If rin didnt die would have she dated obito kakashi or minato?

if rin didnt die would have she dated obito kakashi or minato?

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She wanted Kakashi's cock until the day she died. Probably the most realistic female character in Naruto

she would have legit sexually harrased kakashi and get rejected everytime and go cry to her best friend obito and until several years later she would have got with obito but only until he manages to become hokage but i doubt that would have happend either way.

LOL, no. All she wanted was Kakashi. I don't know why Kishi retcon'd her to "kinda like" Obito too.

Kakashi would've rejected her because he'd still be too much of an elitist prick, then Obito would pick up the pieces. Such is life.

Minato, obito is for tomato /ss/.

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Actually hard to say. You'd think she'd end up with the edge lord Kek like Sakura did. Though when you think about it despite obito having his Nartuo/tobi moments he was far more edge in the long run.

why the most realistic ? afterwards she said obito she was watching him and all

Because 99.9999999% of real women would ignore Obito and pine over Kakashi

kek i just realized that obito is just like elliot rodgers.
i wonder if elliot' rin was waiting for him in the other world

Something tells me you don't get laid often. First of all, he's objectively cute. Second of all, he's an Uchiha with the sharingan which places him in the top tier of his clan. If he actually survived the war that would be one sought after dick, dude.

No he wouldn't everyone sees him as a loser. Just because he's your self insert doesn't mean everyone will like him

kek is an eternal virgin

Elliot Rodgers didn't have oneitis, he was a literal aspie who got beaten up by his mother, developed severe anti-social personality traits and a hatred of women. Obito was just some impulsive brat who was raised by his grandmother.

How the fuck is Obito like Elliot at all lmao

>everyone sees him as a loser
Because he has no parents and was an Uchiha without the sharingan. Then he got the sharingan.
>Self insert
Fucks sake this is pathetic lol. I come from a political / rich family and relate with shikamaru and gaara the most desu

>she said obito she was watching him and all
Imagine how weird their afterlife reunion would actually be.
>yeah all these atrocities you commited, all the people you killed thinking of me? that's kind of hot :^)

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>I come from a political / rich family and relate with shikamaru and gaara the most desu
Confirmed underage. Only a teenager would think the accomplishments of their relatives mean anything on fucking Yas Forums

>didn't get the girl
>biggest mass murder in shinobi history
>caused 4th world war
>almost caused the end of the world
i know elliot didn't do any of that shit but making the connection that they are both mass murderes because they didn't get pussy was hilarious to me.

well obito is the mass murderer, elliot wasnt, but still the connection was funny enough for me

>Only a teenager would think the accomplishments of their relatives mean anything on fucking Yas Forums
... Where did you even get this retard tier strawman from. I relate with shikamaru because my parents also had massive expectations from me because of their position and Gaara because I had a pretty shitty childhood and developed a lot of anti-social personality traits that took me awhile to grow out of. Simple as.

Drop the oldfag act too, Christ you're pathetic. Not surprised you don't know the first thing about women.

Inappropriate relationship with Minato.

>Didn't get the girl
.. she was murdered in front of him what the fuck are you talking about. He didn't start killing people out of jealousy he just became extremely pessimistic and hateful due to intense amounts of trauma.
>Well they both committed murder so they're the same thing
I sometimes forget that Yas Forums is probably the lowest IQ board.

You literally said you came from a political/rich family, teenager. The fact that you're bringing up that your parents had big expectations of you and that your such an antisocial tortured soul doesn't help your case. You're 16 at the most and that's being generous

>You literally said you came from a political/rich family, teenager.
Yes, right, so I relate more with the characters from rich/influential families.

Underage accusations are almost always done by newfags btw. Like dude, Yas Forums is still a massive newfag it's not a big deal if you just don't really get women at whatever age you're at. You just need to broaden your social circle and , I mean, just talk with women more.

Kakashi would have taken her cherry, then dumped her. After the heartbreak, she'd develop alcoholism and start fucking any guy that reminds her of Kakashi.

After hitting 30, getting dozens of strangers, as well as her share of abortions and stds, she'd panic and go for any male that still wants her. Probably Obito.

>The fact that you're bringing up that your parents had big expectations of you and that your such an antisocial tortured soul doesn't help your case.
Yeah that was me back in high school. You know. How I can relate with *shounen* characters the best. Christ why does this place always attracts the Yas Forums types.

When have I ever said I have problems with women? Your advice is all fine for someone who does though. I guess I can say thanks for trying to help me teenager, but your efforts are wasted. Now get your biology homework done

Fresh off the boat from Reddit, kid?

>taking naruto this seriously
>taking elliot memes this seriously
>still not understanding that everything obito ever did was because of the death of rin
i have found that the people that bring up iq tend to be the biggest morrons

>When have I ever said I have problems with women
Nah I'm just guessing it based on you believing the whole "every woman would fall in love with the cool, talented guy who never takes much" trope.

22 m8. You know we're talking about a shounen, right? They're at the age of 13-16 so yeah it reminds me of my adolescence. Doesn't mean I'm still that young , guarantee you're just projecting

Obviously Kakashi, Obito never had a chance to be more than friends regardless of what he thought.

>Stop taking things so seriously dude, god
Your joke wasn't funny and your comparison was stupid. That's all I'm saying.
>>still not understanding that everything obito ever did was because of the death of rin
... You don't have very good reading comprehension do ya?

Obito falls into despair that Rin will never love him, and becomes evil anyway. Uchiha curse of hatred. He challenges Kakashi, and it's Naruto vs Sasuke all over again. Once he gets MS, he's untouchable until he starts going blind.

This is getting embarrassing user. I won't be too hard on you though because your brain is clearly still developing.

Pfftt yeah that's about the kind of response I'd expect lol

>That's all I'm saying.
didn't ask but i agree it was
>... You don't have very good reading comprehension do ya?
is pretty good if i say so myself

I'm so glad Naruto came to his senses and chose Hinata, you shouldn't fawn so much over a woman that fawns the same way over a man that isn't you. That thing with Obito, Rin and Kakashi seems like a copy of that same dynamic. Obito probably would have came to his senses too and found someone that looks at him the same way Rin looks at Kakashi.

What kind of genius rebuttal did you expect? We're not actually arguing we're insulting eachother because we both think the other is retarded.

I bet it didn't even have to be Kakashi. The little creep would've went postal on anyone who "took" Rin from him.

>is pretty good if i say so myself
Dude I agreed with you already though , it's just that Elliot killed people out of jealousy and narcissism while Obito just became a bitter pessimistic faggot

Absolutely based.

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>another Narutrannie thread

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Well you are pretty stupid if you think an Uchiha becomes a loser when he finally gets the sharingan. He's already a Chad in the making all he needs is a consistent male role model and not his grandma.

Dude the entire love triangle thing was just oneitis shit anyways. Here's what would happen. Kakashi would casually reject Rin , Obito would get cold feet and never even approach Rin except to console her afterwards, then they all find someone else eventually. At random. Just like it always does.

Also I literally said I expected that response. Not exactly a dialectical conversation

>changing positions now
ok cool

... No. This is what I mean by you not having the best reading comprehension m8

Here's some advice. Relax. No need to get all worked up about Naruto buddy. It will all be OK. Focus on getting through high school

Why did you even enter this thread if you didn't want to shitpost about Naruto, you absolute brainlet

Way to waste your own time

You're the one who got legitimately offended at my initial shitpost you utter buffoon.


It's naruto, what did you expect?

>legitimately offended
I figured that was you after the endless amount of ad homs you gave me lol. I just came here to shitpost about Naruto

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relating to characters in fucking anime, battle shounen to spice it up lmao actually to even think that somebody would do that is to stupid for me to comprehend

Idk, it's actually a pretty normalfag anime. Kind of like dbz

Top fucking kek
>You can't just relate with fictional character! Sometimes they fight!

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>yeah all these atrocities you commited, all the people you killed thinking of me? that's kind of hot :^)

I feel like everyone is underestimating how much of a fucked up bitch Rin is.

As I said already we were never arguing about anything. You may recall that all this started because I said 99.999999 % of women would ignore Obito in favor of Kakashi and you called me a turbovirgin. Now you're pulling the "I was only pretending to be retarded card" because you're incredibly angry I correctly identified you as a retarded high schooler. Let's just let it die here. I have no desire to compete with a high schooler to try and get the last word in on a imageboard shitflinging contest because you'll out endure me every time

>You may recall that all this started because I said 99.999999 % of women would ignore Obito in favor of Kakashi and you called me a turbovirgin.
Yeah because you're wrong then you started down this retarded "lmao underageb&" thing out of sexual insecurity

>Grows like a foot after age 16
Dude that's a pussy magnet and you're a turbovirgin if you think otherwise. Simple as

keep having wet dreams about your waifu and don't forget that your personality is so deep that it can be described by a fucking cartoon characters

sure narutard kiddo.


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>A fictional character suddenly becomes shit because it's in a cartoon
Maximum brainlet.
>Damn, I really thought Hamlet was a really relatable character. All of his angst in that "to be or not to be" speech is exactly like what I felt when I was his age
>And then they had to make that FUCKING CARTOON rendition of Hamlet
>Absolute trash
No keep going. Please keep going

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