Just finished pic related. Holy shit it was godly kino. Why do people prefer shonenshit over real art like this?
Just finished pic related. Holy shit it was godly kino. Why do people prefer shonenshit over real art like this?
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Why would you question other people's tastes when you can't even form a coherent sentence?
What was incoherent about it? I can clarify some things for you if you didnt get the message.
Where's the fights? I don't watch boring anime. If this anime has fights I'll watch it.
It's a manga. And yes it has plenty of fights. And war. And ecological catastrophe.
The problem is not that I don't understand, it's that you're writing like a faggot.
>Holy shit it was godly kino
This is just a retarded way of writing "I liked it".
Probably because they've read more manga than you have. To disregard an entire section of manga based on one that you consider good, is simply ignorant.
If youre bothered by people using words like godly and kino, what the actual fuck are you doing on this website?
It was still a big shock to me to see the movie's entire plot occur entirely within the first 4 or 5 chapters.
Right, my apologies. Now lets go back to worshiping berserk, the worlds most acclaimed series about fighting edgy video game monsters while the main female gets raped every three chapters.
Me too! I thought it would end where the movie ended, with extra length added in the middle. I had no idea how rich the world was
newfag alert
There's no need to be insincere. If you havn't read that many manga all you need to do is read some. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, but doubling down in such a crude manner is poor form.
Right, ill go read some. Now then. What did you think of nausicaä? You dont share my sentiment that its underrated?
I like art manga and shounenshit alike
>Probably because they've read more manga than you have
The call of the manga tard hipster. People actually pretending that there exists more than a minuscule amount of manga that comes close to Miyazaki.
Plebs, that's as why.
I've never read it, but I love the movie.
Ghibli peaked before even becoming Ghibli
To be underrated would mean it is not already celebrated, which it is. It's talked about here often for a reason. And just as often threads about it die because there is little to discuss beyond "It is good" and since there are no quality scans of it to be found online, threads cannot be kept alive with crops/edits.
That wasn't what I was getting at. To dismiss "shounen", a marketing term that refers to any number of genre's and mangaka, is foolish. To even regard it as meaning one thing is akin to stating you have little understanding of manga as a medium. That term means something so nebulous it may as well change by the decade.
I highly recommend the manga. it's around five times longer and explores the same themes as the movie, but in much, much more detail. It also adds an element of politics that the movie doesnt have at all. The god warrior is also completely different, and very important to the story.
>To dismiss "shounen", a marketing term that refers to any number of genre's and mangaka, is foolish.
>Trying this hard to dance around the fact that, even despite its breadth, nothing 'shounen' is remotely of the same quality and still remaining too timid to name specific titles
Miyazaki is a hippie lolicon and deserves no respect.
>Why do people prefer shonenshit over real art like this?
I know this is bait but some people might take you seriously and believe they are in good company.
Not the guy you'e responding to, but i just came to say you're fucking retarded
At the very least I am glad we are on the same page. Though clearly we disagree about what is quality and what is not. As far as recommendations I am sure you are aware that is frowned upon, and yet despite that I have been recommending things this entire time.
Gee I don't know why do people prefer radio pop shit over good music and hollywood blockbusters over good films
I remember dropping this because the text was so small I had to zoom every fucking panel
speaking of which, how goes user's editing of the rescanned copy?
Unfortunately I havn't seen an update on that in a while, but I also havn't checked the archives so I may have missed an update.
Danke's been sick as a dog
But it's mostly done
>mostly done
Because you cross boarders are scum and need to get expunged from this board.
How low does your IQ have to be to miss the point of Berserk of all things. Oh wait you only just finished Nausicaa. Probably just underage then huh.
It seems more a case of simply being new to the board and the medium. I'm sure there are plenty of 20somethings getting into manga. At least he's starting off with good stuff.
>At least he's starting off with good stuff.
Yeah better Nausicaa than a romcom or some shit.
I don't think I have ever read a romantic-comedy manga before. Unless basic SoL counts. Probably does. Hell why wouldn't it.
Next OP will found gekiga and made another thread saying why user prefer shounenshit than any gekiga that he read
>can't find any cool fanart with Nausicaa and Kushana in the same image
Fantasy anime made before Dragon Quest is pure.
OP's ability to be a cock gargling faggot at every given stage of his life is an impressive feat indeed.
Fanart is hard to come by in general. It's the fault not having a quality scan online for decades.
Slam Dunk was life changing for millions of people and is one of the most influential manga on Japanese society. Its a Weekly Shounen Jump series.
Fuck Dungeons and Dragons and Dragon Quest. Shitty fucking fantasy for trannies and fat losers. Fantasy can never recover.
Is this Nausicaä manga?
I want it for my birthday.
Fantasy has been in such a sore state. Eastern and western has been too heavily influenced by one or two visions that the fantastical nature of fantasy seems to have withered.
The OP is. And it will make a great gift if you do get it.
Both manga and movie are the top.
Nice. I got interested in manga at the start of this year and watched the film at the same time, then realized that there's a manga and it's supposedly a lot more fleshed out and goes a lot further than the film. I'm looking forward to reading it eventually, the physical 2-volume box set looks really good.
It makes the anime adaption look pretty bad in comparison. It's by far Miyazaki's best work. And yeah the box set is beautiful. Well hell, the whole manga is beautiful.
Can I take a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Itoh Seh.
I would say lurk more but I'm pretty sure you wont learn anything from it, not strictly your fault mind you.
You can take all the moments you want, they're your moments.
Where can I find good scans of this?
The raws the scanlation team use are high quality as fuck. I had to recale that spread 60% from dex to fit the size limit. If you want the raws, 13DL has good ones but those are slightly lower quality.
I'll read it on Dex then, breddy excited!
>Fantasy has been in such a sore state. Eastern and western has been too heavily influenced by one or two visions
the QC fixes have been done for ages, it's just waiting on the autismal correction of each page's alignment.
Nausicaa manga (and really Nausicaa in general) was kind of a mess. Miyazaki just kept introducing some new shit like every volume until it ends. There's no sense of a plan or anything.
It has good ideas though. You can see a lot of what makes Mononoke so good comes directly from it.
Do they? Miyazaki is a household name even outside of weebdom
Hey that's pretty neat