
Rate the finale! Multiple choice

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Other urls found in this thread:!gcdVkAxT!zkRRSYQNaVfnIKYZk2pl9A

>both popular harems ending with a crash and burn
Good riddance.
>select all that apply

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>both popular harems ending with the correct girl winning
>still outrage from everywhere
the genki girls won, get over it and accept they were the best

>select all that apply
wait , you can't do that!

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What is the pun in the title?

Well you know what they say. Pride before the fall
where are all the Urukafags now?

Uruka was a mistake

How can you unlock the secret Mizuki route?

Uruka end is not canon.

5/5 report in

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5toubuntards wish they had this ending, even 4fags with how bad they actually got it in the end

Can't wait for best and true end

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no need to lie user, all endings are canon, what's true is that uruka's ending is objectively shit

So beautiful

Maybe the crash and burn is why genki girls and childhood friends never win. They're a universal bad end.

So a Long distance Problem on Urukas's arc.
Solve by Time Skip + Power of Love?

>everyone wins
So this is the true power of Communism...

urukaBRO here, yes, we are a LOSER and a BLACK, call us 1/5 more!

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No way 0.2

>thinking it had anything to do with who won
This is why you will fall into the same pit everytime.

team 6/5 report in!

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Keep saying it, it's all you have.

Here comes sensei to save bokuben once more.

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Will will see mafuyu parent?


I know the writing would have gone south regardless of who won. I'm just trying to make a joke at the expense of Urukafags and Yotsubafags.

Black loser.

it's a fact user

sister end



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go ahead, post YOUR crying wojak

Banana bros...

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Dilate harder, we're gonna have much more

Another girl winning would have been less insufferable, because we wouldn't have to put up with the "going to Australia" plot.

Which one?


7/5 b-bros..?

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few posts, as reminder for everyone how horrible they were, from one () of FLASHBACKS arc threads:
>No because her whole arc is about her love for Nariyuki and finally getting to be with him from overcoming her issues.
>This. All the complaints about "muh girl didn't confess" wouldn't matter to foomfags/senseifags if their girl won withouth anyone else confessing. Its pure salt, nothing less nothing more.
>Oh hey I'm from the other timeline where Sensei won. Senseifags are gulping that whole turd of grabeyard flashback about Sensei saving Shotayuki from drinking bleach and killing himself. It's funny.
>Urukafag here. I'm gonna put it very bluntly. I respect Senseifags for fighting the uphill battle but I personally never believed even for a split second that she had the ghost of a chance and I can't fathom how they could, for the life of me. Same for Rizu, Nariyuki barely ever gave a shit about her. Asumi was always filler and the only real obstacle was Fumino and her meta bullshit. I'm so happy she lost.
>No clue she's a genki childhood athletic friend who is very feminine but shy. Super rare character and impossible to find boring.

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Nice false flag

Hey, power level chart user. I hope this will be useful.!gcdVkAxT!zkRRSYQNaVfnIKYZk2pl9A

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>finally getting to be with him from overcoming her issues
What issues did she overcome, exactly?

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Uruka niggers are the retards that use wojaks outside of Yas Forums, who could have expected that?

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Where I can find the other ones likes this? I just have seen Fumino and Rizu. I don't care for the uruka one.

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You know like.... uh... being better at swimming?

just a friendly reminder because I were sent to vacation, they're fast at report button.

Seems like Urukafags has returned

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Daily reminder is Uruka is the MAIN FIRST ending. Everything else is just extra content.

>I don't care for the uruka one.

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I'll always be here friend.
What are you going to do, 1/5 me to death?


to add more, they were called you fillerfuyushitter and decoy/mascotte appealing, they bully rizuanon for free bump on their desserted threads.

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Uruka is the boring default route

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But it's true. I just care about the cute girls.

We did it Mafuyuchads! This shit ends with us!!

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Where's the Sekijou Route?

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I'd like to thank corona-chan for wiping out the wop countrymen of both the nigger lover and the udonfaggot
a round of applause, please, for corona-chan


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Thanks to this studying manga, I'm finally learning about fractions! Just now, I've learned that "1/5" is Uruka's route, and that she is merely ONE ending out of FIVE possible ones, and is not the TRUE ending.

Un quinto.




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Reminder that routes are played in this order
Worst to Best

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I'm here for ass. Post the bet ass shots.

first 1-7, now 1/5
BRs must just get triggered at the sight of numbers now