Chainsaw Man

Oh no! Makima appeared and Power is frightened again. Don't worry, Denji is comforting her

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Why are they sweating?

The manga showing Power using the toilet when?

Huh? Power always sweats around Makima

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Makima has probably raped Power. Imagine the trauma.

How will they beat the super fast chink assassin and her harem of fiends?

In divorce court

Denji will never fuck his sister

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>betting against the (surrogate)imouto end

>somewhere down the road Denji realizes his feelings for Power
>his whole body retroactively feels hot for every moment when they touched each other

i don't know how anyone here is attracted to power. imagine living with her. imagine marrying her. she doesn't flush, she doesn't bathe, she'll probably cheat on you every chance she gets because she only cares about herself. she definitely won't contribute to any of the housework. the best girl here is unequivocally kobeni followed by himeno.

How often do CSM chapters come out? Saw all the threads and the image of Power looking at Denji through the flowers finally convinced me to read it, and I finished Chapter 60 today

>i don't know how anyone here is attracted to power. imagine living with her. imagine marrying her. she doesn't flush, she doesn't bathe, she'll probably cheat on you every chance she gets because she only cares about herself. she definitely won't contribute to any of the housework.
One of the best parts of relationships are changes you and your partner go through for each other.

she just needs a little more positive reinforcement

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Chainsawman is OK at beast but god damn Power makes me want to keep reading, this panel is the beast thing in the whole manga it makes me giddy every time

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5-6 hours right?

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Bros, I want to get pegged...

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Those negative traits are exactly what makes her so attractive and fun character. Other girls can't even compete.
Equating shit to real life is fucking retarded.

About once a week. The latest chapter came out today and is getting translations tomorrow.

Cute family.

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Is Aki going to become the mom of the group?

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he basically already is

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And then Quanxi be like
This might be better from him.


Does anyone else feel like the "Denji might be losing his Humanity" thing is kinda hamfisted? It feels very much like we're being told it, but not shown it. While he says "Oh I wouldn't feel sad if X died", he generally doesn't act like that at all. He is always showing emotions and attachments, and despite the death of Himeno being the trigger for his "Oh I don't feel anything, that's weird", and even stating he doesn't care to get revenge for her in that very same chapter, he goes on to do just that.

Because he actually got more and more humane,
"So that little bomb fulfilled her task" has two meanings.

t. a ***literal*** cuck

denji just assumed he was losing his humanity everything since then has pointed to the contrary

Its hard to show because Denji isn't really smart enough to understand himself nor what he actually feels.
There are basically 2 Denjis running parallel to each other. One that is nearly sociopathic and disconnected from society and others. And another that wants to find love and affection.
These two butt up against each other quite often.

Its always some nasty looking fat guy for these isn't it.
I don't get it at all.

The lack of Benis is creeping me out

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i think the idea isn't that he's actually becoming more & more detached, but that it shows his growth since hes now able to worry about those kinds of things and introspect instead of being purely survival focused. as early as chapter 7 we see genuine empathy running as an undertone to his more immediate base desires and needs.

Beni is cute but she is pretty irrelevant.

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relatable I guess? I'm a nasty looking fat guy irl

Bigger moment than you think - not long ago he thought he wouldn't mourn her if she died, now he jumped to save her knowing that touching dolls mean death. Maybe not DenjixPower moment specifically, but it shows that now he cares for people who's close to him.

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Beni fills the hole that Reze left in me

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Kobenis :DDDDDD

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the degradation aspect usually

He's going to end up fucking, and possibly caring about, Power in the end. This was foreshadowed when Denji was sitting at the cafe waiting for Bomb Girl, only for Power to arrive

what denji thinks about himself and what he actually does in the moment don't always quite match up, its a fun way to write a character like him.

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Nyaako or Meowy?
Devilman or Fiend?

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is Makima a virgin?

What kind of anime song intro would you like for Chainsaw Man? Link unrelated

I miss her

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That's the real bit, Denji is afraid he's losing his humanity because of a devil contract when his lack of empathy was really because the only person who he's ever cared about since he was five was his fucking dog. He doesn't get revenge for Himeno, he jokes about to amuse himself and make Aki feel better.

she is so cute and relatable

Stop spoiling the kids Aki

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Don't know what is this but you can win some merch, probably only Japan tho.

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would beni be a good prostitute

Fuck, forgot the link.

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I feel like Makima is the autismo type that would nonchalantly agree to have sex, and just stare at you the entire time with nothing to say, no moaning, no reactions, just an unblinking face.

she feels like the straight man of the series


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thats hot

Nyaako and devilman, anything else is fucking gay.

>there are 2 denjis inside you
>one is illiterate
>the other is illiterate
>you are illiterate

>one is stupid
>the other one is retarded

i love so much that artist

>there are two kons inside you
>one is a jobber
>the other is a jobber

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>you have devil AIDS cause kon is a slut