stop liking Isekai
Stop liking Isekai
ive never watched an isekai
Stop projecting
don't Yas Forums hate isekai, 'cept konosuba sometimes ok
Post the Eroha edit.
people like worldbuilding and cultural objectivity which brings the ~white mans burden harem opportunities
Isekai is OK, but needs more nativity.
Thanks Marche
When will they make another Final Fantasy Tactics?
Dunno, I don't like the FFTA/12 ivalice though.
It would be nice if most isekai have world building instead of using the same carbon copy.
at least its not slice of life
If we follow that logic that means that Anime itself is escapism, as well as movies, books or every other type of entertainment, even the god damn interweb itself it's a way of escapism.
No shit.
Its awfully same-y how most isekai are a) about bystanders and b) only about one other world, and c) fairly helpless about the whole transition
What I think would be good would be a Star Trek kinda isekai. a highly trained scientific research team mapping and studying the multiverse, looking for scientific discoveries, trade opportunities, and allies against whatever possible multiversal threats might be out there
Opening Your Eyes Is Just Escapism From Being Alone With Your Thoughts
So Doctor Who?
The original message of the game was that you can't just hide your problems in escapist fantasy. it not healthy and you have to deal with it.
the original message of the game was bullshit, especially given it couldn't actually end.
Kill yourself before they do it.
all anime is escapism, isekai is just aware of it and usually doesn't try to be anything more.
Escapism is just going on strike. Being against escapism is being anti-union.
Killing yourself is for pussies, you're not a pussy, are you, user?
I'm honestly surprised I've yet to see a series where Japanese teens just regularly get isekai'd. Seems like an easy setup for a comedy parody series.
>Follows a "normal" class of high school students.
>Time flows differently between worlds so students are never gone for more than like a week even if they spend years in another world and they get put back in their original bodies.
>Everyone brags about the worlds they've been to and how great of a hero they were.
>Sometimes they come back with magic powers or equipment.
>Teacher is just exhausted trying to deal with a class of constantly-isekai'd students.
>There's one kid who is the outcast because he hasn't been isekai'd yet.
It writes itself.
Devil Man is worse than any isekai ever though.
>Arc where the teacher has to stop the one not isekai'd kid from commiting suicide in a attempt to isekai himself
>he finally gets isekai'd
>it's either warhammer 40k tier hellhole or something extremely boring
Konosuba is fine since it mostly parodies Isekai tropes.
>stop liking Isekai
Yes, it's escapism and there is nothing wrong with it. At the end of my life when I cease to exist, it will not make a difference whether I wasted my life or not.
No it fucking isnt you bnha tard
But Marche
Reality is horrible
(Almost) all fiction is isekai.
You retards misidentify the problem.
The problem is game mechanics and wish fulfilment.
Forgot my pic.
No, morons like you are the problem.
Maybe but you can't solve me, baby.
My big thick neanderthal dick will keep fucking your untermenschen eye socket until the day you die.
Fuck you Marche
the fuck is that? And yes it is.
Watch isekai.
Fuck off Marche.
>There's one kid who is the outcast because he hasn't been isekai'd yet.
>Gook "Everyone Else Is A Returnee"
>There's also that one Nip series about a guy who sat outside of the summoning circly in class and gets the cheats from the summon without getting isekai'd but I forgot the name.
> not healthy
Most of the fun things aren't
>Ritz actually thought red hair was better than this
What the fuck is her problem?
Parody and deconstruction are reddit-tier buzzwords for people who pretend that their favorite piece of shit is somehow above other pieces of shit.
Despite the reddit buzzword in your argument, I agree with you.
This. Konosuba is still your average Isekai that focuses more on comedy than outright power wankery
Marche was a dick
On a more serious note: an unhealthy amount of escapism and wish-fulfilment in media is not a cause but a symptom of a plethora of a systemic problems.
And there is no silver bullet solution.
I think the unhealthy part isn't that it's escapism, it's that I mostly read isekai where the main character has lost their humanity to various degrees and that the more evil the deeds they do the more interesting I find them.
And I don't mean garbage where the people they hurt universally deserve it because they eat babies.
I mean stories where the likable nice people get the bad end as well as the meanies.
Losing your humanity is a natural part of growing older.
Isekai is shit, but you are even more shit, marche.
This too is nothing more but escapist fantasy, but instead of everyone sucking you off as if you're a hero, you're instead just an unbeatable bad guy who is smarter than everyone and can do pretty much anything, even topple an entire empire in a single day just by flexing hard enough
>This too is nothing more but escapist fantasy
Your reading comprehension sucks.
Maybe you should read more isekai.
Fortune getting wiped in Overlord wasn't a wish fulfilment thing or a power fantasy though. It felt like watching gore back in the day, but on an emotional level.
Same for Hellrage and the dragon throats.
I'm not even sure why I want to see it. But I do.
stealing this
Why do you post tiny downscales that are barely legible?