Ryuko or Satsuki?

Ryuko or Satsuki?

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As if this is even a question

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Ryuko kissing satsuki


Mini Esdeath, always


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Someone post the results of the strawpoll, you know the one.

They're both extremely unappealing females because of their personality. On a strict physical level, Satsuki's body is superior.

Ryuko's is better.

This is also acceptable.

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Double sumata

ignoring fanart Ryuko had the better body all around. No manface either

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Is this the Asuka vs Rei of the 10s?

>No manface either
She's not manfaced, she's just very stern looking.

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Post some rare Satsukis post-"character development"

Nui Harime!

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The Queen who doesn't cater to delusional tomboyfags.

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I hope she's doing fine residing in Mako.

Ryuko is a better slut.

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ryuko but also only in terms of actual character
waifubrainlets get no say in the matter

Satsuki is infinitely superior

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The haircut and overly thick eyebrows just don’t do it for me aesthetically.

>inb4 gay
Not saying I wouldn’t jump at a chance to bang her, but there are superior options.


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I'm starting to think we aren't getting a timeskip SOL OVA.

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user, I... uhm. Who's gonna tell him?

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so anons did you vote for ass or tits?

Sushio will solo animate a 45 min comfy SoL OVA mark my words

Best girl Ryuko

Hey don't badmouth tomboyfags. Tomboys are awesome. But that only makes Satsuki's superiority all the more impressive, when I'm a huge mark for tomboys yet Satsuki is the clear winner here.

i always liked this little visual gag with her staring at him

God I want her to sit on my face and grind me into oblivion.

well Satsuki sama of course. Best sister, better girl, just an allround talent. i rate 25/30

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I don't know how you would even enjoy this show if you're an ass man. All the focus is on the tits.


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>There are actually people who like girl Rossiu and masturbate to her

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klk had more ass than any popular series at the time of its release

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Cute couple

nnnnnggggh my heart

Based late-stage capitalist
Fuck Japan

Satsukis blue eyes, long black hair and angry face make me fucking DIAMOND HARD

>stacy mako
>short hair troglodyte ryuko
yeah absolutly nah senpai, i will have to ask you to delete this garbage

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its official art you goober

>hating sushio art and designs when he's LITERALLY in charge of how the characters look
kill la kill yourself

Probably Satsuki. The eyebrows just do things to me.

>Retard character artist ruins aesthetic hairstyles that matched the characters
>Haha it's the progression of time

Nah, it's trash

They still look cute.

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Satsuki, not even for any sexual reasons. She's just a great character.

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In what way does Ryuuko with a somewhat shorter hairstyle not match her character?

Ryuko's the juxtaposition of tomboy badass and girly girl who likes cute things. Midlength hair suits her.

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Well let's see.
One is a tomboy, so that should answer your question.