Why do shonenshit anime always have the best looking girls?

Why do shonenshit anime always have the best looking girls?

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>why do anime/manga aimed at teenage boys have really hot girls????

But she's ugly in the canon art.

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It is made for shonen aka young boys. Young boys know the ideal female form.

I want to have sex with Nami so badly it makes everything else in life seem pointless.


It doesn't. How can anyone find Oda's art attractive?

They don't

Attached: haruhi-nagato-mikuru.jpg (3000x2693, 1.2M)

She’s cute

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More importantly, at what age should you stop reading shonen?

Same and I don’t even like wan piss

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I will read shounen, watch anime aimed at little girls and play pokemon when I'm 90


>Why do shonenshit anime always have the best
>Black Clover
>Fairy Tail
I don't know. But I want a stash of all the porn.

wash your plushes, damn.

I'm an Oshirizuki guy but I love her.Nagato is my waifu.
Isn't haruhi shonen btw?

It's great because since she shows are shit and the characters are hot you can fap to rape porn of them without feeling bad

Never. As Gintoki once said, men will always be shonen in their heart.

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the manga adaptation was in a shounen magazine


>Isn't haruhi shonen btw?
Not by this board's definition of shonen that's for sure

Is this that Orihime girl from Bleach?

yeah, she's just visiting luffy

Misty from Pokemon

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Is Haruhi for anal only or impregnation?

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I used to have an unhealthy amount of Haruhi figmas

Depends on what she wants.

>used to
What happened to them?


Got older, and it was embarrassing to have them out in all their glory. So they're all boxed up in my basement

Why wouldnt???????????????????

>it was embarrassing to have them out in all their glory
lol fag

Because they look like actual humans and not deformed retarded looking moeblobs.

Both, really


Great argument

Shonenshit girls are just as moe as moeshit ones

>one piece started before smartphones or cellphones were a thing
Feeling old yet?

I don't get it, why do you guys like Haruhi? She's a bully, she's arrogant, and uses other people as her toys. She even gets jealous when Kyon and Mikuru become close But has no romantic interest for him, it just pisses her off.
One of the less likeable characters ever.

Zoomers like dominant females

great tacos

But I dont recall spice and wolf being shonenshit?

Attached: Spice and Wolf (Dub) Episode 002 - Watch Spice and Wolf (Dub) Episode 002 online in high quality - Google Chrome 9_15_2016 11_02_58 AM.mp4_snapshot_00.11_[2016.09.26_12.46.06].jpg (1376x768, 115.58K)

Nah, they atleast have some human looking facial structure, and aren't 4 feet tall.

I'm pretty sure most of them never heard about haruhi.

>anyone from one piece
>looking like an actual human

So you can only like "good" characters? I'm sorry for you.

How did you know I was a spic!?

I started feeling old after Naruto and Bleach bowed out.

when you realize that animes made for adults can have the same stupid shit you like in shonenshit, but also actually use the characters the nice titties are attached to instead of sidelining them

Can you rewrite this in ENGLISH, please?

There's a spic in this thread lad

I like girls that can keep up with me.

There is only one good girl in that pic and that is Nagato

That's not what I meant. If Haruhi were real I don't think you'd enjoy spending time with her.
There are evil characters that are very likeable and make you wish they were real even if they're not good at all, imo.

>If Haruhi were real I don't think you'd enjoy spending time with her
You have no idea user

>canon art
>post anime


Every girl is for impregnation


Attached: these clothes.jpg (439x931, 203.07K)

this is literally peak female form