
What are they good for?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fabulous fingernails

Being training wheels for the MC before he dumps them for a modest Yamato Nadeshiko.

hand holding and baby making sex

Getting mating press'd by greasy old men

hand holding

manicured hand holding

Attached: a15.png (1534x1078, 2.35M)

Taking care of.

Attached: x14.png (1440x2100, 1.44M)

absolutely nothin'

Marin best gyaru

Attached: Marin.png (908x1280, 519.17K)

Gyarus are literally just basic bitches in the west.
Nips be like "Oh my Kami-sama!!! This girls wears makeup, earrings and jewelry with died hair! Better give them a nickname for daring to stand out!"

Making every other girl look better by comparison.

Stealing shotas from lolis and bringing them into manhood

Attached: d14.png (2772x4046, 2.47M)

Why is this so attractive?

jizz and female wetness are also mucous

Attached: Totally right.png (598x542, 136.51K)

Thank you for helping me understand myself a little better, user.
That line of thinking should logically connect to my enjoyment of 2D vomit, correct?

It shows a certain amount of vulnerability as well as intimate trust not to be embarrassed by having something gross happen.

I'll have to express the same gratitude to you too, user.
It would seem it's part of my desire to protect.

unprotected sex

makes sense I suppose, though they say fetishes are often related to past experiences even if you find it only applies to 2D. Do you have a memory of a girl in school getting sick back in the day? Perhaps you offered help and that would explain

Before many unfortunate things happened I would always help out anyone I could.
I've actually taken care of a number of sick girls, both family and not, due in part to my desire to help as well as a strong immune system to the point that, at worst, I'll get a runny nose for one day a year.

Although I'm not so sure they're fetishes.
I mean, I won't/don't jerk it to them specifically.
It's more attractive in a cute sense than an erotic sense.

Maybe conversely, klutzy/clueless behaviour such as accidentally sneezing all over your own face and fingers can be endearing because they make you feel like you can take care of that person and make you feel more secure because other people might not like it as much


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That coloring is shit.

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Single motherhood

Nothing. Only pure honest maidens will win.

Attached: trueending.jpg (960x540, 114.97K)

Beautiful, would be perfect without the sneakers


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becoming Gyuaru housewives


it was an impromptu thing so no shoes to go with the dress change

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Boa's biggest appeal is being a package deal with her brother

Sharing a friendship kiss with before they sucked someone's boyfriend in the toilet.
The indirect blowjob is the ultimate form of male bonding.

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Gyaru exist to be ojisan cock sleeves.

Gyarus are good for one of three things
>Looking slutty but actually being pure
>Looking slutty and being slutty
>Looking slutty and being slutty but only towards the MC, which makes them a pure slut

Attached: anjou1.jpg (480x640, 88.63K)

Sucking cock

Attached: 0004.jpg (1280x1816, 586.44K)

But only the second one of those isn't trash.

Gentle loving.


Thats not Galko.

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Threadly reminder of the forgotten gyaru.

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sono bisque doll is my favourite gyaru manga

According to Okada, knocking up in highschool.

Gyarus are for anaru.

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Being cock sleeves.

This is the worst post

Gently scratching you with their fingernails

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>you're not manly in the slightest

>Asuka is a gyaru
How so

I think she is a gyaru, shes a fashionable blonde beauty who a turns a lot of heads and think shes unnaproachable for one reason or the other while in reality shes a very down to earth and accepting girl.
I know its a stretch but i see some gyaru characteristics in her, besides i just want to people to remember her manga/anime.


Attached: gyaru dino awkward.png (1127x1600, 1.21M)

Anime soon

I know! I hope it's good.

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Shit taste.


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god i wish i had a gf who‘s only slutty with me