Why is there literally zero hype for this? Supposedly there is a screening this weekend and the first episode may get leaked early.
BNA - Brand New Animal
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Why do you care about hype in the first place?
Because Promare wasn't ambitious enough and now there is lingering fear Trigger will just play it safe from here on. Also furryshit is associated with Yas Forums.
Promare was a visual clusterfuck that screwed with my eyes. At least this is not CGI.
Who cares.
shoo shoo
This racoon is meek and obedient?
Nakashima but no Imaishi. Thoughts ?
Oh yeah
Because anime is a communal activity
Bet they watch anime reaction videos too.
I will get hyped when the ep leaks then
Ahaha, no.
NPC thing.
Furry shit
>trigger anime
>furshit involved
i can already hear the butthurt and shitposting
>literally zero hype
are you retarded? there have been threads for this ever since the and even before the PV
will Yoh be able to rein in his exposition dumps
>1 or 3
what did he mean by this?
1 or 3 threads
no one likes raccoons
Theres no need to hype up something you already know is gonna succeed
>hype culture
Absolute cancer. You already know this is going to be one of the most popular anime of the year, anyway.
>Promare was a visual clusterfuck that screwed with my eyes.
Haha, oldman! I thought it was just me.
You haven't seen Robo Dad Strikes Back? Oh Edo Rocket? Batman Ninja?
Popular != good. And that's almost always the case for trigger.
One cour or two? I usually think their two cour stuff ends up feeling a bit too long and they tend to drag a bit in the second half
>non sequitur
The thread is asking about hype and popularity, dimwit. Stick to thread fitting for your 2 digits IQ.
Hype it when there's some new like another PV. No point making threads when you have nothing new to talk about. Also the prescreening is cancelled because of Corona-chan.
Hope it's two cour to flesh out the world.
I feel bad for the movies that have to be released these days.
This, why not make bunny Akko the protag?
>triggertard talking about IQ
My sides.
>makes retarded post
>acts high and mighty
My sides.
Fuck China and their chink flu.
I'm sick of Trigger pandering to fujos and yurifaggots
Not holding a candle for this one too
>still deflecting
Cute dog. Have a (You)
this. they need to go back to doing good, old fashioned boobie animes already.
There were daily threads hitting bump for a week when the PV came out.
There is hype, it's just nothing's there yet.
Not much to shitpost about yet. They'll flock when they have an excuse to shitpost their youth away.
Zoomer obsessive fear of missing out. Group hype makes them feel less disconnected like they aren't really in their room alone.
>Also the prescreening is cancelled because of Corona-chan.
Don't worry, once this airs people will be sure to spam threads for it like they did with Franxx.
I don't think so, since that squirrel isn't exactly 02 sexmachine.
>Group hype makes them feel less disconnected like they aren't really in their room alone
this one really hurt me with how accurate it is
also please keep zoomer, boomer etc shit on Yas Forums
The official Twitter account.
>Zoomer obsessive fear of missing out. Group hype makes them feel less disconnected like they aren't really in their room alone.
I unironically hate this. They don't care about the thing they're apart of. They just care about being apart of something.
>Zoomer obsessive fear of missing out. Group hype makes them feel less disconnected like they aren't really in their room alone.
It's nothing new. It's even pretty cliche situation in school settings, where you have someone trying hard to fit in with certain clique. He/She will stay up late reading, watching or following something just to be part of THE discussion next day, even if subject doesnt interest that person.
This won't be trashy teenage melodrama though, so the threads should be more like LWA.
Space ending?
Why would I get hyped before seeing an episode?
I can't wait for the yuri vs het shitposting. I wonder if the schizo will join again.
I already made my contribution so I have nothing to do until more clips come out.
FUCK ME I was looking forward to the camrips.
>ywn wake up as an anthro
>triggerfag threads on the horizon
Sign me the fuck up.
uh hello? based department?