Most dynamic characters in the medium

>most dynamic characters in the medium
>breathtaking art direction
>thematically brilliant
>flawless pacing
>kino movie
A true masterpiece.

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>self-insert protagonist who is "perfect normal", for the most part just stands around the other characters and has no influence on the plot, makes no decisions, has no opinions and only lowest common denominator reactions.

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The true AOTD.

Correct. Shame about the gachashit commercial, though. It isn't quite as bad as I expected it to be, but it's still absolutely nowhere near the level of the original.

It at least got zoomers to watch the original.

I don't know if this is bait or what, but Madoka constantly attempts to influence the plot. Homura just won't let her. That's literally the entire point of the story; Madoka will always choose to sacrifice herself, so Homura does everything in her power to keep Madoka disengaged from the main conflict.

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It has actually started to be quite good in the later episodes.

Incredibly shallow characters with insipid moral conflicts.
Art direction that seeks to distract from the vapid action, rather than complement it.
Thematically bankrupt, while pretending not to be.
Overdone story structure with an imbalanced first act and weak finish.
A cashgrab movie and some.

I can only imagine Urobuchi was surrounded by yes-men that no one at some point thought to rein him in. As Yas Forums would put it (because it's the right audience for this anime), a truly soulless animated piece of garbage.

>He thinks Madoka is the protagonist.
I bet you don't think it's a tragedy either.


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>Most controversial movie of the decade
>A cashgrab

I mean every point you said was bullshit but that one was especially retarded

>>kino movie
>tfw Rebellion sequel fucking never
Just end my suffering Yas Forums

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Ironic advertising is still advertising
Dead franchise

I don't think you know what dynamic means, Madoka's characters are extremely simple and straightforward that doesn't change just because they get all sad and tormented by their circumstnaces. Art direction's good but hardly anything special for SHAFT. The themes I guess could be considered brilliant if you think monkey's paw is the most amazing concept ever put to paper, saying something has perfect pacing is like saying "you managed to ride your bike all the way here without falling over, good for you" and kino is a meme spread entirely by two of the worst blue boards on this website.
All in all Madoka is above average but nothing worth making into a HunterxHunter style meme nearly a decade after the fact. Let it rest.

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>dynamic character
>Not Sayaka

SG is a snoozefest.

>we are such nerds xD
literally the big bang theory of anime

Jesus Christ this comment is stupid. The Rebuilds are divisive movies by nature. The second installment of the new Star Wars sequel is highly controversial. Does that somehow mean they're not soulless cashgrabs banking on the brand name?

>not dropping this after the first episode

>most dynamic characters in the medium

Attached: DeafeningSillyGalapagospenguin-max-1mb.gif (320x184, 848.45K)

Objectively wrong.

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What do you want a sequel for? Homu tells you how it'll end. Can't you let it end with her being happy for once?

You haven't been paying attention have you?

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>kino movie
Rebellion is shit.

The descriptions only apply to the series.

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Get filtered pleb

In what way is my statement incorrect?

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I mean you only said one thing so in that one way.
Rebellion is amazing and a perfect sequel to the series.

Rebellion is just an otaku-pandering cash-grab of a crappy movie.
It totally ruins the image of the series.

Attached: __kaname_madoka_and_ultimate_madoka_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_ayumaru_art_of_life__b0ea2caabb60bbb65eca21feae92009e.jpg (1200x848, 874.88K)

What part of it is pandering you nethanderal?
If they wanted to pander the movie would end with Homu going to haven with Madoka.

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>Mami vs. Homura
>Mami + Bebe
>Homura + Madoka and Kyouko + Sayaka yuri undertones
>Inu Curry art, despite it being overdone
>Kyubey getting wrecked
>elaborate transformation sequences

All of these things were added just to appeal to audience and are antithesis to the original series.

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rebellion fucking sucks. homura self inserts needn't apply.

me on the right

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Madoka is straight tho

Reminder that Madoka didn't sacrifice herself for heresy that is Rebellion.

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TF is Rebellion? I've finished tv series and not sure about watching it, as I've heard it contains huge amounts oh homosexuality.

I fucking live suffering and I fucking live Homu. I don't care if it's even a decade from now, I just hope butcher finishes it someday when he gets tired of puppets.

>most dynamic characters in the medium

Don't watch Rebellion.
It is only going to ruin the series for you.

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You don't understand Rebellion and Homura.

>homura is just supposed to suffer
yeah nah fuck that

>Yuri undertones
>Transformation sequences
>Kyubey getting wrecked

Did you even see the original?
The entire fucking premise is lesbian magical girls.
Transformations and yuri is like 80% of the original you speedwatcher.

Having things people like in a show does not mean it's pandering.
Pandering is if it sacrifices story or characters for it.
Rebellion is the fucking opposite.
You're a complete fucking retard.

You don't understand it.
Homura's happiness would be spending an eternity with Madoka in haven.
But Madoka sacrificing everything and being erased from existence, losing her regular life is her unhappiness.
Homura is in a position where she wants two mutually exclusive things and she literally tears the world apart in order to try and reconcile it.

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Yeah thunderbolt fantasy is great

You had me until the movie. The Madoka series is a masterpiece but the movie is a massive disgrace to it and only characterfags who don't like Madoka for the good reasons are defending it.

If you unironically believe S;G to be better than Madoka you're retarded.
Or a midwit, for all I care. Same shit.

You just described Ideon and it's movie Be Invoked.

t. consoomer with no critical thinking

>What part of it is pandering you nethanderal?
Literally fucking everything you brainlet

>Transformations and yuri is like 80% of the original
No it fucking isn't. You like the series for the wrong reasons. Asides from Homura being interested in Madoka (which may or may not have been in a sexual sense in the original series, there's no real evidence either way), everything else was DLC'd. Sayaka is canonically straight and there's no reason to believe Kyouko or Mami are fags either. /u/shit you see in Rebellion, Magia Record and every other form of secondary canon is fanservice bullshit.
And yes, Rebellion's ending was an asspull and Kyubey objectively didn't deserve any kind of punishment. The original series goes out of its way to tell you that your dear concepts of "good" and "evil" that humanity loves so much don't actually exist from an objective point of view and are just bullshit made up by humanity for masses manipulation purposes. Kyubey getting "karma'd" in the movie was purely fanservice, because Madoka sadly became mainstream and as such midwits and normalfags got their shit-stained paws on it. KyoAni was faced with a similar situation in the late 2000's with Haruhi, and they ended up creating containment shows like Lucky Star and K-ON so that people who thought Haruhi was for them would move there. Shaft should have done the same and created a designated yurishit show so that you would enjoy it and leave Madoka alone. But they were too retarded to do that and now Madoka is getting DLC'd bullshit after bullshit. Sad.

Why do so many people seem to dislike the movie?

Sweet Lord, that bikini is super slutty. Why would she be wearing that if she's invisible?

>Kyubey objectively didn't deserve any kind of punishment
You don't understand what the heat death of the universe actually is if you believe this.

Because we realize it's objectively bad.

How so?
>inb4 it's slow
In the Madoka universe it's slow BECAUSE of Kyubey's activities. It's basically running on the assumtion that a scientent species (incubators) is preventing the universe from dying.


>My wife Madoka is so cute

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>In the Madoka universe it's slow BECAUSE of Kyubey's activities
Never stated or implied. Fuck off with your headcanon.

Kyubey did nothing wrong.

>Never stated or implied
What has Kyubey been doing then? What do you think he's doing, saving a universe that isn't in danger?
The non-dangerous heat death of the universe that we know is the exact same in Madoka, but it's the same because of Kyubey's activities. Like how Lilith from Evangelion was able to create humanity despite humanity existing without him in our world. Amazing right? It's called fiction. It's called using fiction to theorize about the cause of natural elements.
It's hilarious how much of the Madoka "fandom" don't understand the first thing about the series.

You saying it like there was no substance behind the fanservice. It literally framed all the shit retarded fanboys like wanted to see as delusional Homura's "perfect world" that actually fucks god-Madoka's final wish.
The ending where Madoka (as literal representation of the franchise) is ripped in half between the kino substance (law of the cycle) and pandering shit (clueless amnesiac Madoka in Homura's world) is pure pottery.

>Transformations and yuri is like 80% of the original
Kill yourself.

I guess you could call it a metatextual commentary on fanfiction and what the fandom is doing, but honestly with more and more shit coming out now I really doubt that was intended. Madoka isn't self aware enough to do a Homestuck.

His civilization is so advanced that he has nothing else to do but solve a problem that might happen in a googolion years from now.

Without him it would have happened sooner, possibly prior to the events of the series. It's unknown for how long he's been doing his shit.

>Without him it would have happened sooner
Prove it.

New stuff is without Urobutcher. I interpret the meta part as his middle finger to being forced to continue a finished story.
I mean, Bebe is in the film literally because he saw all the Bebe x Mami doujins and thought, "Wow, that's retarded. Imma make it canon" - according to his interviews.

Because again the whole point is that it's an alien race that doesn't care about humanity specifically. They have multiple planets they help develop and gather hope from. If there was no imminent threat they wouldn't care about doing this so much. The reason why it's not imminent is because they keep pushing it back with limited but consequent amounts of energy. When you're in that kind of setting you always assume the status quo is the same as our universe unless the reverse is shown or stated. The heat death is just as slow in the Madoka universe as in ours - because Kyubey is there to push it back.

>I interpret the meta part as his middle finger to being forced to continue a finished story.
That's actually something I can get behind, because that's exactly what I would have done. How much do we know about the context of how and why the movie was made?

That's not proof.
>They have multiple planets they help develop and gather hope from.
Also prove this while you're at it.

Great argument

Yes, it's proof when it's literally the point of Kyubey's character. And it would make no sense for them to only have Earth for the same reason. He clearly said that he was searching for species capable of hope and despair, and ended up finding humanity which was exceptionally good at it. He wouldn't be saying this if that was something specific to humanity.