I cannot believe how great the manga is compared to what the anime might lead one to believe. How much would the manga span in anime length? 3 seasons with 12 episodes/season?
Will Netflix eventually reboot this great manga?
Why would you trust Netflix with anything good regarding anime?
The manga is not great. The list of issues is extensive. I remember when it kept being touted as Berserk with females, but it lacked in every department, character and world building, emotional stakes, etc. Outside of the great Awakened designs, I can't think of much to praise the manga for.
I don't understand why you fucking idiots always want some studio or another to adapt (ruin) a series by adapting it. Isn't it great that is was made perfect in it's original format? Why downgrade it so that smooth brains with no imagination can see the action from the single perspective of the director?
Based, it's my favorite and great
>Will Netflix eventually reboot this great manga?
Well I fucking hope not.
The amount of asspulls that plagued this series ruined it for me.
is there extra content in the volumes?
>Will Netflix eventually reboot this great manga?
I hope your thread dies faggot.
>I hope your thread dies faggot.
no if I'm here
Just throwing Netflix out because it's been on a binge to adapt manga/anime.
Do you think any of the reknown Japanese studio would ever re-adapt it?
I think it has some similarities with Bersek but I wouldn't say it's Berserk with females. On another hand, I'm not too much into pitting manga against each other. However, I do recognize that some manga reach a good balance in the departments you've mentioned. Claymore might've failed on all those but I've enjoyed it so far.
Compared to the anime? Sure there is.
I'll send some Awakened your way.
Would you mind sharing some of them?
>Compared to the anime? Sure there is.
talking about stuff like pic related
this was the magazine version
Netflix doesn't adapt anime.
It buys rights from actual studios, and put their logo on it.
That's what they did with Violet Evergarden for example. Kyoto Animation made it, Netflix bought the rights and added their logo in the beginning, while branding it a Netflix original series.
Netflix is currently advertising the next GITS adaptation as a Netflix thing. But Production I.G. are the ones actually making it.
Berserk is shit though
I honestly don't know. I just around reading the manga (ch. 100 so far) and I didn't know there was a magazine version.
Thanks for the clarification.
>I honestly don't know. I just around reading the manga (ch. 100 so far) and I didn't know there was a magazine version.
Every Manga has a magazine version
Claymore fans are really unfair to the anime adaptation. The only bad part was that they couldn't animate the whole story and changed the ending. They were faithful to the story and the animation and soundtrack were 10/10
B-Berserk has rape! So deep. Claymore can't beat it.
I still think the way it wrapped up that specific battle was disappointing.
I think the anime was great, as you said the adaptation was faithful and very good in my opinion, if you skip the last couple of episodes and read the manga it's even better
>B-Berserk has rape! So deep. Claymore can't beat it.
but it can't, nobody remembers Claymore but everybody always remembers Berserk
>Will N*tflix eventually reboot this great manga?
Kill your fucking self holy shit
you can't win
>nobody remembers Claymore
Yep, it basically only gets mentioned by people who read the mangaka's previous work to it even
>but everybody always remembers Berserk
Everybody remembers the Casca rape scene to be fair, not Berserk in general.
It's like Naruto, that gateway series everyone dumped at least some time into (Berserk in particular is baby's first seinen) that's objectively pretty mediocre, like with Naruto some people don't like to admit that it's bad because of the sunk cost though.
Yes. It's the rape. Not the art style, world building, storytelling, one of the all time great protagonists. Nope, it's the rape.
>everybody remembers the rape
>baby's first seinen
>compares Berserk to Naruto
Wew lad, how mad are you?
To be fair, Baki was actually much much better than I expected
Now that fucking abortion of Saint Seiya on the other hand
One of the best I have read
Rip saint seiya
Love this series, but I would have liked to have seen ma boy get more chances to shine
>poor man's Berserk
>strongest of the abyssal creatures
>dies in the shittiest way possible
lmao at this guy
Haven't you noticed that most shows Netflix is involved with, are either CGI shows, or very very low quality 2d shows (or a mix of both)? It seems that Netflix throws 1/3 of an average anime budget at a studio, and expects an anime to happen. And no matter how low quality the result is, they still put it up. Shit like Dorohedoro and Kengan Ashura, both could have eventually gotten good adaptations. But netflix banked them, and now we have to pretend that these abominations are good, because we like the source material.
This. After the timeskip the manga became pander-fest to the point that Clare barely had any development. The author had no choice but to use his trump card - bringing back Teresa one last time. I think the biggest issue was the uselessness of Raki and a weak villain in Priscilla. The funny thing is this could have been solved by letting Priscilla kill Raki.
did the translators use the volume raws I don't remember?
Claymore was my gateway into anime/manga, I have fond memories of it. Following Clare's journey as a younger kid was literally a trip. Every battle racked me with suspense, every moment of downtime between hardships gave me genuine relief. I'll never experience something quite like it again, I was completely immersed and sucked into the world. It's amazing to encounter something for the first time when you have no criteria for flaws.
>I cannot believe how great the manga is compared to what the anime might lead one to believe
This is the case with like 95% of anime adaptations. I don't know how you're not used to it already if you do actually read manga.
Seriously, I don't understand people. I started off by watching anime, then picked up manga because I wanted to read the rest of the story because the adaptation didn't go the full way.
Then eventually I simply just read manga and now only dab into anime if some original work catches my eye, which is admittedly very few.
I genuinely believe if you like anime over manga that you have low IQ or simply lack the brainpower/imagination to fill in the movement and voices yourself.
Didn't Teresa offer her body so they wouldn't rape Claire but the thugs were disgusted at how she was cut up from snatch to sternum? At least they got the rape element out early, in Berserk Wyald was unnecessary and the trolls would've functioned the same way without the rape.
>Wyald was unnecessary
I disagree. I can't imagine the escape arc being as good without him.
>the trolls would've functioned the same way without the rape
Yeah, i agree with you there.
>first gen male Claymores were stronger then females
>he's the strongest of the males and awakened
>completely mogged by Priscilla who in turn is completely and utterly mogged by Teresa
The absolute state.
If fame meant something, Naruto would be awesome
Berserkfags only talk about rape because there's nothing worth remembering in their overrated mango
What the fuck was the point of this dude even learning to wield a sword if he was just gonna be a fodder-tier loser anyway?
I mean you can say the same of nearly every female character in most shonen.
Berserk inspired the entire Souls franchise among other things, it has some of the most memorable and iconic imagery in the medium. It's one thing to dislike it but being mad won't change it's one of the most important manga ever written.
>muh popularity doesn't matter
You're defending a poor man's Berserk with more tits, and i'm saying this as a Claymorefag.
So that's he's not completely useless? He can deal with regular yoma and just about any human. Imagine if Claire had to worry about leaving him alone because fucking bandits might show up lmao. Also, he's a man. He should be as strong as he can be, regardless of how broken his wife is.
I can't imagine something like Claymore existing today. The female characters would all be lesbians for sure.
did you expect a human to suddenly start killing high-level monsters?
Nigga he's probably the strongest human alive in the setting, and kills yoma with ease. In the end he can even tank hits from Priscilla. She's distracted by Claymores, and not taking him seriously, but it'd be like if Mr. Satan took a few blows from Goku. Even in a sparring match, it'd be impressive as shit.
They probably do a cheap 3DCG reboot as berserk. Do not bother yourself.
I never watched the anime but didn't it end shortly after SUPERB? I thought the quality of the manga dropped after that point (though I enjoyed riful being best girl), so if anything the fact that it doesn't cover everything should be a point in the anime's favor
teresa a best
Other than the Donovan jokes people talk about the Slap more.
the art is worth talking about and then mostly people making jokes about how guts got raped in the butt
Only thing I really didn't like was Raki. Clare should have adopted a loli instead.
Claymore is my all time favorite manga and anime.
But I'll admit the last 2/3 was a power level shitshow.
You could skip 50 chapters and not miss much.
The anime could easily start off where they left off.
His death was pretty lame.
It would have made sense of the abyssal eaters wore him down for like 20 chapters not just 1.
I see you are a man of culture
I remember hating the last stretch, then Nagi dropped Teresa on me and I immediately forgot about my hatred. My love for Teresa is bigger than her bullshit youki pool.
The Abyssal eaters had been chasing him for like 10 years.
of all the bullshit power ups that get pulled out to stop the unstoppable villain, teresa is the best of them for combining the fanservice we wanted, and actually being relatively sensible
I liked the Teresa returning because it took years for that to happen. I followed the manga even before the anime.