Blow me, chink tranny mod.
Blow me, chink tranny mod
get fucked queer
Yas Forums mods are quicker to ban you for posting "chink" than trash wojak and pepe spam nowadays. Priorities are mixed up.
how's that boot taste reddit immigrant?
I wish Yas Forums just took over the site. Never seen so many cringy redditors before. They're the chemo since they still value traditional Yas Forums culture.
Yas Forums is Reddit incarnate, what the fuck are you talking about?
Delete every board except Yas Forums, and of course permaban everyone using those boards before deleting them.
I also got banned for racial slurs against chinks but never against black people for some reason.
I got banned the other day for calling out old men fuckers
I guess mods are sensitive about old men
You literally posted babbys first whiny ban evaision thread. You're probably underage so I'll cut you some slack but cool it with the autism next time.
Are you high?
>I wish Yas Forums took over the site
fucking kill yourself
>censoring cumbrain
Yas Forumsermin detected
Boomers are above criticism, that much should be common knowledge even amongst zoomers
>board filled with underaged faggots that came here during GG and 2016 election
>valuing the sites culture at all
Fuck off back to your containment board and stay there.
The only problem about Yas Forums mods is they're sensitive about nudity. Christ I miss sadpanda threads.
Twitter drama and eceleb threads are tradition now?
The sheer irony here is that Yas Forums faggots actually believe that this board facilitates quality discussion and isn't just 90% shitposting, shipper wars and otaku jerking off to their waifubait garbage.
hey that's still way better than the shit that goes on in Yas Forums
How does Yas Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
>taking the bait
It used to be before you faggots showed up in 2014.
Butthurt nigger BTFOED
Standing up to degeneracy, sjws and protecting freedom of speech is core values, yes.
>dynamic IP
>Standing up to degeneracy, sjws and protecting freedom of speech
>bitching on a Taiwanese tapestry weaving image somehow does that
sure man
That’s usually the other way around you stinking nigger.
How do I unbanned myself? Teach me this power, user
pwn routers and shit
If you get instabanned for saying nigger you should get banned saying other racial slurs too. Not your safe space, nigger mutt monkey.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Kill yourself Yas Forumsermin.
You're still fucking stupid for replying to it instead of just reporting.'s almost like you can disagree with someone without using racial slurs...
BASED mods. Hopefully a rangeban/Ip block follows next
>redditors calling each other redditors
Will there ever be a final solution for the Bofuri trannies?
>election tourist pretends to understand image board culture
This post is off-topic
Niggers have no issue calling us names but hate when we do the same to them.
That’s not even remotely true.
OP is a faggot, what else is new
not this list, but on we go anyway
Hang yourself pepespamming twitter immigrant.
Get fucked, OP
Check em
absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
random incel on Yas Forums: SOIJAK(500).JPG LOL I QUOTE YOU
[everyone disliked that]
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: *slaps roof of car* luke did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: *is retarded*
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: *flies past in a spaceship* ooooh i dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!
area 51 guards:i bet i can take keanu reeves
keanu reeves: you sure about that
keanu reeves: kills all area 51 guards
area 51:wait thats illegal
Everyone liked that
CIA: am I joke to you?
Alt right incels: there's no way star wars can be good agai....
Baby Yeed: hold my beer
Big chungus joined the chat
Drumpf has left the chat
4chanlets: 'Yeah, I'm thinking this is kind of epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment?? Idk think I might post a frog.
lol I'm not even one of the guys who replied, you just got baited xdxdxd
Maybe try reading the rules next time?
Hang yourself pepespamming twitter immigrant.
Should they bring back candyass and roodypoo?
>people thinking he got banned for "chink" when nigger and gook aren't even banned 99% of the time
>not because it was a Yas Forumseddit tier shitpost
reddit moment
>Maybe try reading the rules next time?
Other way around, nigger.
Oh no a post with a Discord forced meme got deleted, how sad.
wow dude you're so fukkin based, omgggggggggggg
You get banned for saying nigger all the time. Other racial slurs they don’t care about though
Hang yourself wojakspamming twitter immigrant.
Why is it when Yas Forumsedditor gets banned they always have to make a thread whining about it? At least do it on /qa/ and stop shitting up Yas Forums with your pressence.
>Hang yourself wojakspamming twitter immigrant.
If anything, mods acted commendable and quite based in this one.
Hang yourself wojakspamming twitter immigrant.
Janny has to clean up this for free.
Because Yas Forums needs purged.