Is he the smartest HxH character?

Is he the smartest HxH character?

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Killua is smarter than him


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Not by a longshot. Ging is literally a he-knows-the-plot tier smart.

One of the smartest but hard to know who's the smartest. I think Chrollo is also smart.

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I would argue that predicting what a simpleton like Gon would do isn't that big of a deal.

He can only predict actions of people he knows well like Gon & Pariston.

Reminder that Kurapika himself was impressed by how quickly Gon was able to formulate the most logical plan - And Gon was the only Hunter present that recognized the Dragon Dive's threat to the established plan and acted on it before anyone else had considered it

The HxH Intelligence Chart (official) :

>Divine tier
>Ultra top tier
>Top tier
>High tier
>Mid tier
>Meh tier
The likes of Knuckle, Gon, etc... Their cleverness comes more from combat experience and sheer instinct than real intelligence but they still have their moment of brillance.
>Low tier
The dumb ones. Uvoguin, Cheethuh & Co.

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Gon is the patrician choice.


Pitou is the cutest girl

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the cutest

That's not always been the case, for instance, it was pretty far fetched for Ging to predict that Gon was going to get healed when it seemed an impossible task. I don't think I'd say he knows Gon well at all either, while they certainly are alike he had no real way of knowing that prior to meeting him, his predictions do seem a bit out there most of the time. When it comes to smart character in HxH I think Ging is written the most unrealistic and Chrollo the most realistic.

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No, that would be Tserriednich

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I miss Kurapika and the story bros

His wife is cuter

Is he the lewdest?

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>Gon is the patrician choice.

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I'd argue that Gon along with Hisoka (although Hisoka is mostly by his own choice since he doesn't care about anything else) are the best at coming up with good simple plans and are very on the go analytical
whereas they would do worse on a deep analytical level like Kurapika is doing in the current manga arc

only for me

Ya'll niggas dumb.

This 30 day old infant > all HxH brains combined.

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On the go plans while fighting* sorry I forgot to include that

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>couldn't beat a loli at a board game

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Stop doing that. The thread the other day got 404'd after there were too many off-topic shipping posts.

Wasn't me
>Hunter Hunter is not on topic in a Hunter Hunter thread
>the absolute IQ of doesitforfree defenders

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>Calls a grandmaster in a board a loli.

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>Got killed by a bomb

I didn't say it was you but you're doing the same thing as them now. /cm/ and /y/ exists for a reason.

>Implying intelligence can stop bomb.
>Implying the bomb killed him and not the poison.

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Editors always compare Ging with Togashi, and in many ways, Togashi is Gon's dad. To me Ging's ridiculous insight is more of a meta joke, and also think he is unlikely to be used as the protag of the Dark Continent for this reason. Even Pariston has beeb given more PoVs than Ging.

Also, note that Togashi has referenced some Stephen King books in the current arc. And Stephen King is famous for his "literally mes" and his "LITERALLY mes".

actually the bomb made him even stronger

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no but he is the sexiest

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if you wouldn't fuck kurapika you're gay

Kurapika would beat your asses if he saw your lewd posts.

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the smartest HxH character is (You), for reading it

Yet again homo x homo fans express their love for dicks and underage boys

Surprisingly accurante tier list.

Pouf should be higher.
Biscuit should be higher.
Netero and Beyond should be way lower.
Missing Balsamilco, Rihan and Hisoka

Kurapika is 18 in the current arc.

Pretty decent tier list

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Gyro will be divine tier


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Are you implying there's something wrong with homosexuality user?

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You know there is user.

Where's Leorio? Low tier?

>Netero and Beyond should be way lower
Literal shonenshit post.

Sword Art Online is better than Hunter x Hunter.

Your opinion is valued and respected user. Thank you for sharing. Sorry you didn't like Hunter X Hunter. (Or glad you liked SAO)

Meh tier, he acts dumb but he's at least smart enough to become a doctor, so that should count for something.

Hisoka should be there, either in Top tier or Ultra top tier.

Pretty good honestly. I would just move Pouf to top tier, and place Leorio in meh. Hisoka should also be top tier. Beyond has the potential to rise higher, if we ever actually see more of him.

Leorio is impulsive but in 2050 when he gets his moment to shine I'm sure he'll show off some pretty good reasoning and logic

what a way to go out

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How is Chimera Ant not battle shonen? It sure devolves into it.