Kengan Omega Ch.53

To the Village

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You tell him!

Alright Kenganchads let's do this

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So I guess there's no telling either way if he fucked Karla or not.

>You didn't end up seducing a High School girl, did you?
>She's a College Student now

Lmao, I love the Ohma/Yamashita dynamic

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T. half of the kengan fans right now.

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Why not say
Theres clearly enough room there

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who the fuck keeps interrupting the chapter.

Fucking nigger

Dont post earlier pages in the middle of a dump

>no commentary
I guess this the butthurt shitposter instead of the usual user?

>st. goddamn's

Fucking excited

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lmao imagine thinking he isn't doing that intentionally

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I got a 3 day ban for reporting someone who kept doing that shit in the past so I guess its mod approved.

report and move on

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This chapter is some such as arachnid bullshit

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Even Kazzy thinks something is not right.

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No n-word please

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Based mods dabbing on Kenganfaggots.

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I hope that's Setsuna's heart and when he heard Ohma died he just fucking ripped it out to save him

Is cloned heart, that is why Ohma's body accepted it so easily, is his own heart.

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Absolute based timing.
Now enjoy your ban.

Hey are you satisfied that the shitposters are just manchildren and don't give two shits about comments

You're retarded, m8

He said that in katakana as one word. Same as with names.

You fucked up the order.

it's referencing ohma being a dummy, dummy

>preimptively uploading a page in advance to disrupt the dump
god nu/a/ is such a shithole now
>Hey everyone I'm totally an animemer!

different filenames retard, it's a shitposter

But why did he just lie in front of Kazzy and pretended he died? That seems unnecessarily cruel

could it be a heart take from a ryuki? but that would mean either ohma is a clone himself or he has been cloned for years

Check the filenames, is some retard trying to ruin the dump

I'm being an epic troll mom you wouldn't understand
I literally put this thread on my schedule to shitpost in, trust me it's not indicative of my extremely sad life

So, Xia didn't lied there about being reason for Ohma's survival?

>Remember when I tried to kill all your family and friends? Good times

Funny, because I wasn't even the original chapter dumper who'd provide Reddit-tier cringe commentary.

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A chopper seems like it'd be very easy to track (not like it'd be hard to guess where he was going though). And why was it a cargo chopper?

We are talking of a guy that literally feels pleasure from pain, even if he managed to avoid becoming a "mad dog " like the other guy, his mentality is still fucked up.

I thought Ohma's specialty is Redirection Kata? Why he's giving away answers this quick? Sandwich should have milked it 2 or 3 more chapters.

So, it is Ohma, he faked his death, no tricks.
i guess i was at fault for expecting (hoping) for some grand turnaround, or bamboozle

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And it didn't even matter because the shitposters kept shitposting, so nice job proving nothing much

>weak heart
So actually didn't even died. We've got unreliable narrator'd.
>woops I said he died on a whim and intuition
This, tho, I can't accept. Come on, you can do better than this.

>tfw i'm yamashita right now

>Being seduced
Did he not see how she interacted with him? Thinking back on it he might not have.

Surely there's no trap hidden in this

Did anyone ask if Ohma wants to be the head of the kure clan? He gave no more than two sentences to Karla on the island

How about we discuss the manga instead of feeding the trolls literally what they want, your butthurt comments

I'm the "shitposter" who rightfully complained about the commentary.
Dumpanon did great today,, so i didn't comment on anything yet. The shitposter posting Sen and random pages is new and jus wants to fuck up these threads. Just report him and don't acknowledge him.

Yas Forums was a mistake

That guy is the shitposter, he skipped three pages.

I hope those three don't get foddered off to Ohma and instead go even with him.


If there's a trap hidden in it, why didn't Hanafusa notice? And why didn't Xia activate it?

god damnit why did i call all of this

He had no choice because they were posted by the autist we should just "ignore"
So not only did he not prove his point, he also did a shit job while doing it

take a load of this guy

you mean is and will continue to be a mistake, these cretins deserve worse then death.

Tell me what you think about how Ohma survived.

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you get banned for reporting him because its technically not a bannable offense according to the rules. If that guy deserved to get reported then technically you deserved to get reported too. Good job turning this place to shit asshole.
>inb4 "its not muh fault"
fuck you animeme faggot

This is such bullshit.
Ohma shouldn't be this powerful.

If the surgery was 2 years ago why is he still in the Kure city? Erioh makes it sound like he's their clans personal doctor.

They didn’t ask but they probably figure that he’d become the figurehead while Karla becomes the real leader just to make sure Raian didn’t since he’s too psycho.

>you get banned for reporting him because its technically not a bannable offense according to the rules.
No true, i did it last time and (maybe) today. Just stating you did it is a bannable offense. you could use "trolling outside of Yas Forums" or simply "low quality".


Since Ohma's back, its more than likely he'll be replacing Koga in Purgatory, right?

I want that short haired cutie in the coat on the left

I'm pretty sure they brought the doctor from wherever he's working now to give Kazuo the rundown

So the fact they were able to find a suitable heart means one of two things
>He was in the Worm's possession at one point so they'd know all the necessary knowledge
>He's a clone, no shit they can pull a heart out of their ass

Probably to make sure there weren’t any complications and to see if Ohma could actually manage to regain his strength.


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I agree with kazzy, a heart transplant is basically a death sentence

It's weak writing. He's just there for the exposition dump. It has no meaning to the story and 99% of readers don't care about minor stuff like this.
The real bullshit is why Ohma pretended to be dead.
>i don't want to put you in danger
From what? The worm did nothing for 2 years and Kazzy was never in danger.

Shitposter put everyone in bad mood and you aren't helping.

No idea.
But I'd wager Monitoring Ohma is giving the doc a hard-on. And Getting to maybe treat injured Kure people could be thrilling to him.
But overall, it's just a classic manga introduction tun tun duuunnn page here I am teleport and explain. Almost like Sandro is rushing?

Yeah and it shows since you did an absolutely horrible work

The worms didn't give Ohma the heart, since the Tiger's Vessel (True) thought he was dead.

based fellow Redditor

>tfw I read that as eldershit at first

He knows his manga will get the Axe. That's why he revive Ouma.

Unless he's going to take them on 1v1 this is going to be some real bullshit.

Based. Great job.
Hopefully you will dump every week from now on.

This is just training. I doubt Ohma can take all three of them in a serious fight but if the four of them aren't being serious I don't think it's a stretch.

>this chapter


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>The worm did nothing for 2 years
Because after parting ways with Ohma Kazuo disconnected himself from the whole Tiger vessel shit, as soon as he tried to dig deeper with the whole Ryuki/Ohma hair sample he found himself with Xia waiting on his door

Stop tempting me with your armpits like that, Fusui.

You're the only guy who complained.

Ohma could have gone back to the Inside to investigate and found some of the Worms, by pretending he was still dead he keeps the worms from going after Kazuo since they wouldn’t know about the connection.

>everybody is the same person


With someone else's heart. This is (a clone of) his own heart so he'll be fine.

He says he's "toying" with them. Ohma was never that cocky.

Based chapter interrupters.
Based Sen dumpers.
Ben logposters.

Hope to see you in EVERY chapter dump threads!

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Kengan threads must be purged.

No he doesn't, he feels no pain at all.
Hong controls the opiates in his brain to block out the pain.
Meguro replaces pain with pleasure (at least partially due to surgery).
Dr Death surgically cut out his pain receptors.

You can pretend all you want but deep down you know you're the only one with a mental illness potent enough to be that triggered about it.

But no one could have known at this point.
There was no reason for Ohma to expect the Worm to attack him or Kazzy

>haha based everybody who doesn't agree with my mindset is all one person I'm not the one who's mentally ill everybody has to share my opinion


>we've gotten to the point that shitposters are interrupting shitposter dumps