Pani Poni Dash

What does Yas Forums think of this?

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Other urls found in this thread:!!!

Oh yeah? What kind of education you got that makes you better?

Shiratori's my favorite, dabeza.

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I tried watching this at one point but all the viewing space was constantly being obscured by fan translation notes and Japanese joke/culture explanations.
What kind of ruse cruise did I fall for?

just started watching this yesterday because im a big shaftfag and dear lord

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Pretty good show. Behoimi is probably one of my favorite side characters in this show.

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fat dog

Rei makes my dick EXPLODE

still a couple months till cinco de maho, please be patient OP!

Manga translations NEVER FUCKING EVER
I might actually end up proficient enough in Japanese to read it myself before a new release comes out.

I feel you user
at least there's full series scans already

It's so sad how the translators just abandoned their project.

The dub was pretty good.

To be fair they had been working on it for years.
Looong project + no new blood + passion project = almost always left unfinished due to life or waning interest.
Could've just said "releases will be sporadic to nonexistent" though.

>To be fair they had been working on it for years.
Damn Eternal Bunny Love was on that Pani Poni from '05 to '13

Himeko the best

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I don't remember it being that great especially when compared to other Shaft series, but it's been years since my last watch and during that time I learned moonspeak and at least tripled my powerlevels.

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They didn't even get to say an official goodbye :(

It's an example of what happens if you get voice direction that knows how to bring out the most out of the voice cast, ideally also passionate about their job.
But PPD was kinda special in that they had to set off a bunch of people doing research to figure out what the hell was going on with the blackboards and tiny visuals. And those also worked on writing a solid dub script. A serious shame ADV went bellyup before they got to release SZS.

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Goodbye teary bunny

The effort that [gg] put into their release was phenomenal. Straight up had a separate 11 page long PDF just to explain all the blackboard references and japanese in-jokes.

If I were to pull out her cowlick, would she die?

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Tight and juicy.

After a while I just stopped reading those. Most of the time they were just explaining what ramen was or some Gundam reference I already knew.

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She had the best theme song

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Which one came first PPS or Nichijou?
It looks like one show took lots of inspiration from the other.

Are you somehow incapable of opening a search engine and looking both shows up?

I haven't installed Google.

Google isn't the only search engine available.

PPD is my favorite anime and I love Ichijou.

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It's the only one with low enough requirements for my computer.

2005 - PPD
2006 - Haruhi
2007 spring - Lucky Star
2007 summer - SZS
2011 - Nichijou

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A tough battle...

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Is there an uncensored version of that one transition with the mahou shoujo?

Just by looking at the quality you can tell PPS is older

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My favorite AMV:

cinco de marzo

does it have the same humor as Sayonara Sensei? still working on my backlog of the wides

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Our Jinx!

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Kinda, but can be way harder to follow, the first time. A lot of puns, a lot of a lot of references, art style shifts, breaking the 4th wall, shenanigans, a bit of fan service, three killer openings (and the Behoimi ending which is REALLY catchy). Something like 20 characters introduced in the first 12 episodes (if I remember right), and a big part of the secondary characters is actually recurrent, so the first time can be confusing. But in the end PPD pays you back!

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i somehow doubt that, seeing as google has to blast their bloated datamining scripts at you on absolutely everything they touch.

If your computer is really decrepit, these would probably be better:

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picked up, thanks!

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Great! Don't forget the OVA, which is heavier on fan service, but still don't lack references...

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thanks user!


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Is that the bluray? Jesus it looks even worse than I imagined.

I recall watching it.... Aaand that's it. Honestly can't recall anything else about it.

Early digital show and they most certainly lost all source material in office moves. So you get upscales. At best you get an upscale from a high-bitrate square-pixel progressive video master, at worst you have the DVDs.

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Very cool. Anyone got MEGA's?

did they just shove it it one of those vectorizer programs?

Yeah they never turn out good, and I had no high expectations when they announced the BDs, but it's somehow even worse than they usually are.
pretty much

Poor Miyako can't catch a break...

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It's like Azumanga Daioh on drugs with a heavy dosage of Shaft a la szs and arakawa in regards to pacing and presentation.

Ufotable did pretty well with 2x2 Shinobuden and Manabi Straight, but they had the source files at hand. Still upscaled but every item is upscaled separately.
Hidamari Sketch S1 had a couple of cuts reshot (having lost most material in moves), and they could have remade the entirety of X365 but didn't.

PPD had weird DVDs anyway. Black borders on both top and sides, and jumping between framerates depending on cut. Maybe one day someone trains a neural network to do the job.


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Pani Poni Dash opening 01-02-03!!!

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