
Dont mind me just posting the best crusader

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It's not like he has any competition

Imagine having the main character of part 3 as your favorite. Weak.

I like Jotaro

Bet your favourite is Abdul the nigger

Can we take this moment to respect the sacrifice he gave to the team?

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Stupid jobber.
I can believe they translated Kira's famous boner line as
>it gave me a rock hard cock

I liked Kakyoin too, user.

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You mean worst.


Already did. Read between the lines he was simply stating the incredible level of retardation he was born with. It's ok we accept your extreme levels of autism.

Honestly, who cares about the dub?

Of course he is. Kakyoin and Abdul has only 10 lines of dialogue combined. Joseph was only there to guide them every now and then. All battles were either Jotaro or Polnareff. Jotaro was badass, but even star platinum had more personality. Polnareff was the only one who actually had character development and didn’t die a second after (like kakyoin)

Jotaro had 12 battles dedicated for him
Kakyoin had 2
Avdol had 2
Joseph had 2
Iggy had 1
Polnareff had 7

Probably because SP and SC have similar fighting style (really fast close range) so it’s easier to make up fights with them?

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Dedicated to him*
My bad

mentally disabled consoomers

Wakey wakey

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Poor Polnareff deserved better.

He got what he fucking deserved.

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This, the Boss was just defending himself


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I hate Giorno. I love Diavolo!


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Part 5 should have been about the boss trying to hold together a rapidly disintegrating crime family while his hitman squad goes rogue and some kids plot his overthrow


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Watching the Toonami part 5 dub right now. It's surprisingly good.

How does Narancia sound?

When should we get that Araki's interview about Dio?

Only his paypigs will get to read it anyway.

Fine. He's not in this episode, but Bruno is good. He just did the "arrivederci" thing in the most recent episode and it was decent. Mista is one of the weaker voices. Prosciutto and Pesci had great voices in this last episode.

Does Narancia sound cute and feminine?

He sounds agressive and brash

Narancia sounds like Rigby from Regular Show

In a twinkish way?

Somehow I forgot that the entire motivation of part 5 was getting rid of drugs. Like, shit lady your son isn't hitting you because of the drugs he's hitting you because he's a piece of shit and his life sucks

That would be out of character.

But that's how he sounds in Japanese.

t. meth head

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preview of the next chapter when

It was just released.

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I do too. Jotaro is simply not for midwits.

if Yasuho ends up dying I think I might end it all

Who did he job to? Avdol?

What do you mean by that?

Dont mind me just posting the best golden wind

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March 14th at the earliest

>Polnareff's the one who always falls into enemy traps and has bathroom trouble on the journey. If that had happened to Jotaro, it would have made him seem too careless, and the story would have gotten off-kilter. That's why I had no choice but to put in Polnareff as much as I did.
Polnareff exists to job.

Just a joke but I will be incredibly sad

Not really a high bar. They reduced Joseph to nothing more than a walking engrish joke, Jotaro was the most stereotypical boring badass deliquent crap ever and that trope always sucks, and the others weren't that great. Advol wasn't even there for half the story and then Kakyoin also got himself benched for awhile. Still, at least he didn't just die without a fight.

Either way, the whole team sucked. The whole part sucked. Monster of the week bullshit where over half the fights could be cut and you'd lose absolutely nothing. Might as well just watch the first episodes until you get to pol and then skip directly to Egypt. I can't believe how hard people jerked Jojo's Bizarre Adventure when this was airing on TV. Part 1 might be weak, but you combine it with 2 like the anime basically did and that blows these 2 seasons out of the fucking water. Parts 4 and 5 did as well. the most redeeming thing about this part is the villain who has basically lost all depth he once had in part 1 that made him likable in the first place. Oh, but he still says muda muda and WRRRYYYYY so i guess that's enough for you dipshits.

Yeah pretty much. Have you read part 7 or 8 they're both really good

In a hobo way
Mista's va saves it with his sex pistols

I was noticing that. His sex pistols are 10x better than the annoying JP ones.

>exists to job
falling on traps but winning isn't jobbing dummy

>survived ZA WARUDO and King Krimson, twice
i would say based instead

But that's not Buccellati

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Just finished part 4 in anime, I'm gonna start part 5 soon, what am I in for bros?

Best adaptation. Expect tears.

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