Ready for more of the most KINO Ecchi Horror Manga?
Ingoshima Ch 87 English scanlation out
I guess it's better one Sensei dick than 100 Cannibal dicks.
Anyone have any speculation as to where the story is going to go after this?
>married to 2 delicious used goods high school girls
What a lucky teacher.
Is Hamilton going to betray Sensei for some Island Girl poon?
>used goods
He ain't stickin his dick in those messes. If they aren't already pregnant with Native babies they'll probably have some weird fucked up Island STD.
all signs point to no, he has the hottie on the other side planning for an attack.
Hand over the semen demon rape and no one gets hurt.
Yeah, Marine Girl Akira is probably going to have a few words for Hamilton when she finds he has a sidechick now.
C'mon girl. It's been SEVEN YEARS alone on that shithole Island in the Natives Camp. Of course he'd want some poon.
Weren't these girls used as cum dumpsters not too long ago? Good chance they are already pregnant with one of the savage islander's rape baby.
they were? afaik they only inhaled the incense and did the ass to ass scene, but don't recall any gangrape
I guarantee you that’s probably going to be part of the plot in the coming chapters. Assuming the escape plan the students who managed to escape goes tits up which it probably will
Yes. Yes they were raped. In the chapter “Ceremonial Offering” The big mama priestess native gave them to their underlings as a reward for their service. And then in the chapter “you’re alive so fight” after that they were sent to the “Untouchables” village so they could get hung by a rope and fucked by natives in a rape hut.
Even if they do get home they are going to never have normal lives after all the shit they’ve been through especially in Japan
Malnourishment can led to fertility issues. Sperm quality drops and weak sperm can be seen under microscope of Malnourished people. The girls were raped by scrawny as fuck, weak men, who had rib cages showing and a poor diet due to being in the lowest social class on island
you know what the ending to battle royale deals exactly with this
This island feels like supernatural shit. Author will determine if this manga is supernatural or science fiction only in climax of story. The reveal will determine how story ends and the ultimate fate of everybody
One of those dudes looked pretty fat and healthy to me.
Also “getting the girls pregnant” was the whole point of the rape hut. At least according to the exposition given by Ingos wife to Aoi.
Shit, I've always thought that the assassin is a boy.
It’s possible that there is something supernatural but it’s left to (mostly) the imagination. Unlike the sex scenes.
American girl wants MC’s cock anyway.
It doesn’t really make sense isn’t every girl on this island supposed to be a sex slave of some kind? Why does she get off?
She's probably a child of the island's top brass.
Doesn't seem successful since no children or teenagers on island besides the highschool students. The evil guy in charge of island never mentions any sons or daughter's even though he had several wives and none of the wives have mentioned having any son or daughter
Where do you think the hot assassin bitch came from? Again in the expedition from one of the wives. It’s said that The population of the island is descended from shipwrecked survivors over the centuries.
She’s probably going to end up either raped or dead before the story ends.
I mostly like this manga because of just how audacious it is. So it wouldn’t surprise me if that was part of the plan to end the story assuming the author has a plan and isn’t just flying by the seat of his pants.
We see the village but no evidence of any livestock. Human flesh can't feed this island. I am suspicious of the food supply. Farming on island weather has its own problems. Why don't the cast just take a dump and smear poop particles in the water supply or if they do find some plot of land that is attempting to grow vegetables, smear poop on the veggies, too. Should be easy to get this unsanitary cannibal village sick quick. In real life, farm workers who don't wash their hand caused Chiptole to lose millions of dollars due to continamted veggies for example that sickened hundreds of people
I'm pretty sure one of the chief's wives said the reason the women in the lower classes looked so terrible was because of the non-stop rapes and pregnancies. Am I remembering that wrongly?
It doesn't make sense to give virgin women to rape huts instead of restricting them to only elites.
eh, I'm sure they got used to it after a while
The drugs the old woman put in the incense also probably helped
Maybe another shipwreck
Nope your remembering it right.
The old woman gave Aoi to Ingo (The Chief)
>We see the village but no evidence of any livestock
The kendo boy and swimmer girl (I don’t remember names in this mango so I just referred to them by their high school archetypes) When scoping out the island/looking for the student who went crazy and tried to rape a student. They found a goatherd and a cabbage patch. And the student who went mad nailed to a tree.
>Doesn't seem successful since no children or teenagers on island besides the highschool students.
Again. The exposition given by the wife. She tells Aoi that they are taken “somewhere else” after they’re born to be raised as a native.
Unusual to have farm plots that distant and remote from the main village. There is no established dirt trail either.
Thanks for finding that. So, yeah. Like I said . Good chance these girls are already impregnated.
Just LOOK at that magnificent man. I would betray my fucking country for him.
Just fuck me in the ass already, daddy.
At the death tournament, only adult males in audience. No native children or native teenagers seen in audience. What age would a native be considered an adult male, then? It would be strange to ban your own son from watching death fights
This isn’t the kind of manga where you need to worry about the internal logic of that sort of thing. It’s like wondering how Jason Voorhees has survived at Crystal Lake for decades. It’s just a given.
>At the death tournament, only adult males in audience
There were a few whores in the background getting fucked and old “used up” women serving drinks
The island isn’t that big and so there probably isn’t that much arable land
>Human flesh can't feed this island. I am suspicious of the food supply.
It’s also supplemented by regular wash ups of goods from various ship wrecks/the garbage belt.
I like the scene where they burn their clothes and effects in front of them. Very sexy.
Cruise ships don't really have food supplies that last a long time. Diamond Princess started running out on food during quarantine in Japanese waters and some international food agency donated goods to Diamond Princess. Cruise ships do t serve military MREs you know, they serve buffet good that will easily spoil without electricity and refrigeration. I am doubtful ship wrecks and any intact food supply from ship wrecks can supplement an island full of cannibals and most of these ship wrecks seem to be cruise ships. Spoiled food is deadly. Spoiled gas station nacho cheese can put you into a coma
Cruise ships do not serve MREs
>It would be strange to ban your own son from watching death fights
The Natives don’t know who’s son or daughter is who when the girls in the rape hut are raped by the entire village. So it’s likely they don’t really care about their own children that way. Not really caring about father son daughter mother relationships
Maybe fishing then? I mean they ARE on an Island.
This manga has sharks that come unusually close to island and the weather is always shit tier in the waters near island. Not very good fishing weather
Even the village chief's son? No power struggle then like son wants to kill father and seize power?
I assume that’s part of the reason they have that “take the son away to be raised elsewhere” and caste system in place at all.
Also. Keep in mind I don’t think you’re supposed to read that deeply into it. It’s just a hentai setup that actually takes itself a bit more seriously and has a story in addition to the sex.
Sharks are good eating.
The Mercury from being top of good chain though. Also shark digestive system results in heavy urea production which is why some sharks smell like piss. Killer whale only eat shark liver while leaving the rest of the body, untouched, so even killer whale think sharks taste like piss
He’s a Marine. So he’d have to kill ya for it
Top of food chain
Well the mercury poisoning probably explains a lot about the natives of this island if that’s true
Biologically accumalated Mercury is a real thing in our world. It poses problems with environmental health as well.
This kid was one stupid mother fucker.
Also. The natives do Meth.