
the last chapter is here. are you looking forward to the ending after all these years? it's gonna be kind of weird to not have to read it anymore after sunday, but bokuben had to end at some point

Attached: bokuben canon ending.png (1840x2290, 2.88M)

Uruka was a mistake

Dude VN Routes LMAO

Anime was a mistake


I dropped it because all 3 main girls are boring

Why is she crying? Does she also think the mc is a faggot?


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Honestly it feels like Fuminofags and (to a lesser extent) Rizufags got dealt the worst hand with this.
>Uruka ending
Reached as the natural conclusion of the story and parallel "routes" only introduced after her win. Anime adapted her ending.
>Mafuyu ending
The final one, so it's literally "the end" unless there's some kind of extra end afterwards. Many doubted whether Jump/editors would allow her to win.
>Asumi ending
Literally no chance she would ever have won solo, her fans benefit the most with this format.
Initial poster girls of the manga but now their endings are just the 'middle-child' position. Fumino especially was once considered the main girl and the one with the biggest chances of winning before Mafuyu exploded in popularity.

I mean it's still good for their fans who had completely lost hope and thought Uruka alone would win. But it feels like the most consideration went to other girls.

I love Rizu

Thank God we're getting rid of Uruka forever after this chapter

1/5 lol

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its really interesting 22i went ahead and made an ending for everyone. You're definitely right about Asumi having no chance in winning and a sensei harem win hasn't been done before, its nice for them to get their own endings

Best and true end: Fumino

>natural conclusion of the story and parallel "routes" only introduced after her

>1 out of 5 endings
holy shit I just realized how much OP was seething lmao

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Reply to this post to laugh at urukafags.

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So is Tsutsui a god or a hack?

A hack god.

He is a gook

He's a God for allowing a Sensei end
He's a hack for letting this multi-route shit happen in the first place.


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He's a 1/5 hack

reminder that uruka ending is headcanon,not canon

Uruka ending is the only non canon ending.

>last chapter

>uno de cada cinco

>uruka won in the anime and manga
>chapter says last chapter and that main story is over
>read 22i next work
>also says the other routes are called IF, translation confirmed it agian
>no they all canon because a scan said that but it never mentioned anything about being canon, even says BIG ABOVE again IF's
>all the loser girls get 2 chapter ending
yikes pathetic

We actually did it, Fumino bros.

> maximum damage control
Your butthurt is truly amusing.

Is this actually happening?
This is more than a B&S
Who wished to a monkey's paw here?






that means "one each every five" you retard

Give him a break. He knew he made a mistake with Uruka so he fixed it.

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L'un des cinq


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Someone wanted a harend but phrased it as "I want all of them to win". Fucking low verbal IQ moron.

We all know that Fumino ending is the only true and cannon ending.

*harem end
No idea how I managed to fuck that phrase up.

Copped out, what a pussy

Don't lie user, Bokuben is in hiatus until the last arc begin with sensei winning.

It's you isn't it?

Where is that "different ship" madskills? It didn't age well.
>all these uruka-haters celebrating having a bone thrown to them
Pathetic. Yet I'm completely okay with extra route end for sensei. I liked her as well as Uruka. Well, Rizu is good too. Nah, all girls are ok, I blame only hard-on narrowminded waifufags.


urukafags still shaking in anger lmao
what a beautiful day

>we got the leftovers thotbros

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A gock

It doesn't matter, now 1/5

uno su cinque



Uno de cinco, puto

I have mixed feelings.
On one hand we have
> a shallow dragfest for eight chapters for a cliche telenovela end with no substance character
but on the other hand we get
> a better ending for the other girls.
Since the boring part has been dealt with I'm looking forward to 22i's ascension towards godhood.

Multi end is the only way to have a sensei win.
He's even leaving her for last so everyone understands the manga ends with her.

>It's you isn't it?

God, I hope, but I don't trust in 22i


>Since the boring part has been dealt with
>Foom end still remains
Still, a a senseifag, I'm the most curious about Asumi.
I kinda hope 22i makes Nariyuki extremely proactive even if it's ooc just so she becomes an embarrassed mess.

I still don't really get this "1/5" meme.
The only routes that matter are the first/main route (uruka) and the final route (mafuyu). Others are literally filler.
I guess it's a good way for foomers to cope though.

Look at the last few threads. Look at the number of posts expressing genuine happiness at the news. Then look at the number of posts expressing spite towards Uruka.
Imagine caring less about your favorite girl "winning" than some other girl "losing," except neither is actually winning or losing. I believe this is what they call "rent free." You will now reply to my post with >1/5, further cementing my point.

I don't get it why am I supposed to be mad?
I already got the ending I wanted.

Isang piraso ng lima

I didn't realize just how angry you people were over Uruka winning. You might need to take a few steps back in your obsession over 5/10 harem romcoms.

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It's a good meme because even 22i comments how Uruka is just one route and the rest come now.
Fuck Urukafags for being so smug.

don't even read this shit manga, wish they'd do incest so WSJ can grow a pair

t. Exarch

Один из пяти

>"i-is not angry...i got what i w-wanted..."


You see, I actually was kinda happy and congratulated her before this, because losing in harems is super normal.
But now my girl is winning this shit so I have to vent.

>Imagine caring less about your favorite girl "winning" than some other girl "losing,"
user this is cope
urukatards have been insufferable shitposters defending a badly written arc, the release is cathartic.

Probably revenge for how Urukafags acted before

um de cinco

They got all the hate from the other girls' fans / I don't think they're sad or angry.

>He knew he made a mistake
I think the author is just an Urukafag, he just wanted to make other endings so the fans would be happy, especially senseifags.

Uruka’s arc was painful to read. Timeskips, flashbacks and ghost dad were just annoying. Hopefully the others are shorter but more entertaining to read without that stuff. To put things in VN terms it’s like reading a default end when you fail to get any of the others so you get the easiest choice who just confesses and you merely reciprocate but it takes ages for no reason.

>Fuck Urukafags for being happy their horse won against all laws of haremshit

All the routes matters, they are all canon. Cope

You mean the same 3 discord trannies (including yourself, I imagine) shitposting for hours?
This is as forced as fire punch.

Jeden z pięciu

There's being happy and there's defending garbage.

We've cleared the easy, boring end. Now it's time for more interesting, challenging conquests


22i made this arc extra shitty so that the other arcs will shine in comparison. I must say he's a real madman for making me look forward to even Fumino's and Asumi's arcs. What a master plan!

The problem with romcoms even so plain like Bokuben, is retarded waifufaggots, who stick to one girl and try to shit on everyone else for different pick. 1/5 posters consist mostly from them.

This might be the first time a sensei got an ending in WSJ or romcoms in general so he's a god in my book. Whether you dont like sensei or if you think its non-canon, a chapter with mafuyu winning is coming anyway, that alone is amazing. Uruka winning despite not being one of the two main girls in the 1st chapter was impressive too

Personally I prefer 1 ending, whoever wins than multiple ending bullshit.
After reading something for years I want conclusion, I can deal with a girl I didn't want to win winning because, well, at least is a fucking ending.
I prefer my favorite to lose and have a complete story, that having my favorite win as one of possible endings.

Different routes should stick to games since its supposed to be your story and your choice

1/5 kek
I feel sorry for Urukafags.

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Uno de Cinco

Would be hilarious if we get an imouto end instead of Asumi

All the girls will be getting the same treatment though.

If Uruka's ending was written badly theres a chance the other girls might get lazy endings too. I hope 22i gets his act together.

Okay, this is hilarious. Anyone has the thread where the spoilers first came out?

>urukafags can't handle the 1/5 banter
Mein sides

1 / 5

Basically you will receive the same (rewrite) but with another heroine.

>Senseifags believing her "what if" ending will be anything worthwhile.
Can't wait for it.

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And now your girl is getting a complete story.
You can literally not bother with volume 17 (unless you really want the second part of the cover spread) and skip to your girl of choice.

If their arcs are anything to go by
>Rizu: bland and boring, super lazy
>Fumino: as generic and dull as it gets, truly main-heroine like
>Asumi: see Rizu, but worse
>sensei: KINO, the final act of this series

Uno di cinque

Actually just fuck those Urukeks who aren't thankful and satisfied for their share, but instead try to downplay the other four routes. Fuck them very much.

One of the problems with the Uruka end was just how much it dragged out. Had it been shorter and straighter to the point it would have been received a lot better, even if there was no "other endings" gimmick.

Also, can someone make a GIF of Oprah saying "You get an ending, and YOU get an ending, everyone gets an ending!"

Dude, your route was
>more flashbacks
It could be sensei and Nariyuki talking about food for two chapters and it'd be better than Uruka's route.

>aren't thankful and satisfied for their share
Mate, the whole finale is our share.

Attached: u.jpg (360x360, 24.03K)

And why would it not be?

>falling for obvious lazy falseflags


The problem is that Uruka had NOTHING beyond leaving for Australia.
She loved NAriyuki.
She told him.
Nariyuki magically loved her too.
So there was nothing to fill the rest of the route with.
Rizu can get progressivley bolder and try to confess to Nariyuki, learn Fumino does it too and get drama over that.
Fumino will get stuff about her denial, her mom and stuff.
Asumi should by all means be Nariyuki conquering the smug.
And sensei actually has a ton of events left you can fill up a volume with.


Looks like kino is back on the menu, boys.

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Haven’t read the series but was there so little development that the MC could just go with any of the girls at the very end?

I agree. Five chapter Uruka arc with padding/ filler cut would have been less bad. That’s why full volumes for the others would suck. Only Sensei could manage it.

The retcon flashbacks were a really bad idea too. If Tsutsui wanted to fully establish how close Nariyuki and Uruka were, he should have spread them out over the course of the series instead of tacking them at the end


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Man, I want to see JKfuyu again so much.
It's like, you think you can't make mafuyu better and then you have her as a shy and demure kouhai.