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Kimetsu no Yaiba
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It's just for me or was the choreography specially bad this chapter?
It’s not just you, it was just bad. The motion doesn’t really come across well due to multiple tiny panels and close ups, and there’s not a good feeling of slashing or sweeping motions because they just look like small explosions.
god I wish that were me
It's not just you, it feel apart when Inosuke was getting vored.
it was never standout but it felt more disjointed than normal
Yeah it was bad. Both Inosuke and Zenitsu usually has better looking attacks than this. Inosuke has wild, wide slashes and Zenitsu straight, long lines. Here they just looked like small bursts.
The tentacle mouth manages to look worse than the regular tentacles too, which at least had swiping motions.
Tamayo and Demon Shitters boutta get BTFO
>uzui doesn't even get his face drawn
i hate crocodiles
it sucks that uzui and shinjuro isn't joining the fray
>CHADzan powering up
Oh shit. Will boar get his moment?
>the crow is dead
Is this a good thing or a bad thing? both sides won't know much time is left until sunrise
Alright boys, here we go
>I don't have to be stronger than you to kill you
>If I can make you weaker
>Chapter 197: Tenacity
>Just as you will do anything to live
>I... 'We' will do anything to kill you
>If it was like usual
>All this would be meaningless
>This level of attack, of damage, would be ineffective on me
>Any demon hunter was far behind that man
>Even the fatigue of regeneration would be minuscule
>But those four drugs have turned all those ineffective attacks
>Into as effective attacks as possible and driven my body into a corner
>I never imagined that woman would make that many drugs in such a short time
>And it's completely different from what they used on Douma
>It's my first time tasting this
>It's taking time to analyze and decompose it
>He stopped moving
>I think it's thanks to Tamayo-san's drug
>It's possible!
>We can win! It's only a little bit left until sunrise
>Can't move
>Breath is
>Breathing is
>Body is
>I can't
>I'm fine
>Don't worry
>Are Obanai and Tanjirou safe
>Muzan's attack can reach all the way here?
>There's no way
>There's no way he's discovered us here
>The eyes...
>The position of the eyes have changed, so I can't see
>Until daybreak comes
>Twenty five minutes
>A little more... A little more
>Lock Muzan down
>Please, somebody... Someone who can fight...
Reminder that Himejima has the coolest weapon in the series.
The last page
Yeah, I was honestly really looking forward to them getting a moment when they were first shown at the beginning of the arc.
Who cares, the reader will know anyway because you will just get Ubuyuashiki and co annoucing it instead.
>Stand up
>I have to stand up
>Aaa I can't breathe
>Lungs... Lungs are squashed
>Where is Iguro-san
>Muzan is escaping...!
>(Heavy breathing)
>Hit me
>Pretty good. I won't forgive you
>It's dangerous
>(Heavy breathing)
>I can't unleash a blood demon technique
>My fatigue has piled up
>(More heavy breathing)
>We'll cover this
>(Continued heavy breathing)
>Old man prayer beads' leg
>And half-and-half haori's arm are torn off
>The bodies of the comrades I ate meals together with are scattered about
>Give them back
>The hands, the feet
>Give back all of those lives
>If that isn't possible
>Then die a million times as an apology!
>Aaa Inosuke!
>Help, I have to help
>I can't, I'm dying
>I'm going to die first...!
>Inosuke, hang in there!
>Tanjirou is still alive, I can hear the sound of his heart
>Tanjirou, just think about living
>Listen to me, you're not dead
>There's no way you'll die
>You're going home with Nezuko-chan
>With a Nezuko-chan that's been returned to a human
>You have to return to your hometown
>Your family is waiting
>For you to return
I assume this is figurative
>Sanemi isn't even shown
How fucked up is he
>I never imagined that woman would make that many drugs in such a short time
Where are the retards claiming Tamayo spent CENTURIES on these? It's obvious that she only asspulled these based on UM bloood samples just recently.
>A blood demon technique
>Muddled up my nervous system
>If that's the case
>Wouldn't nichirin
>Hold, lift
>Stab it in the gap
>Between blood vessels
>Avoid vital areas
>The convulsions
>(Heavy breathing)
>I can't move my arm
>My body is like a heavy chunk of lead
>(Heavy breathing again)
>He can still stand up
>(More heavy breathing)
>(Once more for good measure)
>These vermin bastards
>Without missing a beat
>They gather
>They stand any number of times
>Until dawn breaks
>Until their lives' last breath
And that's all for this week, my friends
>>Old man prayer beads' leg
>>And half-and-half haori's arm are torn off
Kek these nicknames though. And goddamnit, Himejima is not an old man, he's 27.
I must protect Tanjirou.
He's in top panel.
Not only this chapter but the whole series. The battles are awful to look at, especially the sailor moon battle of UM1. wait for anime adaption
That's his foot I'm pretty sure
>now he pukes lightning
He's really trying his best to resemble a natural disaster, huh?
Finally he does something else
I meant his body wasn't shown this chapter (only his foot) which makes me wonder just how bad his injuries are
>>(Heavy breathing)
>>I can't unleash a blood demon technique
>>My fatigue has piled up
why didn't you do this from the start? wtf
It was never good but this is even worse than usual.
>>The bodies of the comrades I ate meals together with are scattered about
>>Give them back
he's shedding tears for his comrades. Our pig boy has become a man
Yeah I noticed that when he first got btfo then still not showing him now. His wounds from Koku may have opened up
Thank you
Thanks, user!
How much stamina does tanjiro have, this shit is just retarded
About the same as his dad
>yfw sanemi shows up to fight with his intestines hanging out
No polearm of any kind makes me sad
weapon variety has been a bit lame overall
Choose one, shit or retarted.
He has no more stamina than anyone else fighting, he was sitting out for a big portion of the fight
All right, you got a lot of guts Sanemi! youtube.com
Prease understand, he's written as a retard on purpose, it's good writing I swear.
would forgive the arc entirely if he actually grapples muzan with his own entrails