Saber is smartness and strongest!

Saber is smartness and strongest!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Saberposters are literally sissy sluts

Dumb bislut.

She's a bioretto ripoff

to be fair

She is also perfect and is my wife.

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There is literally no reason Saber shouldn't have been Joan of Arc, and it's obvious that in earlier drafts she was, but the guy just had to stuff that gender bending subplot in there.

Saber is straight.


All women are "bi"

No, she has a huge futa cock, so it’s ok. Also she gets fucked by horses


>saber spitting straight facts about fortnite

Attached: King of the Operators.jpg (2016x1512, 843.04K)

In earlier drafts, Saber was a male King Arthur, and the MC was female.

>Dose Type 1's
How the fuck do I find more weebs in the navy?

Maybe he should have kept it that way instead of flipping a coin to decide which character he is writing each day.

>How the fuck do I find more weebs in the navy?
You shouldn't want any more seamen in your life, user.
I'm not navy. Thank you for ur cervix etc etc

Attached: Half-Life Hype.jpg (2016x1512, 819.44K)

They're usually sissies and get fucked by the entire squad.

maybe he shouldn't have written Fate at all and spared us from this garbage franchise

Wrong pic, but you get the picture.

Attached: Around Raifu, have no laifu.jpg (2016x1512, 864.99K)

Even the girl weeaboos?

Those are cumdumps for the high rank.

But we got Fate Zero, which on its own is pretty good.

But then we wouldn't be able to say things like "I know how to please a man"

>making your main girl a F*og

holy based

>it's obvious that in earlier drafts she was,
No, Nasu changed King Arthur into a girl because an asian-female on white-male romance would have made the eroge sell like literal fucking garbage.

I don't know if you are a secondary or just retarded.

Who let you on the computer Mordred?

Seething homosexual.

Oh shit, we're coming up pretty close to a big get. Time for the board to eat shit and get flooded with garbage.

Bisexual freaks make me laugh. Bi girls are just sex toys for the pleasure of straight men (or bi women too, in the case of Saber) and bi guys are thirsty loners that everybody hates, even other bi guys.

Why is Jeanne the best girl in so many franchises?

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and that's a good thing

They should rename her to Fortniteber.

fate Jeanne sucks though

You suck

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Built for mating press

Are you saying that Shirou is bi then?

They probably think they are soo similar with saber since she is flat as well.
fuckibg degenerates

HOT. I want to feminize a Saberposter and fuck him while he cosplays as Saber.

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What about Jeanne posters and Nero posters?

Wrong Saber.

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Because God himself literally made her to be best girl, user.


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Are you offering yourself, user?

>the whole camelot thing
She's brave, user.

They'll still get mating pressed.


I love when they stop replying.

You fucks horse we get it doujin tranny

Because she just is.

Why can't Saber be real bros, it hurts.

Become Saber and service our cocks, slut.

I would if I could.


Just wear a Saber wig and bend over, slut!

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How can she be your wife when she's mine?

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Nero posters are definitely cuckolds

Nero sissies need to get caged and watch as I fuck her.

Me in the red