Why do they look so ugly? I literally cannot watch this show.
Why do they look so ugly? I literally cannot watch this show
Ok so don't
found the faggot. Who wouldn't want to cum inside these girls?
You got pleb filtered. Enjoy your pleb life.
Objectively hideous girls doing creative things is the new in thing, Im sorry you're so out of touch that you cant understand modern art.
Strange. This happenes to me with One piss and kill la kill, but not with Eizouken.
You're not missing out on much, the animation is nice at times.
That's about it.
muh overrated ugly artstyle animay
This is the most overrated show of the season
>grandma skirts
For me, it's Mizusaki.
Go home roodypoo
>literally celebrates anime, animation and their creators
>but i'm gonna hate on it for contrarian points
bet you also think shirobako is trash or something, right?
>Boo hoo muh animu girls aren't waifu material, I can't watch it
Fuck off, op
>anime is about anime so you have to like it!1!1!!
>Coomer memes
Go back to plebbit.
I see an ugly horse and a frog there, don't know what that third animal is supposed to be
a cute kitty
>I can't jack off to the main characters, so it's bad
Literal shit taste. Go back to watching lolishit, haremshit and self-insert isekai you megafaggots.
Literally too fugly and I heard there's even some gender retardation. I filter on sight every time.
I think they're cute.
>t. digibro
Literally who?
Fix now.
I don't care that the characters are ugly, but I wish at least the main character actually looked female. She looks like she's Tsuyu Asui's younger male sibling.
>they don't like muh ugly west tier shit, must only care about fapping
Kill yourself, Yas Forumstards.
Don't watch then, what's a problem?
I still don't get why nips do this. Even if I had close friends, I will never be ok with being bare naked around them
Literally this.
You realise nips aren't the only people who do that? Ever heard of sauna?
There's nothing special in being naked around other naked people. In Germany all saunas are mixed-gender, for example.
Have you never been in a changing room together with friends?
You never gone swimming with the buds?
I saw ep 7 and loved it. It's on my to watch list after Full Defense. It's so dynamic and still takes itself apart on a meta scale. (meta? 4th wall? something like that.)
They just want to make an anime. They just want to do an art project. I assume they have other classes, but that must be in the eps I haven't seen yet.
your school didn't have a Penis Inspection Day?
Wow, almost like they're a foreign culture or something.
I've had full on naked parties with my friends where we just got drunk and goofed around in an inflatable pool in my partner's backyard. nothing sexual at all unless you count trying to throw glowing bracelets onto each others tits and dicks in an impromtu game of horseshoes.
>frog is not a 4'5 midget
The fuck!
>tall girl is kinda cute
The fuck?
What did I miss that a bunch of retards here are calling everything video game? Even if these fags are so what? Yas Forums and Yas Forums go hand in hand since only losers like this shit. Yay!
for me the problem is not animation, it's the plot, first time iwatched it i expected bakuman story and i get it but i don't like the idewa of Art concept taking life it break the story and the immersion for me. What i mean they try to immerse you in their world and in their imagination but for me it's just usles i want to imagine what are they doing i want to imagine the final product before they finish it i don't wanna see it immediatly.
Even if this is supposed to be ironic, the level of stupidity required to make this post is unreal.
Not naked
okay coomer
Do you just go swimming fully clothed?
I wear swimming trunks like any reasonable adult man
Yes, and presumably you need to change in to those before you start swimming, and out of them when you finish. Perhaps in some sort of communal area where everyone gets naked and changes clothes.
Well user that your culture has an inherent problem with it doesn't mean that the rest of the world also does.
Personally, I'm too ashamed of my below average sized penis to put myself in situations where my friends, or strangers, would see it.
Ever heard of wearing a towel to cover your privates while you put on your underwear then pants? Jesus user I’ve never been naked with my friends no matter how many times you prod and ask the answer is NO
Were you the kid who wore swimming trunks while everyone was taking a shower after PE?
I like Eizouken
The girls are cute
Frog is the best!
Watch the live action. The girls are cuter.
Fuck off trannie
I tried reading the manga but I got really bored. I'll try the anime later.
Nice! Retarded coomer filtered!
>western shit
disgrace to anime
Why? Manga isn't animated. For a story that's all about making and appreciating animation, it's better to watch the anime than to read still images.
>you can't even tell which one is supposed to be a model