AIPARE, Prichan, Shining Star plus Mewkledreamy

THREE days until the next season of AiPare is officially announced!

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Prichan Aipare

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I think I got down how to draw Amu's head and hair. Gotta work on how eyes, noses and mouths work now

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What do all these girls have in common?

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They're all imoutos.

Girls who've jerked off to?
Eternal loli?

Yuu a qt

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There's not a single prichan girl I haven't jerked off too

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>twin tails not touching

Sara has never been that exciting for me and I still haven't gotten around to Black-Dia

I agree I like looking at Sara as more of a cool lesbian but she is pretty sexy in

I guess for completeness sake I could use that one. Maybe hold out until Prichan ends for good in a year.

>meganii returns

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Would Lala show the other Prichan girls how to take care of a baby?

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I am not sure why they're bringing back the second worst character in PriPara, but I hope Meganee punches him. The worst character is Amamiya.

Amamiya-kun is the male version of Mirei, and that's why she hates him so much.
Both are destined to end up alone forever.

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You forgot your gobi

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Even with gucci clothing, Mirei still can't land a date with an elementary schooler...

aipare sucks

Attached: [Mezashite] Aikatsu Friends! - 004 [36AA98F7].mkv_snapshot_10.49_[2018.04.30_00.04.48].jpg (1280x720, 99.2K)

That doesn't even make the slightest bit of sense.
Sometimes I think normal Mirei is the cutest, but then you get really good art of idol Mirei.

We're getting another season so you can just deal with it fag.

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Next season will be her season.

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>fap completionist ainons

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Defense Mirei is clearly the best choice

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My autist wife Rinne is so cute. I want to buy her all the genghis khan.

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>leona going to comiket wearing a sick mask trying to buy doujins for his collection

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what happens if I pull that tail?

Cute! I love little girl drawings.

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>only one aifure
Confirmed trash.

>ainons coloring togehter

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Guess you will have to deal with me posting that still sucks, fag.

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You still didn't explain why it's bad

>kiramei episode zero
This is gonna SUCK
I already miss the ryusou dorks.

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I love you!!


where are the goddamn leaks

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Yume is not yumekawaii


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It's dead, jim.

I would die for my Queens

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dong ding

Attached: [샤이닝스타 본편]32화(A) - 기다려요 오빠♪ 나라가 갑니다! - Episode 32(A) -Wait for me, Friday! Nara is coming!.webm -_2019-12-21-13h35m44s236.jpg (1920x1088, 402.17K)

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>Hibiki wearing her uniform badly
Fucking no wonder Alicia left her.

Literally only you have that fetish

Sorry, I don't speak korean.

I want to die

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It's still a better fetish than footfaggottry or egg laying.

mfw i have both. And so much more.

I'm not into either at all, but that penguin lady from the Futa Yummy egg laying episode was pretty sexy. If that's what Penne looks like to the characters in-universe I can see why Mio likes him, even if he is a Momone-abusing faggot.

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I don't get off on egg laying but I just find it cute.

Lazy and no budget.