozen teardrop
Also any mentions of Duo Maxwell becoming mad max rocktansky of mars, cheating his wife and later becoming god emperor president fueled by nanomachines is just imagination coming out from

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>UC fanboys
Makes sense.
I found it hard to get into all the AUs that weren't G Gundam at first because I expected most series to be like a UC entry.
After a while I accepted that AUs are a different beast and enjoyed them for what they are mostly.
Seed still seems like a fucking awful rehash of 0079 though.

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somehow oldest UC fanboys even in Japan has a huge softspot towards battletech and mechwarrior, but then the story of the setting itself makes all of UC look like child's play, also the fact that it still gets some easter eggs.

also the fact that most pilots lived canonically in btech prior to the 4th succession war

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He specifically killed people he didn't threaten

He couldn't even manage to kill himself

Wing is like watching 0079, Z, and CCA mashed into one big incoherent mess, if you're watching it after having seen all that stuff it's redundant as fuck, I understand people not liking it if they're into UC.

It's the eyebrow.

Originally wing was going to be Man vs Machine because of the mobile dolls going full Skynet, then it became a intro to UC.
If they were to remake the series, they would use Episode Zero and GOL.

but it was still popular in nipland

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Wing is fucking garbage.

>Catherine is Trowa's biological sister, he discover that later when his memories return thanks to wing zero.
Now, I DO know that that's wrong.

I'm aware that this is the absolute worst place to ask this question but do girls actually like it when you treat them badly? Is it just the ones with issues or is it all of them?

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Why is this ED and so much of the Gundam Wing official art so lolrandom? Like the pic where all the female characters are fairies with wings.

One of the official art is literally Heero, Relena and Duo at the Water park, with Duo cheering Heero to finally get her, with relena using a skimpy bikini.

I don't believe you.

Ruri sure was popular back in the day.

>relena using a skimpy bikini

I think I need to see this.

its probably on danbooru or geelboru
misato in Wing artwork style is kino

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One PieceLuffy

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I am feeling sexually confuse.

I would fuck both desu

Is Duo the biggest shipfag ever?

spent the whole series negging on the main female character. somehow ends up as true love.

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Gundam Wing gave me the rich girl fetish
now i want one

Doubt it. You just know that entire group of girls was soaking wet after that.