One piece

I forgot.
What he did wrong?

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He was an arrogant retard who never bothered to explain his actions to others. Orochi exploited it and fucked the country over on easy mode.

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Does Yas Forums hate the scabbards? Are they really that boring?

Okay hear me out
Devil fruit "awakenings" is actually the base power of what the fruit can fully do, after the countless fruit reincarnations since the void century fruit reincarnations kept getting weaker and weaker from weak souls till they become what we have now in the story, and that's why with fruits like Gomu you can do so much shit without "awakening" it, because that's only the tip of the iceberg with or without awakening it

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i don't straight up hate em but they are indeed kinda boring. To be fair, One Piece has many great characters both supporting and main so the bar was kinda high for them.

I love wano
But it's mostly because I didn't wait 5 months suffering a flashback
I can see why the hate tho

OPfags I feel for you and your endless flashbacks.
Ganbare! Don't give up!

>Good tier
The dog

>Don't really care tier
The cat
Discord tranny

>Actively dislike
Fat ninja granny

One great moment in a flashback doesn't redeem her terrible design. She's designed like a throwaway character.

I never liked them, even during PH. Kinemon was a faggot and Momonosuke was insufferable. Now they siphon the attention with their retarded Gary Stu leader. The only thing that was genuinely good during the flashback was Roger.
Hopefully, in 5 years I will be able to look back and admit that Oda made a good decision with giving scabbards so much attention but right now I believe he made a mistake.

>Dog better than Cat
i'm a dogfag irl but Neko is far more enjoyable character.

For me a lot of it is design, and I'm just not a fan of how the cat looks.

Nya nya nya nyaaaa~

Oda endorsing pedophilia? Opbros...

When did this happen?

Reposting what user said
>isn't it a coincidence that as soon spoilers were being talked about, and were actually true out of nowhere anons start calling Oda a pedophile and everyone he met?
>its almost like Kyoshiro theoryfags are trying to derail the threads because they were wrong, even though none of that matters because your anonymous anyway

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He's doing an interview with Watsuki releasing in April

Kaido is gonna get the ultimate btfo by Luffy and Zoro

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I feel like Zoro will beat one of the emperors himself. It's set up so that Kaidou is the big bad and Luffy always beats the big bad, but at the same time Zoro has one of the swords that managed to hurt Kaidou, and him slaying a dragon probably fits a piece of his village connecting with Wano.

I'm surprised Oda managed to create a worse arc than fishman island. Pretty impressive desu.

so now wait, did punk hazard have any wildlife at all? and they were experimenting with zoan type fruits?

Next chapter is a flashback of what orochi ate for the past few years, will he eat the salad!? find out after the break week.

Tends to be the work of hiatusfags, they literally haven't had shit in over a year.

>usopp does a bunch of naruto hand signs
>wano samurai are amazed for a moment
>he gets a awkward face and turns to reach into his seed bag
>throws a pop green that grows into a giant plant

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What was bad about the FI arc? I didn't read it weekly, so maybe it did suck before you could read it all at once, but I don't know why.

Does Oda not see how stupid this is?

boring as fuck characters all around. plot-wise it wasn't worse than thriller bark but at least that had interesting characters.

Every day it hurts more and more. I miss him and his contagious smile. 5 months is too much to endure.

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>Bad guy was just a literal edgelord who liked hurting people
>Luffy wasn't using what we now know to be his full power despite people's lives being on the line
>Stupid future sight prophecy bullshit

i don't know why but seeing the robin put lipstick on makes my pp hard

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>not liking Garfield

Why would he need to use his full power to fight Hody?

He needed it to destroy the ark before it landed on the island.

Still coping zorofag?

>NOOOO!!!!!! Denjiro was supposed to be Koshiro not Kyoshiro!!!!!?? Why doesn't he have a connection to Zoro !!!!!This was supposed to be zoros arc!!!!!!!!!??

But he didn't need to destroy it since the sea kings came anyway

As much as he definitely needed to destroy it he had to inspire big mermaid bitch to stand up more because thats a luffy thing to do.

Imagine being this obsessed and seething

The ultimate duo

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I actually like both Sanji and Zoro.

nothing in the series thus far has made me laugh as much as luffy punching people with a sword

The one seething is you retard.
Your fanbase consists of 90iq morons waiting for Zoro to do cool shit while having zero interest and emotional connection to the characters, the actual story and it's mythology.

Zorofag here. I hate that Zoro isn't gonna get a fight with Kyoshiro but I'm also glad he isn't connected to Wano besides through his master. He still has the second most panel time in the arc.

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He doesn't even mention den, god Kyoshiro theoryfags are in full damage control

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You are seething. You're getting riled up by people posting. Mind your own business if it triggers you.

What's stupid about local man being too angry to recognize?

Is there anyone stronger than Denjiro forma de Joker?



Jack after you take off his power-limiting mask.


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For Kaido to be this monster who jumps off cloud islands and has no issue confronting things head on and wants to die with have this miserable past filled with defeat including losing to Roger and Garp only to have the Oden flashback paint him as some mustache twirler who hides behind others feels wrong

Why is Kaido's size so incredibly inconsistent? In the spoiler image his hand barely wraps around momonosuke

Confess and apologize, denialfags.

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When you really think about it Sanjifags should be contained to /ck/, or /gif/

>who hides behind others
He literally killed her because he wanted to fight oden One on one, Slow down SPEE D. READER

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Orochi is the mustache twirler who hides behind others, Kaido just doesn't give a shit and abides by their alliance
Moreso i don't see why people assume Kaido had to be depressed and suicidal 20 years in the past

This fucking face still cracks me up

Who is this?

When will of a reveal kaidou is Kia d. ou

This is one of my greatest works of art. I got laughed at, and harassed in every thread, BUT I STOOD MY GROUND. KOUSHIROUFAGS BTFO ETERNALLY.

Napping Kyoshiro, formerly Denjiro

Damn, I wonder WHO is going to beat Kaido

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I love Betty.

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KIDD Will go full Bullet on kaido after awakening his fruit

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The dancing shit really put a black mark on him. It also makes his retainers retarded. Fuck that plot. I've always defended him before, but Oda is a hack.

I just wanna see the panel of Kid getting one shot by Kaido's mace
I'd pay someone to color it in and then i'd frame it

Rage is a hell of a drug.

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Same as dressrosa, luffy will beat kaido while an almost comatose kidd watches and beats his jobber cock off, queue some gay flashback about some other new cliff-hanger like the will of d and wrap it up.

the nu-oda formula

>kanjuro was the traitor all along, working for orochi
>sanjifags were the traitors all along, working for hiatusfags

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Technically you're still wrong because he was supposed to be so angry he literally changed his facial structure, so your reasons for connecting the two were retarded.


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