The anime will suck

The anime will suck.

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my dick i hope

Of course, if you adapt a manga that sucks the anime will suck too.

literally a sub **800 pre orders

At least she has a good seiyuu.

Who it is

meme girl adored by shitposters

>Oppai genki
A guaranteed modern classic

English doc

>her anime sill suck
Can you explane????????????????????

still no another image other than ops in this thread. I'll fix that.

Attached: sleep tight.jpg (715x1218, 533.84K)

Shit anime designs, manga gets boring

Name a single good anime in the last 30 years.

have you donated blood in the recent past? give something back to society for feeding your lazy neet ass

Attached: blood donation.jpg (1456x2048, 652.87K)

i thought one punch man was pretty good (:

>liking anything
Look at this fucking pleb over here, GET OUT REDDITOR

If you haven't enjoyed an anime in the past 30 years you're the problem

>boy with tits
Of course it will.

What was the story for this ad? I heard it was removed and then got reinstated again?


there's gonna be an anime?

yes. in july.




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where can I get a vol 3 Raw?

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r*ddit anime

what manga is this


no idea what that is but looks compelling

Why does her face make me want to punch her?

The manga is great though


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Yeah. Expats bitched, more posters for other shows were put up, there wasn't much turnout after using a different poster for Comiket, but in the end the original campaign was considered a huge success and they brought Uzaki back again last month, tits and all.

i'd suck on her titties if you know what i mean

I really liked the first few chapters when it was just the cute big tiddies idiot and her senpai, but man do the secondary characters fucking suck

>secondary characters fucking suck
>Uzaki's hot mom
>Senpai's friend is a wingman
>Cute pervert coworker
Retard confirmed

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I find them all boring.

That's the intended effect, just like Sachikong's.

Out with you then

The manga already sucks anyway.

I wish Uzaki would suck me.
it is time

>the anime should give us even more doujins
I'm ready.

i am thinking of starting the manga

whats a panda got to do with this?

don't bap the kong pls


Did they finally bring the panda back or are the non nons still there?

it was brought back after less than a week bro

as anime usually does

I mean, I recall either something fucking up or them choosing to keep the NNB image after the site came back.

no, it definitely came back within a week.

And everyone knows, preorders is how the quality of a show is measured, I don't even have to watch anime anymore.

That is a manga character, not a seiyuu,
It is Ozora Naomi.
I'm pleased they kept the same seiyuu from the earlier videos.

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This is the same way oppai lolis work and it's beautiful.

All they have to do is hire whoever was in charge of boobs in the first season of SnS and it will be a 10/10.

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It will be shit compared to the OG.

Attached: Dumb senpai.webm (800x450, 309.7K)

That's a dumb senpai made for being bullied.
Uzaki is a dumb kouhai made for being annoying.

Attached: uzaki smug megane.png (844x1200, 324K)

>made for bullying
>Titty Senpai
Shit taste.

Attached: Track star senpai.webm (800x450, 746.24K)

She is also for bulling, they're just more give and take.