Shingeki no Kyojin

How cool can Mikasa get?

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>BAD GIRL *smacks nose*

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Mikasa can kill him and the whore he orbits.

Pieck's butt

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bark bark bark

Cucks can never be cool

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Is it weird if I want to snug with Pieck, kiss her ears and tell her how much I miss her in between missions.

What is it EHfag?

>Mikasa will betray the Cringevengers to protect the person she loves the most
K I N O is back on the menu boys

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>is the only one standing in the way against the traitors who wants his island dead/destroyed because they can't justify other than KILLING BAD and muh feelings
>has no one other than paradis's soldiers by his side, proudly wearing the SC regalia in his chest
>about to die like a bitch for it
Based Floch was too good for this world

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