Why did they make fascism look so appealing?

Why did they make fascism look so appealing?
Also s2 when

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For realism

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Because in time periods like WW2 it was appealing.

Because fascism IS comfy. Unless you're Jewish I guess.

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The same time konosuba gets another season

because it's not fascism

But that trash is dead, while this quality show is still going strong.

Fascism is pretty good if you aren't the one getting fucked. Think about how far a civilization could progress if you could just make shit happen without needing to get anyone's support. Thats why you always see shit like the Man in High Castle, where you're supposed to hate the Nazis, but then you see that they're colonizing Mars and shit in the 80s.

meh, economies based on plunder. Sure they sorta work, but as soon as fresh loot stops getting shoveled into the economy the entire thing breaks down

the konosuba movie made more money but who knows how kadokawa thinks desu

Because fascism makes fascism look appealing

>as soon as fresh loot stops getting shoveled into the economy the entire thing breaks down
So just like every other system

The movie feels like it's made just for fans. In other words, only fans would enjoy it. I don't think there will be a second season so far. Although the movie has a good time at the end.

>Think about how far a civilization could progress if you could just make shit happen without needing to get anyone's support
the problem is that works both ways. the most famous dictators are usually famous for how quickly they fuck everything up.

At least then you know who is responsible and you only need to take one head to clean things up.

>Why nips made fascism look so appealing?
They would give anything to live in a fascist nationalistic dictatorship

because when it comes from a writer that isn`t jewish it becomes real neat out of the sudden

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Yeah, but then who's next in line, and what guarantee is there that he won't fuck up as badly as the guy he just beheaded? And if you're already a dictator, it's pretty difficult to get you off the throne no matter how badly you fucked up in the first place.

nips can make anything appealing

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The Japanese are one of the only collective groups immune to their ww2 propaganda.

No system is guaranteed to work, and taking a single head is certainly much easier that fixing the mess we are in currently which would certainly require much more than one head.

haven't seen this ugly show
is it actually fascism or is it just "fascism" aka what government schools and corporate press regard as it?
because people don't use the word right and it triggers my autism

responsibility to who? read some history before forming an opinion. it's not like this problem hasn't already destroyed a few dozen countries.

It's an obvious expy of Germany in WW1/2.

>responsibility to who?
Try not being a complete retard before posting.

>taking a single head

What about all the dictator's supporters and underlings? And again, who decides who replaces the dictator anyway? Yeah, no system is guaranteed to work, but when you look at it more closely, fascism doesn't even work much better than what we have now. The Nazis are always portrayed as having super science and being super cool and efficient because that makes them intimidating villains. It's not really mature to take that as an example of how things were IRL.

I'll humor you. Kim Jong is doing an objectively terrible job at running his nation. why hasn't anyone taken his head and just fixed everything?

>and taking a single head is certainly much easier that fixing the mess we are in currently which would certainly require much more than one head.
If you don't understand even the basics of comparing one system to another then you have no place discussing these kinds of things. Stick to the cartoons kid.

It’s incredibly unrealistic though. According to the CIA, Japan and Italy had achieved nuclear break out capacity by the 1950’s and they never had the resources and manpower to conquer that much of the world.

>implying Israel isn’t fascist

What about all of the entrenched career politicians?

shit dude, not even anime stoops to the "killing the demon king solves everything" trope anymore. I have no idea how you could think that's how it works in real life. at least come up with a better deflection.

why indeed? it's almost as if the japanese don't regret their fascist past. they only regret that they lost.

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You know his people don't even hate him right? Dumbass foreigner.

Watch more anime newfag.

The creator of this show isn’t even a Jap. His name is Carlo Zen.

>10-years-old girl is a Nazi lieutenant

That's just a pen name, he is Nippon.

An immigrant, probably.

>achieving anything
Fuckers couldn't even do one front of the war without crying for aid. Ever since Caeser fell it's just been downhill for them.

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>tan Tanya


Nips still seething that the Russians drove them out of the continent.

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That's not the story the defectors that manage to escape tell us. The people in power literally have to lie and deceive everyone not in the chain of command to make them accept him as their leader. The system only works by oppressing it's own population to the point that they have no contact with the outside world and enforcing the idea of the leader being a super human without flaws.

You are an idiot, if you do actually listen to what the defectors say most of the people think he is a literal god and the defectors know they are part of a small minority, dumbass.

>most of the people think he is a literal god
You don't see the problem there? You repeated my point back to me like that was somehow a refutation, are you really that dense?

>militarism is the same as fascism

>You know his people don't even hate him right?
>That's not the story the defectors that manage to escape tell us.
>Most of the people think he is a literal god
>Thinking they hate their god
Yeah, you really are retarded. They are obviously not going to take the head of their god, and getting your people to think you are a god actually makes him really good at running his nation whether you like it or not.

You really are dense. My point was that the only way for them to maintain the system is that they have to lie and oppress the population to an insane degree in order for them to not revolt. He is not good at running his nation, he is good at oppressing it.

What are the accomplishments of North Korea?

No you don't have a point, you are just trying to move the goalposts.
>You know his people don't even hate him right?
>That's not the story the defectors that manage to escape tell us.
I mean, I completely understand why you want those goalposts moved, it would be completely embarrassing to be caught saying something this ignorant, just to turn around and contradict yourself in your next post.

Oh I see, you are even dumber than I thought. Let's go to complete baseline, can you like or dislike something or someone you don't know?

>Trying to double down on something you just got your ass handed too over.
Stop, this is just sad.

Fascism is great unless you are a NEET, communist or faggot.

which one are u then

Can't answer the question eh? I'll answer the question for you, you can't because you have no knowledge of it.

So here comes the next question, what does the population know about their leader?

You got me, they both think he is a god, and at the same time they hate him. Yeah totally. We are hitting levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible.

fascism as its truest definition didn't happen until after ww1. Get your facts straight you mongoloids.

Because Japs like most people who like Fascism don't realize how terrible the system is when it comes to war.

>its a "retards confuse ww1 with ww2" thread

What anime is that from?

its the same as retards that love communism
"I like it because I never lived under it"

Anything that's an actual threat to them is The Worst Ebil Imaginable.

Too dumb again to answer a simple question. The answer is they know what he looks like and what his voice sounds like and that's it. They don't know how he is running the nation, how the power infrastructure works or his goals or that they are receiving internal aid to keep the starving population alive.

Let's see if third times the charm and you can finally manage to answer a question: What does the people that discover even part of the truth about their nation and leader do?

I know it’s kind of a long shot but I want Visha and Tanya to end up together as kind of an unofficial couple

>They don't hate him because reasons
Yeah, they don't hate him. So how many more contradictions of yours can we fit into this thread?